Nerf Utgarde Keep XP farm in wrath

The only way to nerf it is to nerf exp from the dungeon as a whole. They never nerfed zf exp in classic or sp exp in tbc so I don’t imagine it will get nerfed.

Give blizz a break, they are doing everything they can to combat high player numbers, there is only so much they can do to trash wotlk and still make it look like they tried to put out what they promised.

Not true, it is easy to nerf. Just make mobs run faster when they are kited too long.

I don’t care if tanks are soloing the mobs cause it is slow for them and not the absolute best XP.

Just need to nerf mages killing everything in 5 min.

Why tho???

So are Paladins and Boomkins, and warlocks, and, and, and

Mage boosting will likely still exist in different formats (probably more fire and kiting with instants and less frost).

People will also be running twinked mages at various levels to bypass the high level rule.

Mages get living bomb at 60 (so that will likely be the core of the 52-68 boosting range) then 70+ can solo UK (68-79 boosts)

Outside of that its going to depend on lower level aoes but I am sure there are people working on it right now in beta to see what the routes, talents and gear requirements are.

There are dks doing the SP pulls.

In positive a fire mage can do it with living bomb.

Sp uses pathing.

Utgarde keep doesn’t use any pathing.

Just curious, do you scour youtube for things to whine about?

OR . . . it could just be left alone and all these pathetic people could stop finding every little thing to piss their pants over in this old game.


The nerf herders have to find something to ruin. its the way they live.

leave it in the game. I would love to boost to level 80 or just create a level 80 character. leveling traditionally is absolutely boring in 2022

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I guess you haven’t heard, they are nerfing all boosting in Wrath. Oops…

well there goes my alts then

I think it’s so awesome how mages can pull this off, stop pigeon holing ways to play WoW.


Exactly this.

I can see this being an issue for server first 80 achievement. I honestly dont care but some do

Yea, they will sell boosts exactly

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I mean real I just don’t think that matters that’s literally one person on the entire server you know what II mean oh no It made the 1st to level 80 achievement a little bit more cheesy.

Let’s be honest the fastest level are is going to be a hunter they’ve always been technically the fastest especially in the hands of a skilled player.

I mean the fastest will be the one with the one with the most efficient route who doesnt sleep as its probably going to be over in 20-40 hours.

I mean yeah but that’s my point either way I don’t think that this should be changed just because of that you know what I mean I think it’s completely fine the way it is and it should just be left alone.

And yeah you are right but traditionally it’s generally a hunter