Night Elf Mega Thread - Please Stop Blizzard

In addition to being a punching bag, we need to stop stealing night elf uniqueness to spice up other races and factions (nelf drow rangers, horde undead nelf hero, etc.) or if such a thing is inevitable give them something unique from time to time to keep the faction interesting.

The current state of nelfs at the moment in the eyes of the writers is much like an unwanted car in a chop shop. It’s only there to serve as a source of spare parts to improve other cars.


I totally agree with this. First Cenarius and wild gods. Then the Nightborne, now Night Elf Rangers.

I know the Alliance got Void Elves. But when are our Loa coming to help the Dwarves Shamans?


People who say night elf genocide isnt “that bad” (despite the fact that writers used the word GENOCIDE the describe the attack)…because of their own head cannon:

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tell that to people who play this game because they believe otherwise LOL

Astranaar was razed in War of the Thorns. There’s nothing to ‘retake’. What are you talking about.

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…I hate Nathanos…Watching him ganked by Malfurion would have been worth it.

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Night Elves should get Shen’dralar customization options.


The only people who believe that are Alliance players.

Ya, the Horde players are totally bummed out about Teldrassil. They don’t use every opportunity they can to make a ‘lol burnt tree’ joke at night elf players in this forum.


I will be very upset if we didn’t get highborne customizations in shadowlands.

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From an Interview:

Question: Will Tyrande become a villain? or will she get justice for people? Will the Night Elves rise above their relentless suffering?

Answering: Steve Danuser

  • “The Night Elves have taken some shots on the chin in Battle for Azeroth, for sure. Tyrande is one of the most beloved characters and in all of Warcraft canon, and, I don’t want to speak to datamined broadcasts and things like that, but we will see Tyrande have some conversations with some of our other characters as we wrap up the Battle for Azeroth.”
  • “That’s a storyline that we definitely want to pay off and we have some interesting things in the coming expansion that I don’t want to spoil but I hope that Night Elf players get to see a new side of her and their culture in a way.”

He basically avoided the entire question, he didn’t answer if Tyrande will become a villain and he didn’t answer if she will get justice. If the Night Elves will rise above their suffering was also not answered.

Can’t wait for more disappointments in Shadowlands. Will the goblin miner or the orc peon kill Tyrande? How are they going to redeem Sylvanas and are they going to give horde players the option to further torture the Night Elf Souls in the maw ? Stay tuned!


There is no question…that specific writer is obsessed with only one character… and he is certainly not going to make his favorite the villain. They will bend over backwards to redeem this trash character.

Sylvanas turning bad is too depressing

As will the fanbase apparently.

I don’t want him any where near the night elf lore, as we have already seen what he is capable of ruining. I am hoping Christie Golden takes over for ALL Alliance story lines. I have several of her books, and I enjoy her writing. She is a true professional.


At this point most people want Sylvanas dead / punished for her crimes. Anything else would be insulting and just stupid.

As for Christie Golden, I feel like she only cares about Anduin and the entire writing team just doesn’t give a single damn about Night Elves.

That is true, she does favor Anduin. But I would rather have someone who actually cares about the Alliance and some Alliance characters than someone who openly flaunts that genocide is plausibly deniable and that Alliance stories are just too “boring” to write.

I don’t think a majority of people are for the punishment of Sylvanas…most people are tired of seeing her though. I think the whole Lich King situation backfired. Almost all the people I’ve seen on here are sick of the character after that trailer. but I wouldn’t go as far as saying they want her punished. Especially since 75% of the Horde is Blood Elf and they worship her :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:


You know that’s just simply not true.

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Where in game have the night elves won anything (outside of books)


getting one of their 3 zones back after the horde reached its goal of almost driving them to extinction is hardly a win…

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A victory is a victory.

In the end the only thing Night Elves lost in BFA was Teldrassil and a lot of lives.

Oh that’s right! A lot of other people died too! So essentially yes, the only thing you lost was Teldrassil. See now you’re just like the Mag’har, Darkspear, Goblins, Void Elves, Wildhammer, Gnomes, Forsaken, Worgen, etc…

  • Teldrassil
  • Almost all of their people
  • Ashenvale
  • Their leaders looking like anything but a complete joke
  • Their future

And the fact that every dead night elf has to suffer in the maw forever now is a nice touch, but it’s okay since they just forgive the horde for that…