seems to be of saurfang and thrall
why do they keep giving us saurfang
seems to be of saurfang and thrall
why do they keep giving us saurfang
Because Blizzard is upset that not everyone likes him yet.
Blizzard: Yo fans how you want your Saurfang?
Fans: Not sad would be gre-
Blizzard: More mopeyfang got it
sadfang makes me sad
Are you telling me you can’t find sympathy for someone culpable in three separate attempted genocides?
no, no i cannot
Blizzard teaching us that as long as you feel really really bad about it you are still good and should be forgiven. Because what kind of monster would reject that apology? What’s a few thousand lives and a desolated content to being sad?
I think they are trying to forcefully induce us into Stockholm syndrome.
okay so this was from the streamer summit, so the guy broke nda
The hero we didn’t know we needed; Crushing our hopes now rather than letting the faintest spark of hope flare up.
Who is that other Orc suppose to be, Thrall?
BelovedEmpathicVulturePlanking, we salute your sacrifice.
Don’t break NDA’s though, that’s bad.
Probably supposed to be Thrall. He’s got eyebrows.
What are they even doing?
“Hey, the Forsaken are undertaking a dark journey this expansion, and are probably going to lose the character who has defined their society since its inception. We need to understand who they are as a people, and who they’re going to be moving foward. How can we develop this story?”
“By totally ignoring the Forsaken and spending millions on sad orc cutscenes?”
thrall in nagrand
I mean, I enjoy my sad orcs but this made me lol.
I mean sad Saurfang isn’t some kind of objective bad, but they’re both doing it poorly and trying to milk it far too much. Though I guess not having something big for Thrall’s return would be kinda ridiculous considering the character’s history
That is the only journey they’ve taken bruh. Hell, not even a dark journey for them, more like a Sunday puppy BBQ with a side of Kittenball
No, not really. Their previous darkness has been in service of something. Killing puppies to reclaim Lordaeron and killing puppies because THE DARKNESS IS TELLING ME TO are not the same story, at all.
Remember the Alliance is also in those cinematics !
We see nelves burning in the first and our dear leader freeing the leader of an extermination War!
So much for faction parity !
And killing this innocent animal for either is not dark because…?