Night Elf Mega Thread - Please Stop Blizzard

Great summary of Tyrande threads



The problem here is not the Horde. It’s Sylvanas. And while I don’t ask her to be killed, she made her mess and now is free threatening on getting a redemption story without being kicked a little.

While the Horde did it’s thing, I think her biggest beef is with Sylvanas. Her not trusting the Horde after the chance Varian gave them is normal, though.

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That isn’t stated anywhere either.

BFA isn’t canon. Just play classic.

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Night Elves have always sucked.

In wow, yes - Because Blizz wrote them that way.

Justice from the blizzard writers, justice for teldrassil! Sylvanas is the stand in for the blizzard writers dunking on the night elves for 15 years.

basically almost nothing good has happened to the night elves in all of WOW. we got some of the highborne arcanists brought back into night elf society back at the start of MOP/ end of cata. and we let the worgen hang out with us, and thats about it. the rest of the time blizz is just dunking on the most selfless race on the planet. they sacrificed there immortality to save the planet. night elves are always on the front line doing what is needed to protect azeroth, and just endless crap is giving to the night elves from blizz.

/signed for justice.


It would be great to have had this happen for the player as apart of the darkshore 8.1 patch.

If we have won back darkshore, then i want to see it reflected in game and I’ll be satisfied for a victory for the Nightelves.

I’ve said it on another thread, but I don’t think most people realize it’s too late to get vengeance on the horde with out being made the next villain faction. Iam good with getting Sylvanas and Nathanos, because as stated we have “won” back our lands.

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I like the night elves

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I’m skeptical that we will ever see something like this, made for any people under the banner of the alliance!
Blizzard doesn’t like to see Alliance actions really reflected in the game!

Maybe night elves have to leave the alliance to achieve this, because as long as they are members of the blue faction, they will only have disappointments like worgen, gnomes and Jaina!

We’re not vacuum cleaners.

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Adding my support here. I’d love to see the story improve. If we kill Tyrande for wanting revenge while sylvanas walks again, I am done.


No, they are all genocide collaborators except for the Tauren
they are cool.

Ok, but where is this shown in game? It is time for them to actually depict Horde losses in game, rather than in side stories or books. Are they too scared of disappointing Horde customers? Does everything always have to be burnt or on fire? They have 0 problems making things burn and be destroyed, but some how cant find a budget to fix them and make the ingame content match the story line they put out in books.

I am hoping they follow through with their plan on redeeming the undead so the edgelords can know what it feels like to see your favorite race be ruined and twisted in game.

Calia is already upsetting them, and I can’t do anything but Hope that Golden is in charge of the Forsaken story line going forward. It was painfully obvious that the current writers are subjective Horde centrists. Golden has always been pro Alliance, so I suspect she will destroy the Forsaken from within rather than killing off the Horde’s undead “bae”. The developers probably told her she couldnt kill Sylvanus, so Christie instead is probably going to make them fluffy kittens of light and rainbow instead, effectively killing the dark edge the undead and Horde enjoy touting about.

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Seems like they really want to sweep it under the rug now, didn’t mention anything Night Elf related on Blizzcon.

Before the cinematic played, Ion said that there’s still someome thirsting for vengeance, I was almost hyped up for a moment until I realized that he was refering to


Of course he was referring to Sylvanas. Who else? We had to put up with her Mary Sue-ing all over the place in BfA and now she’s a focal point for another expansion? Do people ever get enough of this one-dimensional, predictable, total bore of a character?

And here the kaldorei sit, already scions of a fallen empire to begin with, very much removed from their first appearance in Warcraft as vicious, cunning and savage protectors of the forests, now neutered for who-knows-why and relegated to use as plot devices.

Our leaders: Ineffective, love-lorn fools.
Our lands: Burned, ravaged, or captured.
Our capital: A smoldering stump.

At this point, I’m not at all hopeful that they’ll develop this race in any way not related to their continued status as official WoW punching bag. If they don’t turn Tyrande into a raid or dungeon boss and have Malfurion whinging about the loss of his love while wandering around what’s left of Darkshore, I’d be surprised.

Also, could we PLEASE change Malfurion’s voice actor? He’s horrible, one of the worst VAs to which I’ve ever had the displeasure of listening. He doesn’t inflect, he has no emotional range
 I mean, he sounds like some guy at a tabletop game trying to RP a paladin. BADLY. If you’d just give us a VA for him that doesn’t make him sound like a mid 20th century superhero, that would be great.


Another Tyrande Thread

Tyrande Isn’t Crazy

And finally, the reason why I’m not buying this expansion and sticking to classic or maybe even canceling:

To Night Elf Fans

So not only does Blizzard think Genocide and Mass Murder is cool, they plan on making the tortured, burned alive souls be tortured again in the Maw for more dark edge and cool factor. They specifically emphasize that the NE are still being punished and beaten like punching bags even in undeath.

But of course, genocidal waifu is still in cinematic trailers and poster child for Blizzard. Its really kind of sickening.


Clueless Blood Elf Player hating on Tyrande and NE:


Yea this guy always makes these posts. What he writes couldn’t be more wrong but most people can’t be bothered to search things up themselves

Nelf was my first character back when I was nine. Definitley think someone needs to stand behind Ion with a rolled up newspaper and bring it down everytime he writes “Tyrande! Malfurion!” or thinks that the best designed settlement in the game being set on fire is a good thing. Also would’ve liked to see more of Genn helping Tyrande, I don’t like how the writers portray Tyrande, but Genn has always come across to me as insanely likable even when he was yelling at me on Horde toons on a ship to bring out my dead (Well just the one dead really
banshee specifically). Couldn’t bring myself to be mad at him, I’d ignore the end of the world and try and pick a fight if my son was dead too and the person who killed him just got promoted.

So yeah
I hate the way they write Tyrande but I do like night elf themed zones and Genn Greyman
so go for it.

I don’t think that the genocide is a big problem per say. I think it’s more about the portrayal in general which is really bad I suppose. No progression of the refugees, accepting of a genocide, Shandris protection Anduin’s decision for peace. Doesn’t mean that other races weren’t hard similar. Horde were shown as dumb by trusting a corpse which did much crap im the past and the alliance was shown as white knighting idiots.