Night Elf Player Hate

Maybe one writing team got sacked and replaced with another?

Hopefully those responsible for sacking will themselves be sacked.

From what I gather certain writers weren’t given the memo about character direction and tried very hard to make the leaders present heroic.


Those asinine morons were themselves fired for incompetence. And not just fired, but beaten up, too
 and pretty badly. In fact, most of them died from their injuries. And then they were ground up into a fine pink powder.

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Why? Oh, it’s got a million and one uses.


This. Ever since the War of Thorns I trusted Blizz to write a conclusion to the event, thus I never complained. Now that I see how it turned out and how it’s an absolute spit into the face in every way possible I will never trust them ever again.
They made a revenge patch for the night elves into a victory for the horde, for example. How can they think that people wouldn’t be dissatisfied with that?

Sad part is, now is the time where people go from “wait and see” so “get over it”.


Oh, after the War of the Thorns and us going to Kul’Tiras, I complained a lot that there was indication to suggests there will be no follow up with the Night Elves’ plight as BfA continued. Then 8.1, and, as I expected nothing, it actually turned out to be something. It wasn’t enough, but it was something. And then 8.2 happened, and Tyrande was missing from Nazjatar. And 8.2.5 happened, and Tyrande was missing from the finale of the War Campaign. And now 8.3 is happening, and it’s N’Zoth being thrown out like filler. And then Shadowlands is happening. Where they decide to emphasize that all the victims of Teldrassil went to the Maw.

Now, there is finally inidication that there will be follow up this time. And frankly, I still like most of the content that the Darkshore Warfront brought us. But I still wish they would address Ashenvale at least. And of course I will comment on whatever the story we get with Tyrande and Ardenweald and the Maw and Sylvanas and everything else in Shadowlands when we get around to seeing it.

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now we know why tyrande was absent from almost the entire bfa storyline, because blizzard tends to wait years and years before resolving a plot point.
like the gilneans, almost 10 years without it : D

i hope that tyrande/elune/nelf story is at least something great, because i think that when is not faction war nonsense they do mostly a good job.


It’s sad how night elves can only do good stuff when they’re neutral. I’m going to bet that Tyrande and her people will be neutral to the horde and the fact that the horde almost wiped out her people will be swept under the rug and just be blamed on Sylvanas.

That said, it might also just be Tyrande and her army of the black moon being beaten up by some horde peon, 8.1 style.


I am betting Horde players will be questing with Tyrande in Val’sharah 2.0 to save the Night Elf souls to make up for the War of the Thorns and the burning of Teldrassil. They worked with Jaina in 8.2, after all. And would be pretty much the same whiplash as going from saving and working with Malfurion in Legion to hoping to kill him in the War of the Thorns immediately after.


A lot more would have to happen to make up for it from the horde as a faction. But the thing is, horde players are already complaining because Tyrande may be in Ardenweald. Now imagine how they would spam complaint threads when they have to save night elf souls as horde players. They would go absolute nuts and blizz would change it then so they would just scrap that instead.


They wouldn’t scrap it. They’d didn’t scrap Val’sharah, after all. They’d just make Tyrande not as mean to the Horde.

Well but still, we don’t even know what’s happening yet and I’ve already seen quite a few complaint threads about Tyrande in Ardenweald and the little potential of having to help her / save night elf souls.

Not that I believe that Blizz is planning anything like this, anyway.

Blizzard said that there won’t be different questing for Horde and Alliance. So either that’s true, and Horde will have to quest with Tyrande. Or that’s not true, and only Alliance will quest with Tyrande. Or neither is true, and there won’t be Tyrande at all.

Given how Blizzard sticks to their story with little regard to player feedback, though, I expect the first, that they’re going to make a single questing experience that does involve Tyrande, and Horde players will have to play through it even if they don’t like it.

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Well we’ll see about that, I still have my doubts for anything positive happening to the night elves if they’re not neutral, and alliance night elves becoming neutral with the horde after everything that has happened
 I can’t even describe it in words how stupid that would be

There will certainly be plenty of Night Elf fans who will dislike it as well, yes.

They can keep the questing the same yet have the quest givers be different, like why couldn’t Horde get Hamuul Runtotem in Val’sherra or Ardenwield? I don’t mind doing some quests that the alliance also do, but I want to do them under HORDE characters if the Horde has one that make sense.

What gets me is they left Tyrande in Val’Sherra yet cut Baine from Highmountain, I can understand Alliance not wanting to work or quest under a Horde character, but come on, anyone with a brain would know that the reverse is also true. If Horde have to work under Tyrande in Ardenwield, then alliance should have to work under a Horde connected toon, say Draka, if not a full blown Horde hero in one of the other areas. Alliance that complain about this should be told that Horde have to work under Tyrande and they hate it, so Al;liance should just buck up and do something they hate instead of dumping on the Horde.


It’s not about liking or disliking it, it just wouldn’t make sense no matter how you turn it. You don’t have to be a night elf fan to see that. The current pattern is:

  • Neutral Night elves? - Can get some positive things happening to them
  • Alliance Night elves? - If they get attention, it’s negative attention and humiliation

It has been this pattern ever since WoW was released and I don’t expect this to change, therefore if something positive happens in Shadowlands the Night Elves will be neutral, this however doesn’t make sense.

Isn’t that exactly what’s happening? Yet horde players are still complaining


This is definitely likely to happen. Same as questing with Kael’thas in Revendreth. I’m not sure why anyone would expect otherwise.

If anyone shows up to help Tyrande save Night Elf souls she would accept their help, if they are Horde or not, because her priority would be saving those Night Elf souls over not working with the Horde. It would make sense in the rush of the moment context. People just wouldn’t like it.

I wouldn’t mind it. What I would mind though is if they are going to spin it and make it seem like it was all Sylvanas alone and not the Horde.

That, I am pretty sure, is inevitable. The person who could have taken the most responsibility for that, Saurfang, is dead. No one else in the Horde is going to speak up about Teldrassil to the Alliance.