Night Elf Player Hate

The disagreement between Tyrande and the others about the armistice is tension. Shandris and Tyrande not agreeing is tension.

Just because everyone hates Sylvanas doesn’t mean they’re at all on the same page. People are rarely one-issue like that.


Well I don’t think that Shandris would go against her own adoptive (?) mother to forgive the Horde and Sylvanas, but then again we are talking about Blizz level of stupid here, so anything is possible.

Hopefully Anduin doesn’t come with us in Shadowlands otherwise he will forgive Sylvanas so hard that everyone around him will also forgive her.


Probably not. But if she hadn’t voiced opposition, we’d have zero indication she ever would.

Now we have some indication that she might be willing to, and I like that.

IDK, allowing a race to be more than a hivemind is something I have a hard time calling stupid. BfA is nothing but dunder-headed story, but I like this.

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Hence no tension.

No where does Shandris disagree with Tyrande on the armistice. Shandris is worried about the Tyrande not being able to move beyond rage because Shandris cares about Tyrande’s mental well-being, not because of any difference in political opinion.

Well we still have Tyrande wanting Sylvanas dead and Anduin (most likely) wanting to forgive Sylvanas and apologize to her for being rude or something.

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No where does Anduin want to forgive Sylvanas. I know you like hyperbole, but that’s unrealistic even for you.


Shandris is actively trying to convince her that there are entities within the Horde that are inclined toward peace. They clearly disagree on the likelihood of facing an antagonistic Horde. Tyrande finds it inevitable, Shandris less so.

Remember in Lordaeron when he offered her to peacefully surrender instead of going for a quick kill on the most evil being in the history of warcraft?


As this already happened in Warcraft III, but substituting Malfurion with Shandris, and Tyrande ended up working with the Horde despite refusing to at first, this is fake tension as it has always been.

Yeah. “Surrender or die.” Now he knows she won’t surrender.

A lot has changed since then.

I don’t know what you’d consider real tension.

I consider what the Horde went through as tension, which is not what’s happening between Tyrande and Shandris or the Alliance in general:

    That being said, while the Horde story is currently one of deep division, Danuser notes that the Alliance aren’t at each other’s throats. “The Alliance is like a family. Brothers and sisters can disagree, and things can get heated, but there’s still a deep and abiding love and trust there.”

When? The Darkspear Rebellion or the one between Saurfang and Sylvanas?

Because one was an interesting and trailblazing story about differences in the Horde and the other was an absolute trashfire.

This is too much tension and it’s not at all satisfying.

Both. And I didn’t say it was satisfying.

The Darkspear Rebellion was rather satisfying. Garrosh loyalists would disagree.

Rigid uniformity to a single idea isn’t satisfying, either. There’s nothing compelling about a hivemind except perhaps the mechanisms of how it’s achieved and enforced within the group, or its role as an uncompromising threat of evil. There’s a reason why these tropes are often manifested in villains like the Borg, the Scourge, and the Zerg.

Should I take the inference that if you seem to dislike ‘fake’ tension, and the ‘real’ tension you indicated wasn’t satisfiying, that you’d prefer none?

Me? Personally, definitely. Hell, I’ve said as much before:

But I’m the caring-est carebear of all time.

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Sylvanas is evil, but “most evil being in the history of warcraft”? Come on now.

I mean who else knowlingly sends tens of thousands of innocents into hell to suffer forever just to become more powerful?

Who was worse than her?


Lesse… The Legion, who have ravaged “countless worlds” and some of whom literally eat souls.

Arthas, who had multiple genocides under his belt.

Deathwing, who caused the Catacylsm and nearly destroyed the world.

Sargeras, who led the Legion and literally stabbed Azeroth, nearly destroying the world again.

I can go on.

Let’s give the designated villain a chance to monologue, nothing bad could possibly happen by doing this.

10 characters

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Because being villain batted is a matter of how the game chooses to frame, contextualize and present it. It’s not a matter of score keeping or accounting with number of lives lost as the metrics.

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