Night Elves and Forsaken don't need new cities

Stratholme would be the more important literary point for a human nation, what with it being the proverbial start of the nations fall. That would however mean that both the Forsaken and Blood Elves would be keen to remove said nation as a threat what with it presenting a clear block on their borders by the Alliance.


What are you talking about? Lordaeron’s fall was great. It was really cool and filled with pathos. It was probably the high water mark for the human narrative in all of Warcraft.

That’s why I want humanity’s Lordaeron-centric heritage to be more widely acknowledged. That really interesting event should play a prominent part in the fabric of human culture even if it doesn’t translate to land gains.


Oops … Me need to tell people in advance what kind of deal I’m proposing. My deal is to offer a man without an arm to sew on a hand, in exchange for his other hand. Or a leg. Kidneys. Eyes. In general, he will not like it.

Lordaeron has always belonged to the Forsaken ever since classic. Stop supporting the crazy dwarf in his Lordaeron campaign.

ever since TBC Blizzard was on their mission to kill Hrode and former Horde characters. and it left us with people nobodylikes or wants. Like Calias and Rokhan and Voss.

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yeah…pls show me :wink: If you can´t (because its never happened)…then simply…shut up.

…WHAT? I said “Yes i Agree, i get it, Characters is totaly understandable…but lands”

and you:

“Characters bla bla” …

Are you actually reading?

So you support bringing all the dead characters back then yes?

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You mean what would I give up in exchange? Give up to who, the Horde or to some kind of PvE enemy?

Does the Alliance even have anything that the Horde wants at this point? The Horde has conquered pretty much all the Alliance lands they desire.

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Maybe, but maybe they should have to learn to deal with the Alliance living in close proximity to them as part of their post-BfA rehabilitation where the goal is presumably to have them behave better.

no, i don´t…but i get it, that horde lost many chars over time.

I don’t disagree that the Forsaken’s history is solidly rooted in Lordaeron. That said, they’ve been thoroughly uprooted from Lordaeron thanks to Sylvanas. The Forsaken literally cannot return to their home. Undercity is uninhabitable even to them. What’s left is a land directly bordering new/rebuilt Alliance strongholds such as Stromgarde, Gilneas, and Aerie Peak. Their closest allies, the Blood Elves, are significantly further away, and don’t even have their own lands fully controlled yet.

Something I liked about BFA was Thomas Zelling. We saw a Kul Tiran human become one of the Forsaken, and they provided a very humanizing element to the Forsaken as well. It did a lot to help move the narrative past this, “The Forsaken are the Scourge 2.0,” hole it had been mired in. Well, until he was killed.

That said, seeing the Forsaken bringing in undead from other nations opens up quite a bit of new narratives.

So, while I’ll always say, “listen to actual Forsaken fans over me,” I will say my opinion is that the Forsaken shouldn’t continue to cling to the identity of Lordaeron when their ranks are expanding through the undead of other nations. Don’t forget their roots, but move past the, ‘Scourge 2.0,’ identity that’s become almost synonymous with Undead Lordaeron.


Surrender to the Horde. You are “buying” Lordaeron from the Horde.
The Horde wants Ashenvale. But that would be a deal with the night elves.

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I wish people would be similarly mature and considerate when it comes to speculating on human identity.


It is… they are called The Forsaken


I think that the mere fact that Lordaeron is desirable for human fans and Stormwind is desirable for literally nobody to the point where even if I offered it to the Horde in exchange for something they would decline it says a whole lot.


Power politics in the real world have easily shown that nations don’t do that when they feel surrounded. We’d just be back into the WoW status quo of Cold War.

EDIT: Any restored Kingdom of Lordaeron would likely have to be a neutral nation realistically, likely with Calia considering it would fit into her entire character schtick (or her daughter if she were found alive).

That’s just it though. I can’t bargain with the Horde in this regard because the Alliance doesn’t have anything valuable left to give the Horde. The Horde has all the valuable stuff already and hence have no reason to negotiate on anything.

We had less land in vanilla than the alliance. we were owed land for parity.
You know this, you’re just obscenely greedy.

Man your memory’s bad.

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To be fair, Lordaeron certainly seems lost as part of the human identity.

For one thing, Calia Menethil is an undead and among the Forsaken. I know there aren’t many Forsaken fans thrilled by this, but if anyone has a claim to Lordaeron in any capacity, it’s Calia Menethil. She might refuse to be acknowledged as it’s Queen, but that doesn’t lend any less clout to a group, ‘claiming,’ Lordaeron.

For another, the one living human left with a strong claim to Lordaeron (not strong enough to over-ride Calia’s mind you) is Turalyon, who himself comes off as more Draenei than human more often than not. It’s not a twist to his character I particularly like either, but it is what it is.

As far as humans and Lordaeron go, I’m open to seeing a, ‘New Lordaeron,’ founded in the future by some remnants of the original kingdom, but the fact remains much of the lands of Lordaeron have been blighted, and are as inaccessible to living humans as undead ones.

I mean, you think that but… Go to any RP server, Alliance side. Everyone RPs in Stormwind, when Boralus is a far better and more immersive human city. Most Horde players want Lordaeron because it is generally accepted the Forsaken are the Afflicted people of Lordaeron.

Alliance players would just mark it as a win and let it be a Ghost town like they did with Dalaran, Stromgard, Gilneas and Boralus.

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Since i have no time to look into your 4k post and since you have no self awareness and just prefer to be toxic, let just make it simple.

Do you agree that the night elf were at wrong in the blood elf zone.
Do you agree that the genocide of Dalaran was not justify.
Do you agree that the alliance are at wrong for attacking Sylvanas out of nowhere in Stormheim?

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