Night Elf players! What is your price?

What cycle? I must have missed it.


Ok, I’ll bite. There is a perception in the player base when one faction suffers the other should equally. It is incredibly unhealthy for the game as you just end up burning everything down in the name of vengeance… It really needs to stop, and I would argue this is a good point to do it. Nothing good would come of say, the Kaldorei burning down Thunderbluff. Blizzard would just be compelled to go torch ironforge, and the cycle continues.


So just keep punishing one side to solve that problem? That is your solution?


You did. On your next alt, assuming you can bare to level one in this light forsaken expansion, don’t skip the opening quest to BfA. Tit for tat.

That was supposed to be my tit for your tat?
Pretty crappy tit if you ask me.

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Tell that to the forsaken refugees littering the streets of Ogrimmar.

None compare to a proud dwarf woman.

They can speak with Sylvanas about that. My faction had nothing to do with it.
And thats the problem with this “cycle” my faction never gets to participate in this tit for tat exercise.
It seems to be a red team exclusive feature.


Skip to 1:22

No… As part of rebounding the harmed parties of BFA they need to meaningfully end the active conflict between the horde an alliance. The Horde needs a sane, stable leader and blizzard needs to retire the “crisis induced introspection” passion play they keep forcing the horde to act out and the alliance to endure. Both sides needs to exist as stable powers in Azeroth which, while not friends, are at least neutral enough to allow for perhaps some trade and a mutual defense compact.


I still don’t see how that is relevant to Sylvanas blowing up her city rather than the Alliance blowing it up.
Like I said. Nothing.

Ok how?

I agree with that but how are we suppose to forget the Horde were genocidal monsters literally 2 patches ago?


I think you have what it takes to make the connection! If you review the Siege of Lordaeron, then you’ll make it.

At the end of the day it was the Horde faction leader that decided what to do and it was the Alliance that just watched in horrified expressions.
It is not a satisfying pay off.


Ok, I would be the first to say I would on a gut level love to see Ogrimmar burn as retribution. But I know on a meta level that does nothing good for the story. That just makes someone else upset. I would imagine forgive but do not forget would very much come into play here. Blizzard wrote themselves into an impossible corner, and they are going to have to hit the reset button. Except this time, the reset needs to do away with the cycle they keep falling into and move beyond it.


I just want it all to make sense.

I am just so tired of this “Oh boohoo we are the victims” which is then built up to this epic retaliation that never, ever arrives.

Well apparently the Horde player’s sadness trumps all else and so we get this nonsensical friendship bat for these monster races.

If you are going to make the Horde into genocidal killers again (they always were but whatever) then you need a satisfying payoff.
Thrall and Saurfang trying be skeptical about peace and it is Jaina of all people advocating to once again giving peace and cooperation another shot is sickening to me.

Like how incompetent can they be?


Unfortunately, extremely. Its like they apply Occam’s razor to their story when writing it.

Anduin: “Hold my moonberry juicebox.”


A story without repercussions for the bad guys seems a bit odd. But who am I to judge?


IIf you re-read my post, you’ll see that I noted that both factions got a raw deal, the Alliance by being made victims and the Horde by being made villains (or, in the case of Horde players, stooges for villains). However, I feel like you only read what you want to read out of posts, so there’s probably not much point in engaging with you.

The big picture is that almost no one is happy with the story, and the complaints are two sides of the same coin. Arguing that only one side of that coin should matter completely misses the point and won’t solve anything.

Players on both sides have legitimate grievances. Acting like the problem is players or characters is missing the point as well. We should be working together because we have a common cause, not trying to make ourselves feel better at the expanse of other players.


Some people enjoy being villains. They have been dubbed as “Sylvanas fanboys”.
Being made into a victim for the 6th time is not really that great especially in this magnitude.

Yes we disagree. If you find that concerning feel free to stop replying.

We are unhappy for varying reasons but the story is what it is.
The Horde is the villain and they did an evil deed.

Do we allow the story to take its logical conclusion and payoff or do we back peddle and whitewash everything in case they might offend the red team.


The other side of that argument is that there is another logical conclusion and payoff to this story, from a Horde perspective: the annihilation of the Alliance. Do we back peddle on that for fear of offending the blue team?

I suspect you won’t like that solution, though.

Like I said, a solution has to work for players on both sides.

Oh, and to your point about there being some players who enjoy the story direction on the Horde side? Sure. And there are some who love it on the Alliance side. We call them “male human paladins.”

Edit: you won’t get to win in a two faction game. Nor should you. If that is your requirement, then you are going to be disappointed. Solutions have to be fun for players on both sides.