A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

IK that. I’m just saying those wanting “fresh” NEW Servers don’t want “fresh” Seasonal Servers. I do want to thank you for being the example to show that there are some (not all) that think “fresh” NEW Servers and “fresh” Seasonal Servers, are the same. Meanwhile, that’s not what some (not all) in this thread want. They don’t want to be lumped into “fresh” Seasonal Servers. Even, when I suggested for “fresh” Seasonal Servers, it was met with hostility because it’s not what they want.

Again, IK that, that’s just not how most of this thread (in particular) sees it, though. They don’t want “fresh” Seasonal Servers.

There is. One refreshes, and the other doesn’t.

You shouldn’t be addressing that to me. You should be addressing that to this person:

Plus, I’ve already created a thread noting the difference between the two, and I’m being falsely accused of being “the only one” talking about Seasonal Servers, and I’m not:

You need to read this thread, again because it’s not EVERYONE. Read what this post is saying, again (and stop being blinded by your hatred towards me and actually LISTEN to what I’m saying!):

This person is talking about “fresh” Seasonal Servers and is blantantly telling you that “fresh” NEW Servers is the “same” as “fresh” Seasonal Servers:

You and I both know they’re NOT the same, so IDK why you’re upset with me, when somebody else is advocating for “fresh” Seasonal Servers over “fresh” NEW Servers and lumps you as “the same”, when you’re not. Do YOU want to be on “fresh” Seasonal Servers? If “no”, then you need to help get your message across to SEPARATE that “fresh” NEW Servers does NOT equal “fresh” Seasonal Servers.

I created a thread to create a discussion to inspire discussion about who’s more in favor for “fresh” NEW Servers vs “fresh” Seasonal Servers because you’re two different types of people!

I’m not “invading” anything. I’m trying to hold a discussion and telling you that not everybody on the “fresh” train is for what you want. And, you’re going to be extremely disappointed, when your “fresh” Server is actually a “fresh” Seasonal Server because you got folks in favor for “fresh” Seasonal Servers hijacking the “fresh” NEW Servers movement. This is why it’s SO important to discuss the differences between the two. I’m telling you there’s two different groups, and I actually don’t want either “fresh” NEW Servers nor “fresh” Seasonal Servers, but my idea really is the “best” suggestion, and I haven’t seen anybody else come up with anything else other than trying to make the same mistakes over and over again. “Fresh” NEW Servers is NOT going to “fix”, what you think it’s going to “fix”. Period.

EDIT: So, you need to make a choice and figure out what’s important to you and roll with it. We’re not going to get 100% of what we all want, here. We have to sacrifice something.