Nerf Utgarde Keep XP farm in wrath

ok karen. so everyone has to play the game the way you want them to play it? did you pay their sub? no? qq

^ this. almost every boost in previous versions utilize some pathing exploit. nothing about the UK farm involves any exploits to pathing. its 100% based on player performance

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I don’t understand this “Promoting interactions between players in dungeons”. All I see players say is “Table pls” if there’s a mage, otherwise it’s just “ty for run” at the end

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Most if like me don’t have pro gaming levels of coordination and APM off the charts.

we are busy…pressing casts. Not gonna lie you get 2 things with me.

Dps, no chat.

Chat…no dps.

even for pvp. which ain’t so bad. when I am the only one on the objective…its not game ending for me to type “3 inc at obj. x”.

3 on 1 I am dead. my team at least knows to bring 3 people. all that matters. they come fast enough with better reporting the flag may not even flip. it be defence, not a retake.

Honestly, if they’re not abusing pathing or exploiting some broken mechanic, I don’t really care what they do. Good for them! That takes a lot of practice and skill to pull off and that’s their reward. What you don’t see in that video is all the takes he died and had to run back in.

He’s lvl 75 in that video; doing that pull as a lvl 71 would be much different as the margin of error for agro range in the drake room would be tight. If you really, really need to break this, just make the axe throw skill instant cast so they can do it while on the run. Wouldn’t have any effect on normal groups at all while easily closing the door on this farm.


Yeah I still say it’s fine I mean it’s not a bad thing to let dungeon farms be a thing seriously I’m this is why I don’t like the pillars because realistically does anybody else like the idea sounding especially if you are On a hypop server like imagine even if you’re on a 9000 population server all those people competing for the same everything that sounds miserable.

why do you care how other people play the game. not everyone is going to want to do this. let the crazys be crazy and just enjoy the game the way you want to play it.

If anything this is helpful. one less dps complaining about no tank lol


No bugs, its just gaining 20 yards every cd with blink and running around. It works because you only use living bomb, since you never have to cast anything but an instant cast, nothing can catch you.

Important to note prot warriors can also do this, and I believe there are other classes too. Only way to really nerf it would be to gut solo xp or something, idk.

Bots farm gold. Bots sell gold. Economy ruined. Gdkps spawned. No ones really having any fun. Cycle repeats.


Yeah you’re one million percent right and until they actually do something about it it’s not going to change.

Bots will farm gold be it in dungeons with rogue pick pocket or random mobs in open world. people out here ruining other peoples fun for there own enjoyment seems ridiculous.

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I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having dungeon gold farms is the thing or even leaving people solo level their characters if they can do it by themselves that’s fine.

At least to me Because here’s my issue Yeah people are lovely now I would make an argument more because there’s the 50% experience buff than anything else I’m willing to bed if that didn’t get included people still wouldn’t level.

I mean sure at some point they would have to if they ever want to level anything else but that doesn’t make it a fun experience And yes I know why they nursed boosting the way they did fine I think they went a little far with it I think 5 bubbles is a little bit too little but still.

My point is just because bots abuse it bots can abuse anything Doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be cool stuff that players can do too.

this particular complaint… is how i KNOW you guys are just jealous you can’t do it yourself.

VERY FEW tanks are able to solo this farm. they need to be sunwell geared. these tank wouldnt be grouping with you.

if anything. this INCREASES your chance to find dungeons at the beginning, as many DPS would, instead of trying to get into a group, just do this.

meaning you have a higher rate of forming groups.

allowing people to solo this is actually GOOD for regular players.


I mean you think you are kind of pushing that just a little bit I wouldn’t say you need sunwell gear in order to do this I would say if you have some black temple gear you should be fine I haven’t gone the chance to try it on the Beta myself but from what I was seen it’s not that.

I think saying that you need sunwell gear is a little much To be fair

our sunwell gear bear is spending 30-45 minutes soloing it

Yeah when will they stop hindering a players imagination on how they interact in a fantasy world they created to be explored and have fun in

How am I hindering players I’m saying if you can solo this farm more power to you it’s completely fine.

There is nothing wrong with beyond to do this I’m not sure what you took as me saying this is bad but what I’m saying is let them do it if they can do it on the road then let them do it

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Not you blizzard and the way they are handling the botting issue

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I think a Warrior or a paladin or a death night would be a little bit faster But Multiple classes can Solo this farm anyway I think feeling too that can’t actually Are arrogant shadow priest It’s going to be a little Easier as a paladin or A DK.

But If you know what you’re doing pretty much I think anyone can do this farm with the exception as I said a shadowpriest or a Rogue.

Yeah that’s fair I still think I would not be surprised at all if when they were released the level it’s going to be unrestricted and you can buy as many as you want.

At this point I don’t think you would matter too much but I would laugh my head off