New Player Friendly Guilds Check In Here!

Guild Name: Sacred Mentors
Faction: Horde
Realm: Destromath
Primary Focus: (PvE, PvP, M+)
Recruiting Officer or Best Contact for your guild: Behindyou

Lots of new players that we help and lots of experienced players to run keys with when you get the hang of it.

Old (new) player here looking for a PVE, casual player, mature guild :slight_smile:

I currently have 3 characters spread across 3 different realms that I want to consolidate to one. Iā€™m an EST player, and prefer a realm and/or guild that plays primarily in that time zone, though my schedule allows me to play a lot during the afternoon rather than the evening. I admit, I donā€™t remember much about the game (itā€™s been 10 years and things have changed tremendously). I have one character thatā€™s 29 (priest - Alliance, Khadgar), one thatā€™s 49 (Shaman - horde, Arygos), and one thatā€™s 57 (Druid - alliance, Bladeā€™s Edge). If I can find a guild on one of those three servers that would be a boon. Guild size doesnā€™t really matter, so long as you donā€™t mind a relative newbie to group up with. I do enjoy raiding occasionally, but family and work take priority. I have zero time for drama. I prefer Alliance characters but I enjoy playing my Horde Shaman too.

Guild Name: Kindness Breeds Kindness
Faction: Alliance
Realm: Wyrmrest Accord
Primary Focus: PVE, Rp
Recruiting Officer or Best Contact for your guild: Garix#11682 or MiddleMindy#1731

Weā€™re a small guild looking to expand our little family and provide a safe haven from the stresses of ā€œmainstreamā€ WOW.

If you want to be a member of a guild full of awesome, wholeosme people please feel free to give us a try!


hey im interested in joining your guild new player

Guild Name: I Promise Nothing
Faction: Alliance
Realm: Silver Hand
Primary Focus: PvE, PvP
Recruiting Officer or Best Contact for your guild: Laraelin

My desire is for a guild that is active (doing who cares what) and free from ghosts. If you are looking for a guild that isnā€™t so lonely, this is the place to be!

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Hello Tonya,

I really liked your guild advertisement! I plan on sending you a message once I am online.

I have not played WoW since vanilla and I have a lot to catch up on.

Have a lovely day!

Interested in joining guild

Hiya welcome back to the gane. Feel free to msg me.

Hi i am interested in getting in to a guild like this one i never tryed playing in a guild and i am getting back in to the game i made a new chr named ohw on Draka and would like to join =)

Hey, I really want to join a casual guild. And your guild description is awesome. I will open a alliance character on that realm and will ping you.

Hiya and thanks! My new battletag is Toy#11837.

Guild Name: Alien Empire
Faction: Alliance
Realm: Proudmoore US
Primary Focus: (PvE, PvP, RP, etc.) We need your input. :slight_smile:
Recruiting Officer or Best Contact for your guild: Kenna#11491 or Kai#15803

Brand new guild, join and help decide what kind of guild we will be! Starting casual, plan on doing dungeons, raids, pvp, mythic+, pet battles, guild events, input/suggestions are welcome. Become an alien! Msg me for an invite. :smiley:

Guild Name: Prophecy
Faction: Alliance
Realm: Proudmoore
Primary Focus: PvE
Recruiting Officer or Best Contact for your guild: Aadny/Nattfrue/Rain#1470
Recruitment post:

We always are welcoming new members, whether you want to raid or just hang out and enjoy the game!

Hi Toyha! Iā€™m an old (new) player and am interested in joining your guild!

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Your best bet would be using the contact info provided in their post rather than relying on them to return to this thread.

Gotcha thanks for the advice!

Hello! Welcome back to the game. Feel free to msg me at Toy#11837 in game or Toy#4397 on discord. I look forward to hearing from ya!

Guild Name: Tools of Chaos

Faction: Alliance

Realm: Burning Legion, or itā€™s connected realms: Agamaggan, Archimonde, Jaedenar, The Underbog, Kargath, Norgannon, Bladeā€™s Edge, and Thunderhorn

Primary Focus: (PvE, PvP, RP, etc.) PvE, PvP, Social

Recruiting Officer or Best Contact for your guild: Uvdrue-Jaedenar or Tethmes#1322

Founded in October 2009 and still running strong. Friendly leadership and relaxed atmosphere with multiple weekly events, many people running M+, and both normal and heroic no pressure raid nights. We are always willing to answer questions and are both new and returning player friendly. Thanks for checking us out!


I sent you an add but I canā€™t find the guild anywhere, I used guild lookup sights and even /who Tools of chaos in game and it canā€™t find anything.

I got your friend request and will get in touch tonight when I get out of work.

Generally speaking early mornings are slow for us in game, and with the holiday season a lot of members are out of town or otherwise occupied. So if you were looking for us in game around the same time you posted this reply, chances are it was just a dead morning. :slight_smile: