Night Elf players! What is your price?

As a Retribution Paladin I am keenly interested in the administration of vengeance. To this end I offer my sibling disciples of the Earth Mother the opportunity to name their price for adequate satiation regarding the actions leading up to and including the burning of Teldrassil. May I begin by proposing the killing blow on Mr. Blightcaller and Lady S. Windrunner to Mrs. Whisperwind?

Killing Sylvanas and Nathanos doesn’t solve anything when Blizzard spent all of 8.0 and 8.1 showing the Horde fully complicit and loving every moment of it.


Help us go back in time and stop this war by saving voljin most of my characters are NE so i feel fine making this demand


as a nelf player myself (even if my main is kinda gilnean, doesn’t matter)

i think that is fair that tyrande gets sylvanas head maiev nathanos and or saurfang as well.

Every soldier who participed in the burning gets delivered in good faith by the horde as prisoners to the nelfs in order to get justice.
and of course nelfs regains their lost territory while the horde also has to pay with resources.

no city destroyed, no innocent slaughtered.
is that…hum, unacceptable?

what do you think, administrator of vengeance?


ORDER #0148

Stormwind Harbor, Docks
Lot 1

1 Prisoner, Horde
Warchief, Sylvannas

1 Prisoner, Horde
Subordinate, Nathanos

1 Prisoner, Horde
Team, Catipult

Thank you for being a valued customer of Rebel Horde II! We would like to hear about your experience with us today on our website: To earn $5 off your next purchase complete our survey within 48 hours of your current purchase!


Thats fine with me, I wouldnt want to be evil and commit genocide, specially after sylvanas did it first.


There’s really nothing that can be done to compare, they wrote themselves into a corner with it and now are doing their best to handwave it away. The Horde as a whole, not just Sylvanas, committed an act usually reserved for NPC villains, while at the same time being safe from the usual counter that act would get were it literally any other groups besides a player faction.

And don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying the Alliance, night elves in particular, should be allowed to do something in the same vein. The Horde is a player faction, doing something to that extent to any of their races isn’t feasible, especially not now that we’re already in full on ‘fight the greater threat guys, work together’ mode. That this peace is being perpetuated and decided by humans for the rest of the Alliance isn’t exactly unexpected either.

That it’s clearly been stated that the Horde is backing Sylvanas boggles the mind as well, because this means that when we get our big peace moment, the night elves (who will not have any say/will be handwaved as accepting/framed as wrong for holding on to their vengeance) will be just north of an entire faction who is totally fine with the Burning and could march on them for the slightest reason at any point.

So, personally, as a nelf player, I don’t have a price, because what would be considered fair is something I wouldn’t want to inflict on fans of another race.


Take me back to WarCraft III. Take me back to when Night Elves could stand on their own. Take me back to the Children of Starlight who stopped the Burning Legion, who earned the blessing of the Dragon Aspects and willing gave it all up to stop the Burning Legion a second time.


We require the heads of Sylvanas Windrunner and Nathanos Blightcaller and the imprisoned of Saurfang. Those who participated in the war, specifically the burning should die as well, or send them back through the dark portal and close it behind them.

Orgimmar should be destroyed and it’s citizens pushed south into Mulgore. Finally a law baring Horde entry into Northen Kailmdor, save those members of the Cenarion Circle. Those who break it are to be killed on sight.


I think you forgot the Horde lost the Undercity. It was the whole Varian-for-Vol’jin thing for this expansion.

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That could be a lot of soldiers including the horde pc, and what do you mean by “justice”? Is justice imprisonment? Public execution? Tar an feathering? 10 lashes?

We do have a rl event to referance, the Nuremberg trials.

If you want to continue blizzards streak of terrible story telling this is the way to go. Dont be suprised to get a job offer from the narrative team.


Doctor Barber voice

Capital…punishment. We paladins love issuing… hmm… executions. While declaring lengthy lists of crimes, yes.

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It’s funny that you seem to think that killing Sylvanas and Nate would absolve the horde of anything, but blizzard seems to feel the same so what do I know.

As far as I’m concerned the horde is an evil faction now regardless of what happens to Sylvanas. I know other may disagree, but plenty don’t.


You ask for so… little.

Reminder that the Horde are the most evil of evils to ever evil in all of evildom.

Seriously. Things the Legion, Old Gods, and Scourge only aspired to in WoW, within their wettest of dreams, the Horde actually accomplished.


i know Galen, i know.
i am trying to forget it myself, so thanks for reminding me, i guess.

if it was by me, i would nuke every horde city and slam dunk a void lord in the sunwell.
but then i have to remember that is a playable faction and it sucks that isn’t possible.

well the legion and the scourge kinda killed… a lot, they deserve some credit, like lordaeron or quelthalas.

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What is my price?



RP forums are that way →


I don’t quite understand your question? Are you asking what the players need, or their characters? Those are two very different things for me.


The whole situation is a mess.

What would make up for it? Nothing that the game can give - Nothing on the emotional scale of the Burning of Teldrassil should be inflicted on players when the only revenge would come at the expense of a -playable- faction.

And yet the Burning happened.

So we’re stuck in a limbo where several half-hearted revenges have been offered, but cannot make up for the Burning, and the target of those half-hearted revenges feel like they’ve already suffered enough for something they had no say in.

It’s terrible all around.

Ugh. I really feel that the devs didn’t think that the Burning would have such a strong reaction, because they’ve left no way to remedy it.


This. They probably thought it would be similar to Theramore getting nuked: Alliance players yelled, Horde players cheered, and the forums were filled with arguments and recriminations heading into Mists of Pandaria.

I think they vastly underestimated how much affection Alliance players had for Teldrassil. Keep in mind that Night Elves, last I checked, are the second most popular Alliance race. That means a HUGE percentage of the Alliance playerbase has spent time running a lowbie through Teldrassil. Seeing those early WoW memories go up in ashes was a lot worse for people than seeing Theramore, a small town in a mid-level zone that a lot of people skipped over, get nuked after being evacuated.

Same thing with Horde players. While they were happy to attack Theramore, which was basically a military fort that had been the spearhead of Alliance military action on Kalimdor during Cata, they were less enthused about destroying a city and landmass that was specifically said to be filled only with civilians.

I truly think Blizz thought both sides would have moved on by the time BfA launched, which is why they had absolutely nothing in mind for a Night Elf storyline post-Burning. It never occurred to them that there needed to be one, or that players would be expecting it. Like Theramore before it, Teldrassil was just meant to be the kick-off point for an expansion of new, unrelated content.