New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

no shes mine.

It is objectively how it works.
Relationships are more emotional than rational, there is a historical pattern about that.

Unless the entire trajectory of humanity changes from yesterday to today, you are wrong.

Persona 3-5 are solid JRPGs. If you want more old school, Dragon Quest XI feels ripped out of the 90s/early 2000s era of RPGs and updated with modern graphics.

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Its literally an over compensation for irl issues. Metzen as thrall was supposed to have come back and be a prominent character only to sit in the back listening to everyones sob stories. Bro isn’t even that old yet.

Magni’s story was the only one that was decent. Anduin was a man child and finally stopped being a baby at the very end. Thats it.

In a world that has gone through countless wars and conflict we get stuck with “wahmenz lead everything” because devs say so. Goofy af.

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I can guarantee you that if you made a post asking women what they value most in men, masculinity wouldn’t even be the top 3.

I can recognize that a subsection of women appreciate masculinity, but to say it’s what most, if not all, look for in a partner is categorically untrue.

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I’m good with any era so long as it can be played on a PC or Switch since that’s what I got.

For older stuff, emulation is acceptable.

I have heard good things about several of the Dragon Quest games.

dragon quest iii best one.

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I’ll also add I love the Fire Emblem games. I don’t tend to think of them as jRPGs, but a lot of people do.

Geneaology of the Holy War is peak Fire Emblem.

big rigs over the road racing good rpg too.

Now we must fight to the death!

That gives me an idea.

Often times when I got nothing else to play I’ll set up a list of games to play in order of release starting from the 80s up to modern day.

I should make a list of the worst games of all time.

I actually don’t think of Xal’atath being the villain as an example of wokeness or DEI or whatever term people want to use.

In part, this is because Xal’atath is also not presented in a masculine way, which is the usual hallmark of that kind of nonsense. (Presenting women more masculine and men more feminine). Instead, they lean into Xal’atath being subtle and manipulative. They’ve given her years of history with us. She’s powerful with magic, but obviously doesn’t favor direct confrontation.

I also think the fight she had with Khadgar is misinterpreted by people, because Blizzard didn’t remind players of what the Dark Heart does right before the fight or right afterwards and, let’s face it, people have been half-asleep for Dragonflight’s story.

The Dark Heart absorbs other magic energy types and converts it to shadow. When Khadgar lost, it wasn’t because Xal’atath herself just super-blasted him and super-withstood him, it was Khadgar’s OWN attack being absorbed and reflected back at him by the artifact. Atiesh broke because it took a max-damage hit from its own power.

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More recently I remember people calling Alan Wake 2 woke and I was just like “nice, I get to solve crimes with Max Payne”

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worst game of all time. baldurs gate 3.

The woman hate is so ludicrous at this point. Thinking that woman can’t be strong leaders and or fighter which that mentality is so backwards and yet so wrong and disgusting.

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I believe you, but i’ve already explained this.

The premise is, emotional is different from rational.
It is obvious that a rational answer will rarely be accurate.

Unrequited love is a difficult equation to solve because it is emotional.
If it were rational, there would be no unrequited love.

BG3 is my second most played game on Steam. I haven’t played Warframe in years but it’s gonna be a while before anything tops that.

On Steam anyway. My WoW time definitely beats it. I’m pretty sure my /played on Sabetha alone beats it and I haven’t played this paladin since… whatever expansion was squished into level 50. BfA I think.

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So we’re nearing 5000 posts and I’m not sure which would be funnier to me: This trainwreck getting a part 2, or the mods locking it at 4999 posts.

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DOS 2 was 10x better in every non-superficial way