New cgi cutscene possible leak (spoilers)

surely the problem is we just haven’t had enough exposure to the metzen league, another cinematic with saurfang, baine, thrall, anduin and jaina will do the trick… im already clapping in anticipation

You said “cinematic.” You didn’t specify how many manpower hours had to be in it to qualify.

Not really. Thrall returning is a bit of an eyeroll, and really just forces the MoP narrative further.

The cinematic was very well done however. But more Thrall isn’t engaging to the Alliance player. Unless I get to kill him, I could care less.


What makes you think that the alliance should care about thrall?
we all remember him for stealing the garrosh kill.

“muh you failed the horde” I DON’T CARE where is THE ALLIANCE STORY?!


Appart from the BFA trailer which is even they were all three for Saurfang. Tell me how it is fair.

Right in front of you. This is not a “Horde story” or an “Alliance story.” This is a WARCRAFT story.

Sorry you don’t get to see Tyrande display her prowess as the most annoying Alliance character and counterpart to Nathanos.

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that’s cool and all, but i, like many people pay this game to see the story of their faction, horde or alliance.

most of the people in the alliance don’t care about the horde or their story and viceversa, if they cared about the story of the other side, they would play both sides as well. that includes me.

Is not much about tyrande not showing her prowess, is that the playerbase that plays that race, the night elves aren’t getting ANYTHING in return for having their city destroyed by a FRICKING GENOCIDE.

so they are just reduced to a bunch of punching bags.
while guys like thrall get CGI cinematics about “muh, the horde” /facepalm.

i mean, imagine if this happened to you to your favorite race.

if the tables are turned and lets say that jaina or (insert hated character) starts massacring and entire city and their people because she can and while she as it, she laughs about it.
you counterattack, only to get laughed in the face more and she destroys another city but she is the one who do it to rob you of any sort of agency.

Then, that playable faction that recieved a gut punch launch and attack to recover their land, and… do nothing. they get mocked more, get a pointless powerup that leads to nothing and done, that’s the end of your story because “you already had revenge”.

you will love that, i think.


Well, I’m sorry to say, the stories of the Horde and Alliance have now become one again. This is what you’re getting.

First of all, look up genocide. Second, look at this link.

You know, I haven’t exactly enjoyed having to fight for Sylvanas and playing as a bad guy and not a Horde soldier.

… Uhh… it did. To both of them.

That’s what happened.

That did happen. We chased her down and she then just ported away.

The Zandalari haven’t even been able to maintain control of their own continent.

Snark. I like it.

Comparing Teldrassil a city where only civilians remained and all died and is stated to be a genocide to battle for dazar alor is quite the thing

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Tell me where it was stated to be a complete genocide. I’ll wait. Because last I checked, according to Elegy, many actually lived.

Genocide is the attempt, and yes go read elegy it is stated there.


It was attempted genocide, not complete genocide. You are now contradicting yourself and just making up things to back up your argument.

Also, implying that the Night Elves have had it worse than Trolls is pretty funny. WE are the punching bags of this game. Not you.

No you just don’t know the legal definition sorry : The crime of destroying or conspiring to destroy a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group.

And you are mixing unplayble with playable trolls, it would be like saying humans are punching bags because we killed non afiliated organisations

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You’re going to a LEGAL definition LEGAL?? From where?

You’re playing semantics now. Please don’t.

And it’s like saying Highborne territory is Night Elf territory. Oh wait. That’s right, ya’ll said it was!


Also Elegy : " That was madness and genocide" and " Sylvanas Windrunner had commited genocide".

But feel free to discuss the writers on semantics too.

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Cannibal laid it out fairly plainly, back when the novellas were released.

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Tell me why. Because, quite frankly, many of those complaining about Tyrande not being in Nazjatar have said that this is “Their land.”

But it wasn’t genocide. You’re pulling out some random legal dictionary, when instead you could just use the most reliable and simple explanation for the word.

the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.

That’s genocide. Not whatever you’re quoting.

And genocide is not the complete destruction of a people. Only a large portion. I’m not saying she didn’t attempt to completely wipe out the Night Elves. She did. What I am saying is that she didn’t kill all of them like Moonweaver seems to think.

So Word of god says it is genocide but it isn’t because you found an incomplete definition?

Btw I am not saying every nelf died

No, she didn’t destroyed the city, and she didn’t killed civilians for fun.
and it was completely different,you know why? because she didn’t started the war.

i mean, at least you had the chance to fight her directly.

yes, it was zul the one who fractured the kingdom, right?
Where he is now?

so i guess that we didn’t have a genocide in ww2 because many jews survived?