Next Expansion wants and desires

It’s not that i don’t agree.

It’s just awesome that crafting has some sort of relevance in end game content which it ALMOST NEVER has.

Crafting was used strictly for alts to get to a certain ilvl and then you go on with whatever content you choose.

“Oop dinged 70(max level) time to see what’s on the AH so i can get to 398.”

Crafting having relevance in the game is great for the game imo

  • Vrykul for the Alliance. Ogres for the Horde
  • More color options for Dark Iron’s fiery hair
  • More color options for Nightborne’s glowing hands
  • Forest and Frost options for Trolls
  • More options to customize spell effects like Warlock’s green fire
  • Customization options for Shaman’s elementals
  • Revamp Enhancement Shaman to allow choosing either dual-wielding or two-handed weapons
  • Bring back pre-Legion Survival Hunter and make Beast Master the melee spec
  • Actual Player Housing. I don’t count Garrisons.
  • Necromancer class. Copy as much as needed from Diablo to make it work
  • Expand Dragon Riding to nearly every flying mount in the game
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Crafting skill/recipes should be purchased from a trainer. Rare recipes should be sellable on AH. Rare mats should be sellable on AH.

If you don’t want to do dungeons or raids then there should be a fair work around.

10 or 12 man Mythic raiding max cap instead of 20. Finding 20 good people and fixing schedules to accommodate them and there work schedules kills guilds. We’ve all been there.

I want light vs void and I want it done right. I want Turalyon to have decided that a purging is needed and the light to do whatever and bring AU Yrel and her forces over to purge the evil from Azeroth…and this includes us if we’re not willing to bend the knee.

At the same time, I want the void lords to show up. It’s consuming time. Neither the light or void are our allies and, in fact, I want the void to win and actually consume us and merge us into a hivemind of sorts and our conciousness reside in a permanent horrific vision of Azeroth that we, the player, believe to be the true world and that our previous life was just a pleasant dream allowing us to escape the nightmare reality we’re in.

In this world, we’re not great heroes. The horde and alliance doesn’t even exist. Every major threat to Azeroth prevailed and the world is all but inhabitable as these dominating forces all fight each other for control. We live underground unified as one faction acting as scavengers and working to undermine whatever force is growing in dominance only to keep them all in check lest any of them actually win and then be free to turn their sights on us and finishing the world.

Meanwhile, in the real world, Azeroth the titan wakes up destroying Azeroth the planet for good and thanks to her bond with us, she’s tracking us through the universe and aiming to fight and bring us back into reality herself.

This allows a canonical lore reset that ACTUALLY makes sense and allows the developers to design the game that should have been designed all along. No more flying because, canonically, the skies are super unsafe. We EARN flying by doing world content and securing areas but it’s just a temporary thing. The world is first and foremost the main content offering. Every week we pick specific zones and forces to assault and even everyday, new random challenges arise greeting players who login with emergencies they can opt in to help with…your class and even role plays a big impact to where you’re needed and how you can help (kind of like how Broken Shore played out with dailies and the class halls).

There would still be raids and mythic+…but they are optional as one can gear up and be just as effective saving Azeroth herself and to get back to old Azeroth we essentially “dream of a happier time” in our underground city where we’re god slaying champion heroes…something that could only actually exist in a dream.

Edit - To be clear, Light vs Void is the setup expansion to the rest of what I said. We’d be fighting the light and a super crusade led by Turalyon and AU Yrel leading into the void showing up later and then fighting them off with whatever good remains of the light in a sort of enemy of my enemy sort of story but a weakened light force and depleted Azeroth force ultimately loses to the void and we lose and get consumed leading into the “Twisted Azeroth”/ WoW 2 expansion.

A lot of good takes on here from the topic. I can’t think of anything that isn’t mentioned except bring back combat spec please! :sob:

More pink mogs, battle pets, hunter pets, customizations and mounts.

Short skirts, tube tops, bikini tops and pumps for mogs…

Give us more girly glittery stuff in game it’s incrediblly lacking in game.

Also more solo play options for us busy folks with schedules that keeps us from raiding.

:cherry_blossom: :cherry_blossom: :cherry_blossom:

Revamped old dungeons so they more can be added to Timewalking
Portals directly to our garrisons and a portal room in our garrison hall. Heck, add more of the statue thingees based on all of the expansions so we can further customize the garrison. I know this will never happen but I still think it would be rad as I rather like my garrison.

Flex mythic. Rigid 20 sucks
Its getting harder and harder to recruit
Players are getting older, have RL or kids happen and suddenly your at 18 and nights stuffed.

Nah non of that just make rogue op in pvp and pve so people will come on the forums and cry again about rogues

My unpopular request.

  • No flight for 6 months
  • Delete CRZ
  • Not an island, but a introduction to a new continent.
  • underwater zone
  • more dragonflying after unlock
  • more visage options
  • player housing
  • guild housing
  • RP sandbox area
  • mounts that let you hide in the ground like Niffen
  • more big hats
  • giant pirate ships
  • submarines
  • nerf DHs
  • Drakthyr can fly
  • bards
  • tinkerers
  • worgen tails
  • squirrel mount
  • a rubber :duck: raid boss
  • mounts with radios
  • guild mounts that can fly all of you together
  • better old world skyboxes
  • night enemy vs day enemy like in BOTW
  • One raid on SW
  • upright undead
  • Drakthyr DK

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

Just off the top of my head this moment

A story that features brand new enemies not “you thought he was dead surprise he’s back” or another round of the burning legion or the scourge , no more space stuff. I like imagining WoW more in the fantasy setting.

Just original stuff we haven’t seen AT ALL before in wow for the story.

Moving on

I’d like a massive overhaul of all the zones, quests and major NPCs from the earlier content say vanilla through wrath at least.

Update graphics edit quests to change them up maybe new storylines remove some. What I’m going for here…immersion.

Over all those years show that things changed show massive change in fact.

I know tall order .

I’d like scaling removed and level ranges put back for zones.

I’d like transmog busted wide open so you can mog whatever you can equip. That should be the only rule all other transmog rules …gone.

Pvp. Can pvp get a massive amount of attention. New bgs, whole lot of more pvp specific rewards, bring all the old ranks bank make epic bgs designed to be long battles not done in five minutes.

Then how about more customization options for ALL races I mean to the degree of dracthry options.

I’d like a new class specifically based on ranged dps ( arguably evoker did that but I mean a class other races can be).

Then of course new raids new dungeons new zones we never seen before the standard wow expansion stuff

And Garrisons. There were some aspects of it that were okay, but we should technically have one in each expac at this point.

It doesn’t have to be a copy paste of WoD, I want a Goblin themed Garrison. With a roller coaster and a lot better customization options .

This isn’t a bad idea at all.

play any expansion/dungeons without a lvl limit. hate being locked out for and having to self lock my lvl to stay in old expansions fairly


We’re a Heroic/dabble-in-mythic sort of guild.

We went ALL of S1 and never saw “THE BOW” from Razza drop ONCE.


I don’t think it’s uncommon that we have (had) 2 Hunters in our roster. To think that not only would they have had to roll-off for it… but NEVER EVEN GOT THAT CHANCE. It never even dropped. DURING THE ENTIRE RAID TIER!!!


In that same time, we saw the Fleeting Elemental power potion drop ONCE. We’re currently in S2, sorry – we’re DEEP into S2, and WE STILL haven’t seen certain patterns drop, let alone that those people with those professions would then have to ROLL to win the pattern.

This … is … RIDICULOUS.

By the time you’re wrapping up normal, all patterns should be accounted for. It should be something you USE in Heroic.

We’ve cleared all of normal, have Heroic on Farm, and we’re doing Mythic for funsies now. BUT STILL DON’T HAVE CERTAIN PATTERNS???

This is absurd. And EVERY element of the game that is touched by similarly stupid levels of RNG like this NEEDS TO STOP. This brings NOTHING to the game.

Setting goals and achieving them feels AMAZING! Waiting on RNG is STUPID.

Just because I like taking this issue to task …

Pink isn’t a “girl’s” color. It’s just a color. Leave it at that.

IN FACT … Pink was actually the boys’ color until very recently!!! Because you need red to make pink … and red was seen as a STRONG color, pink was for boys, and blue was for girls (blue was deemed the “soft” color).

It wasn’t until, like, the 1930s that some marketing dweeb decided to flip those placeholders. I assumed “pink for girls” was some medieval thing, going back centuries or more. NOPE! Just some stupid marketing gimmick from the 30s! It’s not even 100 years old! lolol

“Pink for girls” is just admitting you’re a slave to Corporate America. Something I REFUSE to submit to.

Pink is just a color. If you like it, flaunt it! That’s all it needs to be: a color. That’s it.

That said, there absolutely should be more of it in WoW! Because I know one thing-- girls AND BOYS would wear it! And that can only add to the game. :slight_smile:

No scaling
No currencies to buy currency to get more currency for gear
No gear gaps in pvp
Better balance from launch
No more woke stuff.

Bring back emissaries as a way of grinding rep. These world events were fun for a while, but grinding rep on alts is a nuisance since hardly anyone is participating in them anymore.

I don’t care if boys wear pink and girly stuff too.

I see men wear different shades of pink.

Pink is for everyone.


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