Night Elf players! What is your price?

No I don’t mind that.
Either the Horde wins or the Alliance. It is up to Blizzard to choose.

I have no idea what you are referencing. I have not heard of any “male human paladin” gleefully asking for more night elves or Alliance to be killed by the Horde.

From what I’ve read from Drahliana’s posts there is no real point to arguing with that player. Whomever it is doesn’t really seem to care all that much about the fate of the NE’s about those that play them and love them, their culture and lore, doesn’t seem to get the emotional attachment and disappointment with the storyline. In every thread any topic comes up regarding the NE and their fate, the story, the burning and any wish for revenge I see posts from that player and always come from them with a sense that the player is fine with what happened and doesn’t understand/care for why others might not be. I honestly don’t get why the player use a NE avatar at all since they seem to do nothing but argue against others being upset about the situation.

For me, if you don’t understand WHY many NE players are upset about it and feel robbed in the story, being told an ongoing warfront in Darkshore is our revenge…then it come across to me as nothing but a very insensitive and crude way to tell those of us who aren’t at all enjoying this story, to just be happy and silent about it. That just because that person doesn’t care, then we shouldn’t, or don’t have a right to.

Ah well…the forums are what they are and people are never gonna agree.


People put too much stock into avatars.


People make a decision on which avatar to use.

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That doesn’t mean there’s a deep/strong reason for that choice. Or that it reflects certain things.

Which leaves what you quoted from Anatheriel standing. Unless you know the answer to why Drahliana chooses to use a Night Elf avatar.

What makes you say that?

Anatheriel still doesn’t get why Drahliana uses a Night Elf avatar, which your response did not affect.

The comment was about the implication that using a certain avatar means someone holds certain views. But I went ahead and edited in the full sentence if it confused anyone.

Drahliana is openly not a Night Elf fan.

Why Drahliana chooses to post on a Night Elf instead of any of their other characters is what people don’t get.

I still hold it’s because Drahliana likes to be contrarian, or at least is trying to champion “broader views” and so using a Night Elf avatar is their soap box to stand on for that.

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Who cares?
Just ignore her/him

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Drahliana occasionally posts things I agree with. And more often posts things that I can pull up lore references for to clarify things for. Drahliana hasn’t really done anything worth being ignored for.

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And the poster’s confusion is because they put too much stock in what someone’s choice of avatar is.

Or what someone else says.

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Only if Drahliana doesn’t put stock into their avatar choice.

I don’t think you’re really contributing anything here in trying to smother the point.

My price is a coherent narrative that doesn’t make my brain hurt trying to follow it. I’ve accepted that Blizzard has dug us into a hole that can’t be escaped.

I would be fine completely ignoring BfA, pretending it never happened, if it meant going forward was a narrative that didn’t suck for both factions.


I find it very sad that, at this point in the story, my favorite ideas for the next expansion is either:

  1. BfA all turns out to be an Old God-inspired dream which the player breaks out of, going back to before the war and letting characters redo the war without quite so much genocide this time or just skip straight to peace, or

  2. N’zoth wins the final raid and creates a resurgent Black Empire, where the playable factions are smashed and reduced to small groups trying to survive and hide in a hostile world, too scattered to really interact with the opposite faction at all until a few patches in.

These really shouldn’t be popular choices. But I prefer them to what the current trajectory looks like.


Even if they chose it to be contrarian, it goes against the idea that your avatar choice indicates some deep or greater fandom.

I say the same thing to you that I said to Drahliana:

You’re supposed to remember the Paladin part of that combo as well. Retribution or not, you’re still Walking the Sunlight of An’she.

I don’t have a “price” because the concept of “getting over” what the Night Elves or the Forsaken lost is assinine. What we experienced for good or ill is a chapter. Eventually that chapter ends and another one begins. For me, the game simply has to be worth playing. Finding some decent roleplaying in the process would be a bonus, but that’s not predicated on some sort of retribution inflicted on part of the player base on behalf of another part…espeically since I’m both parts.