Night Elf players! What is your price?

And my entire point was that I don’t like that mindset.

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And people don’t like Drahliana’s mindset, but that’s what we’re stuck with.

I’ll stick to pointing things I dislike hoping it will change some perceptions. Though, I think certain topics are easier than changing people.


My character still walks in our Earth Mother’s life bringing sun while crusading retribution for those that wrong the Shu’halo. He’s basically a Warhammer slayer.

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Pshh … I’m all game for N’Zoth winning and bringing back the Black Empire; that would be amazing! Hell, lets get Yoggie and C’Thun in on the mix and bring back the REAL battle for Azeroth (the OG one). It would certainly make most territories pretty superfluous if the Old Gods came back to take what was theirs.


I’m not sure growing another tree full of Kindling Elves would be a good idea. That last one went up like a straw house in Ragnaros’ fireplace.

And yet we can literally grow trees in the Firelands that don’t burn up.

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Wasn’t full of Elves.

Sure it was. They were the quest givers and quartermaster for the Molten Front dalies.

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I dunno, I suppose I’m not an NE player … but if they do get a new World Tree wouldn’t there be more meaning in it if it were a WT with meaning itself.

Like, Nordrassil isn’t exactly the best symbol. Its essentially a seal created to clean up a mess of a particularly arrogant NE. A symbol of nature it is, but it is sort of a weird one on some thematic levels. On the other hand Teldrassil is sort of a symbol of the abuse and exploitation of Nature by the NEs (and ANOTHER instance where the Aspects had to come in an bail out the NEs from a mistake of one of their own). Neither tree has the best reasons for their creation.

Honestly, if there is to be a new World Tree I personally would love if it were one with SERIOUS symbolic meaning and impact (at least imo). Aviana’s attempts to heal and a reborn Mother Tree has been going on since Cata (and once the Nightmare was cleansed we saw the progress she’s made on G’Hanir). Rather than merely another cutting (and child) of Nordrassil, what if the NEs instead got a genuine sibling tree (from the first acorn of a reborn and healing Mother Tree)?

I really can’t think of a better symbol of “Rebirth” and “Healing” than a genuine sister or brother of Nordrassil itself (though, I could be wrong. Again, I’m not an NE player … just thought it might make for a damned cool questline).


In super out there ideas, I would want Teldrassil regrown with not just Malfurion and the Druids’ power, but with Tyrande’s power as the Night Warrior as well, so that we can get all the NPCs that died there back, too, as spirits. Not just wisps, and not cursed ghosts, either. In fact, we could gather up all the ghostly Night Elves we’ve seen: the Court of Farondis, the Black Rook Hold soldiers, all the drowned spirits that refused to be turned into Naga, and free them all with the Night Warrior’s power and have Teldrassil stand as a capital for both the living and spirit Night Elves so that what happened won’t just be glossed over.

But I also get loopy when I’m tired.


I’ll help you go back in time to vanilla so you can join the Horde in the first place which will solve all of this.

How will that solve anything i never really liked the horde after warceaft 3

Well that’s good, because most people didn’t like the NEs after WC3 either because they stopped being everything that made them cool in WC3.

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Oh wait blood elf horde or die sylvanas did nothing wrong

She’s clearly done plenty wrong since, as with Garrosh, the Horde is falling apart under her leadership.

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But you as a player aren’t being punished. Via Ms local time travel dragon, you can always visit Teldrassil again and you got a cool armor set and 2 mounts out of the deal if you played the event. Not to mention the stuff you got to get from the Warfronts. For most night elf players Teldrassil and Darkshore lose their meaning once you hit 20th level or higher.

I find the problem with the Alliance is they keep taking losses and hits without ever getting back up. We keep losing Cities, settlements and Keeps with out ever being shown in game that we take them back and rebuild.

Blizzard are happy to keep phasing the world to show the Alliance settlements in ruins but never show the Alliance rebuilding complaining that it would take to much time and would cost other content. They really need to take the time in the next expac to have some world content to show the Alliance rebuilding. Have the Nightelves rebuild a capital, have destroyed keeps and settlements rebuilt to show that the Alliance is recovering before they beat us over the head with more losses.

The Horde on the other hand needs some character development. Lets get some more Hero’s developed horde side or atleast build up they ones the do have. Lets get some novels horde side showing how cool and powerful characters these characters are to bring them into line with the Alliance so they can have some new Leaders to follow. Even if it costs the Alliance losing some of the Hundred or so champions that they have it will atleast allow for some of the others in the background to step up(looking at you Anduin/Jaina).

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Wow this is like finding a diamond on the side of the road or something it seems most people who use blood elves are the most fervent supportes of sylvanas in these forums


Of course we’re not being punished. Alex isn’t sitting at his desk cursing Galenorn, coming up with ways to screw him over.

But having the things you care for most in the world of Warcraft (read: the story) be treated so wonderfully is taxing.

It’s also not in line with most of our Happy Ending narratives where bad guys usually get their comeuppance.

Personally, I’m prepared for it all to end with happy tears and hugs between our faction leadership. Doesn’t mean the narrative Horde shouldn’t suffer consequences. It’s not like that would be punishing the players more than the Red Wedding.