Night Elves and Forsaken don't need new cities


The Alliance gave up Lordaeron. They couldā€™ve sat there and claimed it. They left.
Sowwy Ainhin.


Story forum discourse everyone!


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


When Erevien, Dreadmoore and I are all on the same side, against youā€¦ That is actually impressive.


Personally Iā€™m proud to have the three worst posters on the forum against me. It adds a lot of credibility to my arguments.


I can actually understand his position, i mean, its not an easy on right now, and i dont think that the forsaken will ever lost Lordaeron or their position/gripp on this landā€¦but as a human fan, is totaly understandable.


For who? Yourself?

Tbh, I think I have made more friends from the Story Forums, than enemies. Soā€¦ surely I canā€™t be the worst.


Your argument are getting destroy by erevienā€¦ Think about that.


I think the Night Elves and Forsaken both deserve new cities. The game is poorer for having fewer options, after all.

Ideally, I think Blizzard should take advantage of the opportunity they created to really flesh out the races and their direction.

In the case of the Forsaken, theyā€™re not really 100% from Lordaeron. Weā€™ve seen humans from Stormwind and Dalaran and even Stromgarde get raised as well. Lordaeron was a significant part of their identity, but the Undercity has been blighted so badly that it cannot be used again in WoWā€™s lifetime as far as we know. Now would be a good time for the Forsaken to develop a new, unique identity for themselves. With the Shadowlands open as well, there really isnā€™t any reason they shouldnā€™t be seeking inspiration from beyond the veil. A new Forsaken society where we see them incorporating tenets from the Covenants would be a refreshing evolution for them. As for a location for a new home, Iā€™d argue they should just claim Naxxramas or something. A mobile fortress would be much better in the long term for their survivability.

When it comes to the Night Elves, we know theyā€™ve gathered on Hyjal once more, and I think thatā€™s a pretty good place for them to establish themselves. With revelations in the Shadowlands that Elune has a sister, I think that should lead to a profound change in the spirituality of the Kaldorei. Theyā€™ve been a predominantly life-focused society for a long time, thanks to their immortality and druidic-cultural roots. Having a new branch of the pantheon they revere should impact them and cause a new growth of their culture.


Iā€™ll take a new capital, a fortified base right on Astranaar. Make it more defensible to keep out Them darn orcsā€¦


An insane anarcho-libertarian, Garrosh cosplaying as a human Death Knight, and a forum cryptid with Voldemortā€™s reputation



To give you credit Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s universally agreed upon that Erevien is the worst poster on the forum. Heā€™s actually evading a ban by posting here.


Letā€™s explore this.
What of my topics makes you think that I like / am like Garrosh?

Trengā€¦you are most likely THE orc ultra-Hardcore fanboy here in this forum. You will defend the horde and all their actions

Andā€¦thats a common thing with garrosh, who did the same thing.


As an option. Which of your interests might correspond to those of Erevien?

I respect Garrosh more though because heā€™s actually internally consistent with his logic.


Not reallyā€¦noā€¦

Garrosh was as consistent as every other wow Characterā€¦


While Ervien use to be the worst on the forum, we have to give him that he was not that bad since he came back few day ago. Like he actually provide fair argument instead of just saying that all the alliance and the fake horde should just be deleted. Ainhin have been worst than him lately.

I mean, you get that you always do the exact same thing about the alliance? Would that make a Garithos?

Edit: Dont mind the part about Erivien, just saw his latest threadā€¦

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