Next Expansion wants and desires

What? Have you tried crafting in dragonflight? You can craft an entire set of max level gear that you will not be replacing with event or quest drops. We’ve never even come close to this level of crafting in any xpac before. The crafting order system is there to have items crafted before you max yours out.

Uhhh no. Luckily most of the game cares way more for raiding than an instanced room no one but the player will ever see. You have the garrison for that.

You do realize at this point in the games history everyone that isn’t mythic raiding and running 25+ keys are casuals… They are already catering to casuals.

in warlords of draenor, there were items we could craft that were plenty powerful for solo PvE world stuff. I’ve simply not found anything remotely similar since that expansion.

crafted gear has felt useful for very few levels.
for example, in dragonflight, we can craft exactly 3 items that can be used at level 61. everything after that requires level 70.

so we have to rely on the RNG of drops, hopefully good quest rewards (NOT always the case), or the occasional event rewards like time-walking.

I actually enjoy crafting a great deal. ever since I started playing WoW in Vanilla I’ve enjoyed it. But it’s simply felt less and less rewarding, and relevant, as the game has advanced.

So you want better crafted gear for leveling? I suppose they should make a complete set usable at 60 to start DF in, but honestly I hope the only change to the new crafting system is that they make the KP system easier to level. It is a big investment to do weekly’s for months until you can max it out.

There is a big difference in crafting for non endgame players, and endgame players. When you can hit 70 and spend a week grinding out some m+ to get 447 ilvl gear that won’t be replaced until halfway into the next season I’d say crafting is in a pretty good spot.

I think the lack of interim crafting to use at 61-69 or any other sub max level range, is mostly due to the fact that it takes less than a day to hit max level and you can do that in heirlooms or even just the gear you had at the end of the last xpac. At the end of SL i leveled up all of my alts to 60, got them a set of primalist storm gear from the prepatch and then parked them by the boat to DF. I haven’t had trouble with any of the outdoor content in leveling them for the four i’ve done so far. I’ve never had to worry about crafting in that range. And with the new twisted timeways and dreamways in 10.1.7 you’ll be able to run a handful of time walking dungeons and get to level 70 within a couple of hours at most and they’ll be dropping heroic raid ilvl gear. Gear is just all around better this time.

I think there are some rp walkers and quest text readers that could use some of that mid level crafting so i’m not against them adding it, but really most people are in a race to endgame since that’s where the most content is and crafting at that level is excellent right now. Better than we’ve ever had before and I’ve been playing nearly 20 years.

I’d like to see the entire game from Vanilla to Dragon Stuff converted to a playable “montage”…

Revert most of the horrible changes they made in 10.0 like making world quests reset biweekly and world content feeling pointless.
I’ll never understand how having more content that was completely optional was a “chore”. Just don’t do it? All it did was make rep grinding a massive chore… Ironic.

my list of changes would be far too long to list and involve a 10 page diabtribe on how wod permanently ruined the game and why whoever removed the malefic shoulder t6 wing animation while idling should be fired and blacklisted from ever working in dev work again. would also involve reverting the level and item level nerfs.

Resto druid has way too many “ this does hot, press.” Button bloat. Lifebloom and rejuv should never go away, they are core. The rest can rot away for all I care. Adaptive swarm going away would not affect me. We already have convoke/tree of life. Make rejuvenation strong again. :cloud_with_rain:

A cat-man skin for Feral akin to the werebear skin for Guardian.

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And this is the reason wow can’t go foward and bring more new things, because of this old players who want get stuck in the past, keeping the game outdated cause their “in my time the things was better” mindset. I hate it.

Classic servers are there for all you stay in your nostalgic loop forever. Retail wow must go foward.

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id personally like to have them make old zones relevant again.

id like to see hunters get some more utility or raid buff that makes them viable in being picked in groups

id like to see death knights get a leap or something like warriors have , like a death grip that pulls you to the enemy and not just pull the enemy to you or somethin.

id like to see many more class specific tier sets that are cool looking and look nicely themed to what class is wearing them.

id like if they pruned every class so that we dont have 100 different abilities on a task bar and just leave all the main ones and then make the rest passives or something. i keep trying to get friends and family to play the game but when they see how many buttons each class has they go “this is too much to keep track of” especially kids not being able to keep up.


No Renown, just go back to rep like it use to be.

fix solo shuffle mmr system, especially for healers.

dont add so many currencies for gear upgrades because it just gets annoying and confusing. like if its for pve content just call every currency Valor and if its pvp related just keep it as honor. we dont need “stones, gems, dubloons, coins, tokens” its just too much to keep track of.

Player or Guild housing would be dope. so you and your guildmates are more social outside of just needing help with stuff.

How about some new BG maps…

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Tons of good games have asymmetrys like this though. And it makes sense kinda… Like a warrior is beefy and strong enough to wear plate, so obviously he can also wear a cloth robe.

Where as a priest has never put on a set of plate armor before, his physical requirement doesn’t call for it because he’s in the back healing. So he can’t transmog plate.

The little things in video games don’t always have to be fair.

No renown. No dumb gear upgrade systems, especially if they overlap. No “gimmicks,” such as dragon riding. Less gating, more story.


It makes no sense that they took Claws of Shirvallah out. I’ll never understand.

  • Broken, Mogu, Mok’Nathal and Forest Troll as playable race
  • Jinyu, Arakkoa, Ogre, Taunka, San’layn, Gigoblin, Saberon, Furblog, Tsukkar, Sethrak and Saurok as playable race
  • Frost Dwarf skin for Dwarves, Dragonmaw Orc skin for Orcs, Forest Troll skin for Trolls, Grimtotem skins and tattoos for Tauren, Necromancer/Cult of the Damned skin for Humans, Druid of the Flame skin for Night Elves, Felborne skin (Green eyes and hand) for Nightborne and red skin (Quartermaster Dekrok/Horde Portal-Sentry) for Orcs and Feltotem skin for Highmountain Tauren
  • Mount Hyjal as new capital for the Night Elves with a rework of the area (Darnassus style), Gilneas as capital for the Worgen and Gnomeregan update (capital city for the Gnomes)
  • Customizable mounts (make a post about this here)
  • Fly for Eversong Woods/Ghostlands and Azuremyst Isle/Bloodmyst Isle rework
  • Broken with HD model, female model for Broken, Mok’Nathal with their own model, female model for Ogres, HD model for male Forest Trolls
  • Druid for Human, Druid for Dwarf, Paladin and Shaman for Night Elf, Paladin for Kul Tiran, Paladin for Troll, Shaman for Blood Elf, Paladin for Highmountain Tauren and Shaman for Nightborne
  • Many more customizations for all races
  • Housing

I did dungeons and raids daily for years. What I learned is the gear you strive for is outdated with the next expansion and most importantly, mean people are like a pack that feed on others. So I solo everything and I am very happy. So don’t drag me back into that unhealthy setting.

So long as they’re equitable, I don’t see a problem.

Sure, a warrior might be able to wear a robe without much physical strain, but were they to try fighting in one, they’d be dead quite quickly just by getting tripped up while trying to move. Leather armor would not provide the same level of protection that plate or mail does.

A better idea here would be that Cloth/Leather, and Mail/Plate, would be open to the classes with those as their primary armor type for transmog. Rather than Warriors getting to transmog everything, they get to transmog that which makes sense for them to wear and be effective in combat. The same goes for your Priest.

Good idea … I can get behind this too.

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Whatever old god is behind these dragonflight shenanigans finds a way into zereth mortis and starts this sh*t show over.

Tie new expansion recipes to old world mats. This would help revitalize the old world and bring value for those old mats.