It looks as if we no longer have the classic clients authentic night time but something resembling the lighting of the cursed Cataclysm client. Is this a bug that hasn’t been acknowledged or is there something I’ve missed? Did they really remove the night time with out addressing why?
Can we have clarity on this issue?
If you care about actually having a night mode, please post here. Emphasis on the word post, a single person can’t keep bumping a thread. Even just a quick comment. Otherwise they -will- not pay attention and this will go unchecked. The left is what we should be getting but currently we’re stuck with something resembling or close about to the example on the right.
They’re zombies on the EU forums I need your help US chads.
Posting here to boost visibility. The bright nights are awful. This was a confirmed bug years ago, no idea why it’s popped back up after it was fixed for the retail client.
I thought the problem is with my laptop and was furiously updating/checking drivers and such… turns out it’s not my issue, glad to see this post, the new night time is awful.
The client is obviously different from the vanilla Classic one. I get a notification about updating my Mac OS when starting TBCC and retail, but not from vanilla Classic.
I also had to use a console command to fix my resolution, which was absolutely terrible when I logged in (same thing on retail.)
That screenshot was posted 7 years ago on the mmo-champion forums. Does anyone have an actual screenshot comparison from the current TBC Classic pre-patch?
I have been noticing the most bizarre visual effect recently that is lighting up grass and weeds near my character when they are moving as if they were near a camp fire. Nothing overt, just 2 to 4 Tufts of it at a time. I wonder if I can get a screen shot…
Here are some screenshots showing it:
Blizzard acknowledges that the improper lighting/shadows are a bug. Further proof is not needed. This thread is about making it known that we, the players, care about this, despite it being “merely” a graphics issue.