New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Considering most of the big bads in the past were male characters, it’s a refreshing change of pace. Ragnaros, Illidan, Arthas, Deathwing, The Sha, Garrosh, Grom, Archimonde, Sargeras, Kil’Jaeden, N’zoth, The Jailer, and Fyrakk or Raszageth… take your pick.

Aside from the occasional female boss in some Dungeons and Raids, no other expac ever put a female character in that role. The War Within once again focuses on Azeroth, someone Magni constantly refers to as “she”. We seem to be building up to helping her, and figuring out which other female truly wanted her out of the picture. May be bigger than we think, and maybe she even has ties to Sargeras who injured Azeroth in the first place. Anyone’s guess just 2 weeks into the new expac.

I’m pretty sure what everybody wants, man or woman, is Aragorn son of Arathorn.

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Imagine being such an unlovable chud that you think nobody else on the Internet can be attractive, lul what a load of cope

Fortunately I’m a tattooed gigachad with
square chin, strong arms and a robust neck. Thats why they love me.

what i want is this.

#1 alienfu right here.


Amazing you find all this time to whine about women in a video game on the WoW forums when you’re drowning in

I mean, I don’t really care who you date. Your dating habits mean nothing to me, especially when you’re probably in a dating network in which you’re dating people with similar interests and likes.

Like, I’m sure the women you date do value masculinity, but to assume that’s applicable to the rest of the world is actually an extremely silly presumption.

This actually reads like something from Andrew Tate.


Some of us make it look easy because it is to us

I’ve created a topic discussing this subject as well… It’s strange, isn’t it?

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Tali is #1 alien.

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Oh, well. I stand corrected! My own personal experiences as a woman, and that of all the women I know, are invalid because this guy says.

Good to know!

I mean, it’s not for me to suggest that you’re living in a cage that you built around yourself and your self image because you assumed it was what you were supposed to do based on nothing that we ever did or said. I’d maybe suggest avoiding the male voices stridently telling you what women require, though.


translation: “Stop pointing out the crap in our salad bowl im tryin to eat here.”

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tali is best alien.
ill get her this.

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translation: “Women aren’t supposed to do things I think only men should in my fantasy video game.”

Don’t take it so personally. The women front and center of the story are also big failures our PCs have to save as well.

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While sometimes there is funding through ESG investment, I think often executives in these companies also approach woke stuff in a philanthropic mindset. DEI being added raises their personal social standing, especially with how much the US journalist industry loves it. It’s like a tithe. Sacrificing a bit of profitability in order to push woke messaging.

They also don’t care too much about long-term brand damage. Half the executives know they’ll have cycled out somewhere else by the time someone else has to deal with damage to the brand. Though of course there are some true believes, like whoever greenlit the $180 million budget for Acolyte. (I actually kind of doubt that number, it almost seems too unbelievably high, but it’s the number I keep seeing being floated around).

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I’ve said “most of the time” which means its not every time.

I hate this guy,
I don’t know much about him, but what I know is bad. It doens’t change what i’ve said thou…


I mean, I can amend what I said to “majority of the world.”

You would still be incorrect and working off of assumptions.

I liked this thread more when we were talking about RPGs. We should do that again.

People should give me recommendations for good jRPGs to play. I’ve been going back and doing that since I didn’t get into the genre as a kid, and I’ve hit up most of the older Final Fantasy games and I’m aware that Chrono Trigger is apparently the best thing ever so that’s next.

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Hey. That’s my quarian cuddle bunny!

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I’m just annoyed they never let me romance Kasumi since she was my favourite.