Night Elf Player Hate

Nothing you wrote couldn’t be done. What the Horde needs is a chance to be better. They need new characters and champions to step up and show that there is a better way while holding off the Alliance war machine.

Imagine if Baine went through trials with all the Tauren tribes and became some empowered Tauren warrior enhanced by the Ancestors. While also recruiting new champions from The Tanuka and Yangoul.

The Trolls tribes could have brought back their Loa and have new champions empowered by them.

They get rid of the Plague and other seedy ways of fighting and instead unite with other races across of Azeroth.

See I get the feeling Horde players wouldn’t like more than Alliance players with comments like these.

You really cant be better when you started a war of genocide not without the chance to redeem yourself. But I knowo you just want to lokar ogar and kill hordies thats why I said just join the horde, I rather may stories make sense.

Honestly, i could give a absolute crap about the Alliance nuking a town or two if it means our reps get the unprecidented plot armor that the Alliance reps enjoy when the Villain bat hits the red team. I mean, my god, an entire War … and the most important character the Alliance loses is Blademaster Talaamon. A character who can literally be described as “Sword Draenei”.

It takes years to develop a replacement for a killed off character. Something Blizz has a long history of not wanting to actually do for the Horde … so when we lose even on A or B lister … it likely means we’re never going to get a replacement; and Blizz is just going to shove whatever character they can into the void left by that characters absence. Like Voss has been now. :smiley:


That is what the horde needs a chance to do, Instead of committing genocide instead perhaps the Horde stop a naga invasion against the night elf town, while their armies are off fighting in Nazajtar.

Indeed, The Horde need plot armor for their characters not for their faction. The Alliance needs to lose plot armour for its characters and get some for its faction.

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imagine saying the horde need plot armor after they had sylvanas all this time. Lets be real if sylvanas didnt have plot armor tirion would have smacked her down in cata

For the love of the Tidemother, take all my characters, but stop killing my civillians and blasting my cities.


Tyrande has been in far more dire situations than Sylvanas and yet always survives for reasons. Sylvanas has actually died atleast.


Dying is pointless if it does nothing.

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You do realise that she isn’t a Horde character anymore and left the faction. her head is on the chopping block for the next expac along with nathanos and perhaps even Bwonswamdi.

Where as no Alliance characters of note are looking like dying anytime soon.

As long as it’s not Night Elves or otherwise someone on the Alliance that doesn’t deserve to be hit with a villain bat, I wouldn’t care if the Alliance got hit with it.

Hell, I wanted Rogers to lose herself to the Sha back in Mists of Pandaria and taken out.

But that wouldn’t develop the Alliance nor the Horde any. Not any more than BfA developed either of them. It would all just go back to status quo over all, with most leaders being exactly the same as they always were like Anduin and Tyrande and Baine and Lor’themar, or just 180’s of themselves like Varian and Jaina and Thalyssra and Voss.

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Getting betrayed by Sylvanas doesn’t redeem the horde of their actions. Does Sylvanas get redeemed when the jailer or someone betrays her?

Besides, both Sylvanas and Nathanos dying is so damn unlikely.

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… Uh oh.

Nope the horde have that blood on their hands doesn’t disappear with Sylvanas.

Just pointing out they are losing characters all over the place.

I do worry that shadowlands will be another WOD with Vol’jin or Thrall facing down and fighting Sylvanas, leaving the alliance completely out of the story again.


It was a rhetorical question. Of course it doesn’t, but the writers think it does and thus the Night Elves and the alliance are forgiving the horde in 8.3.

Well, we can be sure that it won’t be Tyrande but maybe that’s a good thing since Sylvanas is undefeatable and it doesn’t matter anyway since she will just kill everyone that opposes her and then be redeemed.

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The problem is that villain batting the alliance would be kinda… extremely out of character to be on the same level of the horde would be difficult, if not impossible.

and it would create another problem, if an alliance character starts nuking horde cities or making actually atrocities and then the vengeance is denied somehow, i think that my horde bros would go rabid. when they already want to kill anyone who dares to insult their precious horde. now imagine someone that actually hits them hard and with little to no justification.

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Pretty sure this only applies to Shandris.

Night Elves are not a monolith. I’m only aware of two Night Elves that have given an opinion-- Tyrande doesn’t forgive the Horde and that Shandris wants to give peace a shot.

There’s probably a wide variety of opinions between the two shared by Night Elves, though I personally believe that most elves are going to side with Tyrande.

And I don’t understand why they give Shandris a 180 turn. She went from “justice for Teldrassil” to “yea let’s forget aboutt teldrassil and forgive, I mean you didn’t apologize or show any remorse but still”. This makes absolutely 0 sense no matter how you turn it, especially when the horde has shown that it will never keep the peace.

I think it’s more like that they set up Tyrande as a raid boss and make Shandris the new leader, to me it seems that more night elves stand behind Shandris.


I guess I’d chalk it up to Shandris paling around with non-elves for the Alliance campaign and them rubbing off on her a bit. Maybe she’s thinking about the fact an open war with the Horde means dragging races other than elves into extended conflict and she’d rather not.

Whatever the case, I enjoy the tension. I don’t like it when players insist all members of any race have the same opinion on anything, and this is an effective way to show that Night Elves are allowed to have their own opinion.

Also I’m shipping Shandris and Keeshan and no one can stop me.

Shandris will literally say not to forget:

    Although the Kaldorei suffered greatly in this war, it is time for us to heal and rebuild.

    We can still look to the future without forgetting the past…

What tension? Literally everyone is hunting Sylvanas. Tyrande refusing to sign the armistice until they get Sylvanas is artificial lip-service tension at best.

Keeshan and Kelsey Steelspark flirt way more with each other.


And everyone seems to be forgetting that Sylvanas didn’t single handedly nearly wipe out the Night Elves. Would be pretty impressive if she did, but she didn’t. She had the full support of the Horde during the war of thorns and even after the war of thorns, only Saurfang was the exception.

What makes the current horde different from Sylvanas? The only person that might’ve been willing to act on it is dead, the rest of the horde couldn’t have cared less about what Sylvanas did AS LONG AS she did it for the horde. And they are most certainly not willing to act on it or apologize, why would they anyway?