New AB marks changes

Great changes!!! I resubbed today and take back most of the negative things I said about the devs. Ty


What changes? Changes from 1 to 2 and back to 1 again or was there another one made today?

Horde gets 4 marks now and alliance gets 1 each game. Most games are 0/5 in AB

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Info here: PSA: Marks in AB just changed!

The full changelog (coming soon today in our hotfixes update) looks like this:

  • Battlegrounds
    • Arathi Basin and Warsong Gulch now award more Marks of Honor to the losing team when the match ends, based on the performance of the losing team.
    • The losing team will always get 1 Mark of Honor, plus 1 extra for each flag capture in Warsong Gulch, or for each 600 resources earned in Arathi Basin.
    • The winning team will now always receive 4 Marks of Honor.

Kaivax, this is an amazing change!

However please ask the devs if they can double the resource gains for AB.

Currently a well matched game will last 30 mins and the losing team will likely get 3 or 4 marks.

However the 30 mins spent players could get 5 or 6 marks by throwing the game. If resource gain rates are doubled the AB games should last at most around 15 minutes making it the best HPH and further discouraging throwing games!

Also I feel many players would rather have 15 min games than 30 min games.

Which game are you playing? Horde are terrible in most games. Unless I’m playing in a pure pug vs alliance pre-made. I solo queue and alliance usually win.

Hey so after playing with this, losing team still only getting 1 mark because it’s only horde premades queuing and dominating the game. You can’t even get to 600 resources in AB before it’s 5 cap and gy farmed in base.

Seems pointless to keep fiddling with this when the pvp balance is absolutely horrendous.

Anecdotal but I haven’t had a single game of AB in 3 weeks that wasn’t a 1-sided stomp even when alliance were trying to win.


I still think it’s a good change, but getting stomped and losing to a 5 cap is still better HPH unless AB resource ticks are 2x the value or happen twice as fast making the close games 15 mins instead of 30.

With 15 min games that are close games it would encourage alliance to try and fight and hold at least 1 or 2 bases because you have equal or better HPH than intentionally throwing.

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This is a great change but you need to buff AV marks or honor some how or AV will never pop. It’s not healthy for AV to not be buffed. AV is my favorite bg.

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I’d appreciate it if they encouraged PvP by fixing the insane balance issues.

I am currently in an AB that is about to be 5-capped and we have less than 200 resources, there’s no PvP happening here

500 damage Bloodthirst vs 2.3k mind blast, and 1,9k SWD, there’s so much fun to be had here.

Buffing the AV turn in marks to 2500 at minimum would be a massive improvement.

Even if PvP was Balanced I’d still think Alliance would lose because Alliance has generally not been good in PvP outside of pre-made groups.

Doubling the resource gains should make AB last at most around 15-17 mins and should make Alliance at least try than give up right away. Because why have a close game for 30 mins and get less HPH than let the horde 5 cap.

Now they need to put horde racials on ring runes to balance the pvp a bit since they already gave horde the best alliance racials.

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This dev team will kick, scream, and do everything in between to avoid balancing the racials for PvP.


Probably would be better to place racials on the neck (if they want us to choose 1) or trinkets (if they want us to choose 2) or a NPC to change your Racials.

Further expanding, maybe have it be a neck rune and the rune is listed as the race. It replaces your racials with that of the other race so there is no mixing and matching.

Then you just make the hph double, ranking is already crazy fast. There is no need to make 100k hph the norm. If everyone caps on day 1 it’ll just be dead the rest of the week.

There is a give and take with the rate in which you can cap honor

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You can always make a group to fight them

The reasoning behind it is to make the HPH equal to that or the groups that throw or get stomped and horde 5 caps at the start.

By making AB last 15-17 mins by doubling the resources if the losing team always holds 2 nodes it means the HPH should be equal to that of 5-6 min games which are 5 caps for the losing team.

We should in turn see far less intentional throwing. Because currently by throwing you can get 3 marks in 15 mins where as a close game will get you 3 marks in around 30 mins.

That doesn’t really do anything tho, it just makes the highest denominator insanely OP and unrealistic. All you do is speed up ranking for efficient groups hilariously fast. I’d argue give zero marks if you get nothing in game, that way your mission is to never lose instantly

This is assuming everyone will hold 2 nodes only, which is unrealistic though I do understand what you’re getting at and is a valid case

For alliance yeah, that’s why I suggest anti throw measures by 0 caps for 0 resources. At 200 you can get the first mark but this is just imo

i’m on the pve server cause i made my character when crusader strike was completely locked. there’s no chance of forming a premade to do anything