Next Expansion wants and desires

Updates i’d want for 11.0

** Main Updates**

World Revamp - The last world revamp was in Cataclysm (4.0) and i think it’s about time we have another revamp and update continents such as Northrend, Pandaria, Broken isles, Zuldazar, and Kul’tiras and tell us what been happening their since the end of their expanisons.

More Allied Races - I think we should have more allied races as their still plenty not playable yet (Example being Ogres! where are they?!) Also make them unlockable by only questlines, NO REP GRINDS!

Transmog updates - Allow classes to be able to transmog into all types of gear they can equip (Example - Warriors wearing Mail, Leather, and Cloth)

Leveling Updates

Merge Chromie Time Expansion - As we all know Chromie has several phases which is not good in my opinion as this leaves the world feeling dead when leveling, so merge it so the world is more alive

Ultra Random Dungeons - While leveling give us the option to queue for every single leveling dungeon in wow at once, queue times would be instant due to this.

PvP Updates

Starter Gearing - Put a vendor in the game where we can just buy Starter PvP Gear with gold that is slightly weaker than Honor Gear.

Conquest - Please stop putting a conquest cap at the start of a season, it’s not needed and feels lame when i can’t progress anymore due to that.

More Rewards - Give us some cool rewards for pvping such as mounts and such to give people more of a reason to pvp.

Battlegrounds - Remove Seething Shore

Arenas - Fix MMR cause holy Season 2 is chaos right now.

PVE Updates

Mythic+ - Remove the timer and make it more like a five main raid

Mythic Raids - Give us 10 man mythic raiding instead of 20.

Thats it, go ahead and add your wants and desires in the replies, good day.


People aren’t going to agree with some or all of this but this is what I want.

  • No more crafting relevance in M+ or pvp at all

  • Reduce button bloat by adding good passive choices alongside talented spells

Holy priest example:
Let’s say shadowfiend gives you 10% mana every 3 minutes. Now there is a passive choice node that increases your passive mana regen by 10% every 3 minutes.
Divine Hymn and Apotheosis/Salvation baked into one strong CD with 2 charges every 2 minutes
Smite deleted and holy fire gets no cooldown and the burning vehemence (aoe) baseline
Holy nova gets a passive choice node that buffs holy fire
Divine star and halo gets a passive choice node that buffs holy fire
Mindgames gets a passive choice node that buffs holy fire

  • Healer overhealing now damages a nearby enemy

  • In M+ mana for healers now goes to full instantly after each boss

  • Shadowlands and below raids and dungeons get a 1000x damage modifier for players over level 65 (so they can one shot)

  • Modified aug evoker spec into just a dps (keep the buffing allied dps part but do NOT buff tanks or healers) not a dps and .3 healer and .2 tank. Healers should not depend on another spec to be able to heal 2 key levels higher.

  • Druid external innervate, Priest external PI, hpal blessing of summer, etc made into personal cooldowns only,

  • Decent customizable NPC teammates for all content in the game, for you and your friends

  • MM hunter and Outlaw rogue lose AOE caps entirely and get 10% passive leech

  • MM Hunter gets a standalone lust button and does not ever have to call a pet for any reason


continuation of class tier sets and art design.

huge story involving azeroth, void lords titans and us

  • They should revitalize old zones and make them relevant again.
  • Add old raids with new mechanics to new season, something like mythic plus but without timer, and new achievements for old raids that are in the current season.
  • Housing. You have to choose a continent to place your house and you level your house by doing daily quests something close to a garrison but more useful
  • Also in you housing, add profession npc that can craft every item obtainable from previous expansion in the game so you don’t need to create a lot of alts for professions.
  • Season of Mastery in retail wow. in the period of content drought they should add a season of mastery type of event that you would select one of your characters to be sent back in time to level through old zones again and earn some new titles, mogs and mounts.
  • Leveling prestige in old zones: for an example, if you want to build a house in pandaria you have to get a certain level in the pandaria zone that would unlock a plot for you to build and a tile like: Protector of Pandaria, Veteran of Cataclysm, Frozenwastes wanderer.
  • And also, PLEASE STOP WITH THAT CRAP OF CHOSEN CHAMPION AND TITANIC DADDY ISSUES TO SOLVE. I just want a simpler expansion, something like Pandaria, where we are just exploring a new continent. BTW, the old gods and titans were more nice when we didn’t knew everything about them or the cosmos bs
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So cloth wearers are stuck to just cloth, while plate wearers get to transmog every armor in the game?


I’m open to them allowing transmog of all armor types regardless of the class’s restrictions, but not this incredibly one-sided idea.


I strongly disagree - I do NOT want to see another Cataclysm, ever!!! I would much rather see them put their time and resources into a new zone (world) rather than mess with the vintage zones. There are a LOT of veteran players supporting this game who likely not want them to touch the legacy zones - I am one of those people. I still spend a good part of my game-time legacy zones.

What I would like to see is roll-back the changes they made to Shadowlands when Dragonflight came out. It ruins the fun and fantasy of that expansion to FORCE players in to the Kyrian convenient - we should be able to choose right off the bat which of the FOUR covenants we want to play.

Sethrak, Ogres, Naga, Giblins, skinny Kul Tirans and (male) Draenei, Krokul…

Sandy glyphs for Mages, maybe even a fourth spec for them involving Arcane Time manipulation.

3rd spec for Demon Hunters centered around being something like a Fel Warden

Tinkers for Gnomes, Mechagnomes, Vulpera and Goblins.

A melee Arcane class akin to Spellbreakers.

Spell color customizations (so Shadowflame for Fire Mages for instance, or Void effects for Demon Hunters instead of Fel, that’d be a cool introduction for Void Elf Demon Hunters, whereby they don’t use demons but Void beings to turn into a DH, so their spell visuals would look shadowy instead).

Any race as a visage option for Dracthyr (keep it faction restricted maybe)

I know that Dracthyr being other classes and all classes for everyone except DH and Evokers are coming eventually so I’m not insisting on that anymore.

Umm, make Soar work exactly like dragonriding and everywhere. NO COOLDOWN whatsoever please.

Ah! I would definitely love an option to learn other races’ languages, even if they belong to the other faction. Something similar to what we did with the Furbolg language in Azure Span.

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  1. Remove the – You can’t do X because “You are in combat” – limitations. Allow mob interrupts to be enough or just rethink it entirely. This is outdated and still buggy. It makes an enjoyable experience frustrating by preventing things like flight and eating. It’s far too common these days to be stuck in combat, for several minutes or more, with no mobs nearby.

  2. Dragon Flight for all mounts. I enjoy it.

  3. Old School Rogue Spec that uses a single Shadow Dance as the major cooldown with Ambush (not Shadowstrike) as a hard hitter, garrote with silence and Cheapshot (as usual). I hate selecting and pressing multiple Shadownlands talents along with regular Rogue talents to do damage. If this is too much, then how about an Assassin build that doesn’t require Shiv to be the Damage Button while Ambush sits there doing 1/2 it’s damage. Make Ambush scary again.

  4. “Soar work exactly like dragonriding and everywhere.” ← This!

  5. “Transmog updates - Allow classes to be able to transmog into all types of gear they can equip”: While I’m fine with transmogs being available if the class can equip it; I understand that not everyone has a Warrior or Hunter ALT handy. Maybe just make old gear into cosmetic or not soulbound.

  6. Rethink mob combat. If I knock a mob off a cliff, I want to see it go splat; not miraculously learn to walk on air as it runs back to me.


  1. Give UI options to move/show Trinket and Weapon procs when they happen. I hate using a plugin just to see these when they pop.

  2. Rogue Assassin Talent: Blindside should (or have an option to) trigger the stealth bar.

  3. Give us an option to dramatically reduce the rainbow vomit that happens to my screen when more than 4 people are casting spells/talents in the same area. The “essentials” setting that we have now does nothing as far as I can tell. I still lose track of my cursor, can’t see procs happen on my toon, and generally can’t tell what is going on half the time.

  4. An option to clear Combat Log would be nice.

  5. Tuxedo Cats.


Cosmic horde race.

A new “season” of allied races and/or a new batch of race customization

A new batch of warlock minions to hunt down

No, no space goats for you!

This is a neat idea


Hopes and dreams over the Dk and Hunter devs coming back from a milk run.

Less dungeons in the m+ that are reliant on having mass dispell for a less hair pulling experience.

Heeeyuuuuge customization update starting with those that have never had a second pass.

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Adding to your list


  • chests / bags obtained from BGs, arenas, RBGs etc to give gold again. The mats and patterns are okay, but the raw gold we used to get in BFA made pvping so lucrative to not have to PVE to get repairs gold.
  • world pvp invasions again, surely there are hardliners that exist within the horde and alliance that still want war. so an invasion by one of these sub factions and you can flag yourself to aid horde or alliance. Much like the BFA pvp invasions.
  • A 4th pvp talent slot


  • All classes unlocked for all core races
  • follower / bodyguard system brought back only more customized to be like an acolyte or trainee of your characters. Able to be called into dungeons if non full party.
  • class halls becoming relevant again to offer class specific rewards as we probably wont get player housing or guild halls

Unique animations for Nightborne! (At least a dance…)


Said it before Cataclysm, and I will say it now again. Don’t delete the old world. Do consider making a new world but adding in a Caverns of Time portal between the two so players can play the entire game.

We all know another Cataclysm such as Azeroth’s Awakening would just be used to justify trashy temporary Cataclysm Era Servers. A waste of resources if I ever saw one too.

Why do I say that? How many empty Classic Servers do we have? Blizzard should just make a portal, let players go back in time to those eras and call it a day. If it makes the game size huge, so what? This is 20 years of content after all.


Playable Saberon!

Old zones new again, but in a way that we can still visit the old zones as they are now. I want places like Gilneas, Undercity and Silvermoon relevant again. Gilneas is the bigger want for me though, love the look and feel of that city, would love for it to be alive again kind of like Boralus.

Ton more customizations for all races, facial hair, head hair, piercings, visable rings and necklaces, tattoos(class and race specific), war paint, scars, etc etc etc.
Straight back for all races.

New unique mounts with one or two colors, not 10 plus different colors for basically the same mount(looking at you elk/deer looking mounts from Zerith Mortis).

Lots of other ideas, but really, overall, I want playable Saberon.

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Dark evil storyline. I want cults, I want vampires and zombies. I want necromancers. I want darkness and storms everywhere.

And I want my water elemental back. :sweat_drops:


More pink.

I want to see more obtainable pink customizations, mounts, mogs, pets and hunter pets.

More girly stuff.

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Revamp is a waste of resources. So hard pass.

An expansion without clowns tuning would be great. As of now we got one year of dungeon tuning fails + paladin reworks.

The game is less polished then shadowlands atm.

Overall I would wish for new devs

Content wise, Dragon Isles kept me very busy, in fact I almost got burnt out trying to do everything on alts as well.

Customisation options is always a big thing for me. I would love if Draenei males can have their horn styles separated from the hair like the females do.