News flash for all the Anti-Random Dungeon Finder Cross Realm gatekeepers

LOL very end. You mean almost exactly at the halfway point.


By old release schedules. Blizzard release them faster now.

Original Black Temple was out for 10 months before sunwell. Classic Black Temple was out for 4.

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Regardless I have given you reasons which you fail to see. I have given you facts which you fail to acknowledge. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I fully support that. I do wish Blizzard would make a real effort at talking to the customer base and settling this with actual input from the people who are paying them.


No comment on the black temple 10
Months Vs the classic 4 months?

You’re not going to get your lazy retail RDF so we can have more jaja hunter Alts. Deal with it.

Nope. That has nothing at all to do with WotLK. If it did then by your own reasoning RDF should be implemented already since things are releasing faster than original.


You’re such an idiot. They didn’t release things outside their content patch, they shortened the duration of the original content patch.

RDF would still come with ICC, but it wouldn’t be the “halfway” point because things come out faster

Tell me you’re a JAJAJAJA without telling me….

Christ dude.

Every time you feel yourself at a disadvantage you resort to insults. I have not insulted you or tried to disrespect you at any point. You are a prime example of the “toxic” personality that has been the downfall of so many games before. I will not continue this dialogue, it is pointless. I wish you well and hope you enjoy your game and your life and I will mine.


You have been in a disadvantage this whole time, you aren’t understanding what’s being said.

And, as all retail players do, when you can’t get your way you run away. “oh yeah! Well I’ll just raid log and try to hurt the game unless I get what I want!”

Take the false high ground all you want, but better get used to questing Mr “I refuse to level unless it’s a dungeon set up for Me”

You sound like a stuck up little brat.

Another RDF complainer silenced. We are winning the war.

Nope. not how it worked and its not how it works still to this day.

Adding RDF would definitely help with the miserable experience of levelling an alt through empty zones with 3 people in LFG for the instances in your level range.
At this point in the game’s life levelling is meaningless and simply a chore to get out of the way so you can finally play the game.
1-60 or even 1-68 RDF would greatly reduce the tedium and maybe curb the otherwise degenerate way people level now which is push to 51 by any means and then AV your way to 80.


At this point in the game, after the initial leveling wave, joyous journey, and heirlooms how many characters do you need to level?!?

If you have this much time to play a banquet of characters - I’m sure you can find the time to simply do quests.

Everyone I know has at least 2 80’s which is a lot of raid time. 3 is pushing it, 4 is clinically insane, 5+ is no lifting it.

You’re telling me you need a bot program to fish together a dungeon group so you can get by? But you can also raid on 2+ characters a week effectively?

Something doesn’t add up.

Lmao, what?

What are you confused about?

Cataclysm didnt have over 10 million players its entire expansion. Wanna try again?


I currently have 3 characters I raid 10m with, 2 of which i also raid 25m with. It’s just 4-5 days of raiding 2-4h each. I would probably want to have a 4th one for some variety or to have space to reroll for my main raid if necessary, but as it is now the levelling experience is so offputting it’s impossible for me to do. My 3 lvl 80 characters had an easy time as they started at 70.
I want cross-server RDF for low levels just so I can break the tedium of questing with an instance every now and then instead of just logging off and playing a more fun game, as I’m actually interested in gearing and raiding on my newest alt project which I cannot do until I spend enough time in the timeout corner of levelling.


CATA Launched with 12 million subs, hovered above 10 million the entire Xpac until the last quarter of 2012 when it dipped to ~9 million.

What are you confused about?

Lmao. Where are you getting those numbers?


The old aggregated subscription numbers provided by Blizzard until they stopped publicly sharing them in 2015.

For having all the facts you sure don’t have many of them.

The sub figures are literally from the company dude lmao


You cant provide the actual stats from Blizzard?

Google “World of Warcraft Subscription History” - it was all publicly shared data from blizzard.

Just because you can’t figure out how to find data, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Or are you trying to tell me you need spoon fed links?

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