News flash for all the Anti-Random Dungeon Finder Cross Realm gatekeepers

Lol that’s cute.

how many subs did Cata launch with?

Still waiting for you to link official Blizzard numbers on that one.

People love to be spoon fed data, resolutions, information, entertainment and all the while what they are being spoon fed, if does not fit into their perception of reality, they reject it and then wonder why people argue with them.


How dense are you? It’s in their quarterly earnings reports from 2008-2015. All publicly available with sub numbers in them.

You must have gotten far in school.


Since your a little slow, and have suddenly gone silent.

A quarterly earnings report is required by the stock exchange. It shows how much money you made and how!

People took those fancy numbers from that report and put them in a bar chart!

A bar chart shows how numbers change over time!

Did I lose you?

They say how many subs they have, and some smart math people take those numbers and show it over time! Think of your last birthday and your birthday coming up! That’s time!

From last brithday to your next birthday blizzard shares 4 reports!

Those reports tell us how many people are playing the orc Vs human game you like! :slight_smile:


Haha where did you go kid? Tired of getting absolutely hammered by someone smarter than you?!

I hope you learned something about data and financial reports you clown

It’s a time-lagged autoregression.
Subscriptions were already high when RDF was introduced Q3 2010
Any level of differencing, moving average, or predictive analysis will tell you that RDF cannot account for the subscriptions. The time-lag factor in forecasting won’t consider new factors.
What we do know is that subs started to drop in Cata. Now you might argue, was Cata itself the problem? Likely it contributed, but we can follow the graph and see subscriptions surge every new expansion similarly to the end of Wrath, so we immediately observe that with or without RDF, subs increase during a new xpac. What is different is how they fall off a cliff, which is remarkably different from TBC & Wrath.
Based on the reports, feedback, and statistics, one of the biggest reasons for dissatisfaction with the game is the casualization. The loss of talents, simplification of stats, everyone does everything, and, yes, RDF.
Since Wrath going into Cata didn’t have the same changes as Cata going into Mists, but they had the same negative slope, we can attribute the negative slope to a common factor, i.e., RDF.


Dude they don’t know what a quarterly earnings report is, they are going to have to sound out autoregression.

You’re having a nuanced adult conversation with actual children. It’s going right over them.

These babies just want to complain until they get their RDF bottle. It’s not even worth the energy to engage.


LOL poor Raisin. He’s so embarrassed he stopped posting, holy crap what a thread


Just my 2 cents but I vote for RDF to be added. I’m done with arguing over it back and forth and why numbers on either side never actually show why people left.


We are playing 3.3.5 base adopted for modern retail engine with phased releases of content just like it was in Wrath. In Wrath we received RDF and title Patient with release of ICC content patch.

Correct and RDF is not content.


Subs went up after RDF was added, no matter how many times people try to lie and say the opposite.

Also, massively single player? :rofl: RDF is a tool that makes it easier to group with other players. It’s the opposite of a single player experience.

Man, anti-rdf posters are especially hilariously wrong today.


You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. I play retail and I see more people out questing there than I do in classic.

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Rdf was in the game for 48% of wrath. 48% of the game is not the very end of wrath.


If you’re not using sub numbers as a standard what criterion do you use to determine if a video game is good?

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Then why are all these Retail player’s cringing so hard about not having their RDF?

Shouldn’t they all just shut up and quest, since its the norm? (fun fact its not)

Its a very nuanced and partially subjective answer you bafoon. You cant roll up the quality of something with one data point…


MW2 made a billion dollars in 48 hours and is fraught with bugs and game breaking errors, yet millions are playing. Its a terrible game.

Nice attempt at a “well rounded” vernacular :rofl: I’m certain this will boost your credibility

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Because they all play classic. Many of them only play classic. It’s only people who can’t read very well or think very clearly that think it’s retail players that want rdf in classic. It does confuse me when so many players have no problem with mercenary mode from WoD, or loot boxes from Cata, or heroic + from retail, or a new lfg tool from retail added to wrath, then claim that those who want the rdf from original wrath be in classic wrath are retail players. It always seems to me to be the stupidest thing any one has posted here.