New cgi cutscene possible leak (spoilers)

There were Forsaken in the BFA intro cinematic, the Vanilla cinematic, and the BC cinematic. Just sayin’.

Now if you wanna see a severe lack of representation, look for gnomes in cinematics.

Spoiler: There aren’t any. They put dwarves in wherever gnomes are suitable.

Not any really clear looks though, would have to double check

Ah I thought the murloc scene was in the Vanilla.

There were Gnomish gyrocopters briefly in the Legion cinematic, presumably piloted by Gnomes. But, yes, otherwise, point taken.

Gotta love that Forsaken faction pride.


We run on spite.


can you use spite as a new energy resource?


What part of we literally run on it did you not read :3

you run on it, but can you use it to power a city?

The apothecaries say yes.


i gotta get me some of that spite

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It works wonders for your enemies complexions.

Are you really comparing Terror of Darkshore to the likes of Old Soldier, the latter which took hundreds, thousands of manpower, hours and money to produce over the former, which is a modified game engine creation?

Switch to Night Elf. You get a continent-sized tree’s worth of spite just in your starter pack alone.

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It burns out really fast though.

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Not me. Once I realized that wheat has more of a CGI cinematic presence than the entire Night Elven race, I have enough spite to power a small nation the rest of my lifetime.

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We did burn for a few second in old soldier, wasn’t that cool ?

Because they’re even cooler that way?

IS now. Thrall has gone back to his roots again.

Share the coolness with others then.

What do you mean? Sylvanas got her bit of CGI. So too did Anduin and Genn.