News flash for all the Anti-Random Dungeon Finder Cross Realm gatekeepers

If it WAS in the game…don’t use it if you don’t like it.

If it was in the game…why so angry?

If it was in the game…it will NOT affect your social interactions and how YOU WANT to play the game.

If it was in the game…why should it bother you if the majority of players want it?

If it was in the game…you could always go back to WoW classic.

If it was in the game…it would be a thousand times better.

If it was in the game…it would be WOTLK. What we have here is a hot mess of incompleteness. This isn’t WOTLK.



Yeah unless they’re gonna merge/link a bunch of servers there’s no other option


OP spittin facts.


So you think spamming is going to get you anywhere?


You think complaining about these threads are going to get you anywhere?


We get it man you are trolling.

Ooo, another low post count low level alt to mute.


We want RDF! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Talk about sweet sweet irony.


we are not ARDFs , we just don’t care that much to have our wow lives revolve around this . it has been 6 months , in a year from now wotlk will be finished


To answer your question.
Firstly it brings in a daily currency that rewards player power.
Secondly it bypasses the lockout system meaning you play que roulette till you get what you want.
Lastly nobody is gatekeeping you. You can walk into it anytime you like aint nobody stopping you.

I don’t know where to get your information but random dungeon finder never bypassed the lock out system you couldn’t get a dungeon you’ve already done. You couldn’t even Q for it.


Well you dont q for specific dungeons in rdf hence the r in the r before the df. Same tool different things. We are talking about rdf as the thread is made about it and yes rdf has and always has bypassed the lockout system.

Alright, let’s do this.

No horse in the race, I have a supportive guild and friends to play with - probably would use it minimal to none.

If it was in the game…why so angry?

Not angry at all. I enjoy the game as it is except for the botting epidemic, I’m sorry that you don’t. It’s not in the game, and that’s fine. Don’t care if it’s ever added or not either way.

If it was in the game…it will NOT affect your social interactions and how YOU WANT to play the game.

It actually would, because social group building dies completely and on the rare occasion we’re a bit short for a spontaneous 10-man to catch up some alts or for running a few BG’s later at night, it’s nice to talk to people or reach out to friends and see who’s online. Not the end of the world, but it becomes much more AFK/second screen while you wait for an audio cue to see a queue pop in “your” RDF way.

If it was in the game…why should it bother you if the majority of players want it?

“The majority” most likely don’t - no one can say for sure. Evidenced by the fact that it hasn’t been implemented or commented on by people who design the game in literally months at this point, it seems like it’s not as popular as 10 people on these forums seem to think. If there was huge public outcry, logic and reason would dictate that devs would address it again or just add it.

If it was in the game…you could always go back to WoW classic.

This is WoW Classic, and I’m enjoying it as it is except for the bots - all the systems in place are more than adequate for the way the game is built. Lot’s of people have joined guilds and run content together - it’s basically a built in group finder! I believe you were attempting to refer to Season of Mastery? Which is fine and good, but also is not WoW Classic due to the changed systems to speed up gameplay and loot grinding. That’s another topic though - WoW Classic as you mentioned is currently in Wrath of the Lich King, and I have been playing it quite a bit. There’s no “going back” to speak of.

On the other hand you could go back to retail. There’s not only a dungeon finder, but even a raid finder there!! And something called “Mythic+”, whatever that is. It’s probably related, idk.

If it was in the game…it would be a thousand times better.

Opinionated comment, no response.

If it was in the game…it would be the last ~40% of WOTLK. What we have here is a hot mess of incompleteness. This isn’t the last ~40% of WOTLK, so it makes sense that this feature hasn’t been implemented yet or so far.

This one I just went ahead and fixed for you since you forgot to type the rest of the details. Corrections in BOLD


they should just give you guys an instant-80 button. then everyone will be happy

There will come a point where RDF will be needed as a “catch up” tool so people can progress.


So, wait.

What are we complaining about?

I’m not anti… but to be fair: it was added to the game in 3.30, ICC patch… and we’re at Ulduar now.


This has no correlation to anything. Nobody is asking for instant 80.


Don’t use it if you don’t like it? That’s not an argument. That’s like saying, “don’t dump chemicals in the water if it bothers you, I don’t see why that affects me, I should be allowed to.” You are directly hurting my environment and promoting a toxic culture, whether or not I participate. Of course I’m going to gatekeep. We can change my analogy however you want, by the way. The problem is your argument itself.
“I want it”
That’s your argument. You are faced with data about how after RDF subs dropped, “Massively Singleplayer” became a coined term, and overall satisfaction plummeted.
Provide data beyond “I struggle to find groups and want instant gratification.”
The best pro-rdf argument I’ve seen is to help struggling servers, but it’s not a real argument, since that doesn’t fix their AH or raiding scene - it’s a mismanagement of servers with the introduction of mega-servers problem, and the band-aid of rdf won’t help that.