Night Elves and Forsaken don't need new cities

What does that have to do with being like Garrosh?

No I don’t.

Garrosh wanted an orc world – No Horde allowed.
I want the Horde to stop bleeding characters and lands.


I don’t think most people would have a problem with “Hey, can we develop the human cultures more as they are overly focused just a small group of characters”.

People don’t care for Lordaeron Vult as it mainly serves an incredibly narrow vision of the Alliance that neglects races that have needed a lot more narrative focus. This isn’t the RTS days where to play Alliance actually meant “play as Humans with guest stars from other races, mostly in the form of specialist units and heroes, some of which weren’t even canon (the Blood Elves outside of remaining Sorceress and Priest volunteers) in the Frozen Throne”. The High Tinker was a pleasant surprise in BFA because usually gnomes have zero relevance, for example.


Garrosh is a good character. I can appreciate his “Everyone is wrong except me” attitude.

Unironically one of the best written characters in WoW, which isn’t a high bar, I admit.

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Suggestions for reinforcing human identity vis-a-vis Lordaeron that don’t involve taking anything away from the Horde are still subject to Horde pushback.


Lordaeron is not the Alliance’s identity. It hasn’t been the Alliance’s identity since the Year of Our Lord Two-Thousand upon Four.


You want the Horde to lose all of Lordaeron. That will not happen since Forsaken are tied to the Lordaeron identity. Give up. You lost.


I know very well the Forsaken are simply in the way of your vision. Don’t act like they aren’t to play the victim.


Blizz really should have focused on culture rather than jumping the shark with big baddies to kill. An expansion about Gnoll or Quillboar tribes uniting to threaten Stormwind or Ogrimmar, and having some legitimate and sympathetic motives for doing so, is far more interesting than “Giant dragon breaks planet”

It would have been cool to see Lodaeron culture carrying over into Forsaken culture. Reenforcing the idea that the Forsaken are the people of Lordaeron.


I dunno what the two ignored posts above me say but I suspect that they are just proving my point.


@Ainhin, what can you suggest as a deal? Lordaeron in exchange for Stormwind? Or just another military incompetence? Perhaps the death of the Stormwind and humans will become a dying race?

Aurirel thinks the Forsaken are in your way.
Akiyass is promoting the idea of the Kobolds Attacked Stormwind expansion to develop the human culture.

I disagree here. While its true that not all forsaken are from Lordaeron, far from that, the playable forsaken is from Lordaeron. Add to that the fact that retaking Lordaeron is kind of the first thing that the forsaken did as a group and as for now, Lordaeron have been the main city for most of the forsaken since being forsaken was a thing and not only for Lordaeron forsaken.

While i agree that the forsaken need to go forward, that shouldn’t automatically mean to delete what they were. With the state of the game, the amount of people that have left and how far we are in the game, they can’t just erase a so much big part of the identity of a core race and expect enough people to go on with a new one.


Anxiety. This won’t be adding the Quilboar Allied Race to the Horde, will the Alliance get the role of “Igniting Vulpera”?

For humans? I’d like to see organized ethnic enclaves in Stormwind and its surrounding territories. I’d like to see the people of Lordaeron more firmly represented in human affairs and I enjoy the idea of unsettled land in Stormwind’s borders being granted to them to build a “New Lordaeron” on. Redridge east of Lakeshire always seemed like a good candidate for me, but I could also see Moonbrook or Sentinel Hill being expanded similarly.

In terms of the human presence in Lordaeron, either fortifying the Alliance’s newly regained holdings in Hillsbrad to serve as a proper new capital for Lordaeron or even reinforcing Fenris Keep as a fortified political center given its proximity to the old one would be cool as well.

Alternatively, the Argent Crusade has reclaimed the Plaguelands and clearly intend for it to be reinhabited by humans. Since the Silver Hand has overtly supported the Alliance since BfA, I’d have them officially rejoin the Alliance as a restored Kingdom of Lordaeron with its capital either at Stratholme or Andorhal. This is particularly viable now with the aforementioned Alliance reclamations of Stromgarde and Hillsbrad.

There are lots and lots of possibilities to readily acknowledge and reinforce humanity’s Lordaeron heritage in WoW while also letting the Forsaken keep Undercity and Tirisfal.


I should also say that I’m not even opposed to Stormwind being destroyed and humans going without a capital for a while because I’m not a giant baby who is afraid of change. I loved Warcraft 3 despite it being the reason Lordaeron was destroyed. I love upending the status quo.

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The human player character’s heritage is of Stormwind.


Characters i can totaly understand…really, but…Lands?

Which lands? Most of the Lands the horde “lost” were taken from the alliance…only a few were…not conquered. Most of the lands you see as “hordelands” are actually…taken from the alliance and the alliance see them as theirs (i don´t speak about Lordaeron at this point…to be clear, more like zones Arathi, Night elf areas…such zones)

Show me pls the post in which one i defend the alliance …in a way like treng do this and THEN you have a point, otherwise…no, sorry, there are worlds :wink:

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Yet you are still not over losing Lordaeron nearly 20 years ago, in an entirely different game…


If Stormwind is going to get destroyed though I’d like it to be at the hands of something cooler and more powerful than Kobolds, although Stormwind’s end being brought about with a wet fart would be thematically appropriate given how lame Stormwind is compared to its Lordaeron predecessor.


Calling Lordaeron the “predecessor” to Stormwind :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


So give the human like 10+ zone while many race don’t even have one… Yeah the human are such a victim.

Like for real??? Who have been arguing for years defending everything about the alliance!!!

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