PSA: Marks in AB just changed!

Blizzard continues the trend of implementing dumb ideas for a week, removing them a week later, and finally implementing the idea that everyone else had thought of the week after that.

Marks in AB now work like this:

699 points or less: 1 Mark
700-1499: 2 Marks
1500-1999: 3 Marks
2000 (meaning you won) 4 Marks.

Thanks Blizzard. Would have been nice if you’d either done this from the beginning or just increased the honor from actually playing the objectives instead of this weird roundabout Mark method… but this is better than nothing. And way better than what we got at the start of Phase 5.

Basically, go out there and try your hardest in every AB. The premades will still 5 cap and GY camp you, but at least those games will go quick. Every other AB just became a lot more competitive. Spread the word.

EDIT: Corrected the values above, I was wrong about the mark breakpoints initially. They should be correct now.

EDIT: Blue Post:


This is a great change.

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Fantastic change, love to see that

Any confirmation of how this works in WSG? Time based or number of flag caps?

ive seen numerous people claiming 4 tokens for a LOSS at some point threshold, can anyone confirm

Great changes but ppl will still be salty af :popcorn:

If my napkin math is right, if 3 is up to 1999 honor and 4 is 2000 honor… yea it’s absolutely a loss.

EDIT: After re-reading this, I misunderstood the numbers. The numbers are resources in the BG. So you win you get 4 marks. I assume the token turn in is the same so it should be a gain.

I think this is a massive W. Playing the game doesn’t feel like a massive waste of time if you barely lose now.

Step in the right direction but its probably still faster to lose that’s the funniest part.

3 losses = 15 mins = 7400 honor

Playing the game for 700-1499 = 15-20 mins roughly = 2 marks

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imagine just passing up on a little bit of fun to be a few seconds faster!


Any game where you get 700-1499 points is also 10000+ honor in HKs. Any game where you get 5 capped and lose in 5 minutes is almost certainly a GY camp and <10 HKs.

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Ws in the chat for Blizzard!!!

why do we have marks at all?

Definitely a better way to do it, but 4 marks is a bit much.

Eh, just means the Horde Premades cap a couple hours faster and are out of the circulation for everyone else that much sooner. The most tryhard horde were already capping 500k honor by Tuesday/Wednesday anyways.

Now they’ll guarantee cap on Tuesday, and things will become more balanced earlier in the week.

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Actually, that’s not a bad point at all

Yeah by Thursday night I was actually getting a 50% win rate in pug ABs last week lol. Once the first waves of Horde cap honor, the quality of those still queueing starts to go down dramatically.

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I think he means
699 points or less: should get 0mark.
I think that will be fine:)

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