Next Expansion wants and desires

For how long we go to the old world, I don’t think this is worth the dev time.

I could take it or leave it. Not a big issue, but would be cool.

This would be cool. Then I could wear my BiS set for my warrior from Wrath, which included a leather belt. I’d like that.

I love the ultra-random dungeon idea. As a DPS, lord knows I don’t care which one I get into… whichever one is fastest please.

Big disagree on these suggestions. 10-player mythic raiding does not work and would be way too specific on class representation. Specs without a major raid buff wouldn’t get to play the content at all. 20 is a great raid size–with 39 specs, 10 just does not work.

  1. Return professions/crafting to the old style.
  2. Auto dismount for dragon flying.
  3. WOW coordinates added.
  4. Create a 3rd faction, say Forsaken that is always in war mode with both Horde/Alliance.
  5. Adjust player classes. Example: Mages are glass cannons. Lots of damage but easily killed. Tanks should have been able to take great damage but shouldn’t be able to inflict that much damage.
  6. Stop forcing players to do dungeons or raids to continue a quest line.
  7. Shadowlands was fun but the Maw sucked.
  8. Stop making players research everything. It was fun when there was optional hidden adventures.

Better leveling. 50-100% increased XP after you reach max level on a toon

More focus on m+. Not leaving metas unchecked and completely screwed for weeks and not leaving dungeons bugged and overtuned for months.

Smaller mythic raid size. FF does 7 man raiding. Let’s do that. 20 man is outdated.

More fun world things to do. Things like blanchy and the cradle in shadowlands were alot of fun. Do more of that.

Better designed classes. No more aoe caps. Period. No soft caps, hard caps, nothing. Stop it.

Never nerf a healer or tank again. Not even a little. Buff the rest of them.

Sylvanas Barbie!

I wouldn’t hate mythic 20man raids becoming Flex down to 10 people. It’s becoming harder and harder to get people to be dedicated to progressing in mythic raids like the old days. When Normal and Heroic became flex Mythic should’ve became a flex raid as well.

World Remake - a mere revamp wouldn’t connect Azuremyst Isles and Quel’thalas to the main world. I want to see the Capital City as huge as Suramar City. Stromgarde bigger than Kul’tiras, Dalaran as a proper, wc3-size city in Hilsbrad, Gilneas City, Theramore rebuilt, Echo Isles a huge city, Scholomance and Stratholme open world…etc

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Add new content sure but no need to revamp and lose old content. Cata is one of the most hated xpacs in the game let’s not do that again.

I’m sure the pvp crowd would love that lol. The RPers would have a mental break about how not fair it is…

Not sure how you merge 10 xpacs but leveling takes like 8 hours and zero grouping. Never understood the desire to be social while leveling. That’s what RP servers are for.

You want to go back to when creating was pointless? Why?

Yea that is def a wish in one hand scenario lol.

Whether it’s intended or not threads of fate is still working as long as you leveled a toon through the whole story, Korthia, zm when it was live … Just did it on this toon a couple of weeks ago.

This should be a healing spec. So silly that the biggest magic users in the game can’t heal.

Most people aren’t playing mythic raid content anyways. Going to ten man would mean less struggling for this that do.

Why? Normal dungeons and lfr require no skill other than push any key to win. Not sure why people have such an issue with quests like these that are typically one or two per xpac.

Is a good thing some of you aren’t game devs lol.

For me my only real requests are…

No more horde vs alliance, ever. It’s old. Make is one group and everything cross faction. Make the orcs sign a magical pact that if they are ever stupid enough to drink demon blood again they’ll instantly die. Problem solved.

Flying right from the beginning. No more stupid pathfinder to get flying after you’ve already done all the content at the end of the xpac.

More ten man content. I loved doing 10 man Kara, ubrs, Scholo… I know raids scale but they do it poorly. I’d rather just see content that is hard capped and requires ten people to do it.

That’s it nothing unreasonable like some of these.

I like this idea - I’m all for anything that will preserve the old expansions and zones. If people want to re-use old zones they could add new quests that bring higher level players into the old zones - all be it for a short while. However, it might spark interest in the legacy zones.

Oh if I was going to have one wish that will never happen it would be a dungeon in dmf. You have to go in person to queue in and inside you are given three random bosses from any dungeon or Raid in the game tuned for however many people they make it for whether that’s solo 5 or 10 man. You never know what you’re going to get and all of the rewards are cosmetics. It would bring a lot of people to the Dark Moon Fair Island and get them involved in the other activities while they wait for their q-pop

:point_up_2: How cool would it be to see the Twilight cult, cult of the damned team up? Make it happen Blizz :crazy_face:


If you afk in the wild, when you get back you’re in one of their cages 'n have to bust out.


please, please

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Dont f— up the old world, please, instead make zoridormi or w/e yellow dragon that can revert the old zones to how they were pre (or post) cataclysm, only then would i sign off on revamping the old world

Oh I dont know, maybe a desire might be not nerfing my class into the ground 2 weeks after its big rework because they dont know how to balance some garbage idea of a support class.

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Or make them rivals and we need to choose which one is the lesser evil, but the story keeps twisting.

Crafting that actually produces armor, weapons, and goods that have an actual impact on gameplay for more than 2 levels.

it’s incredibly frustrating to realize that even the very highest gear I can not yet make because I haven’t been ale to level up my main crafts will be completely pointless since quest drops and event drops (I’m not even talking dungeons or mythics or raids here) are already considerably more powerful than anything that can be crafted.

Player housing. Sacrifice a raid tier I do not care

Expand chromie time to use it at max level to replay old content and give a way to timewalk Vanilla zones

No more “dragons with feelings” this is Warcraft.

Let payers leave the horde or alliance to a neutral faction

Fix the Arthas story

Focus on casuals… like 95 percent of Dev time to the 95 percent of players.

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Definitely, raid tiers come and go, new zones and main story lines come and go… but i want all of the stuff we do in-between to be evergreen, Player Housing, Brawlers, Proving Grounds, Mage Tower, Torghast etc. Make it all relevant every damned patch, not just for one patch of each expansion.

Evergreen content.

And increase quest log size…


A lot of people have already said it: But yeah, I’d love to not level as fast through old zones or even just make everything scale 1-60 etc so we can go anywhere. Would be nice.
But in general just make older areas more relevant. That would be fun. I’m currently running through old quest lines on new characters.