Nerf Utgarde Keep XP farm in wrath

Though i wonder if any of these changes will affect farming old raids solo for things like the tiger/raptor mount

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Oh absolutely they well they’ve already said that ZG is worthless right now As a farm You can no longer solo the tiger boss or raptor boss so yeah.

Now it might change when we hit level 80 but yeah Effectively blizzard has killed dungeon farming At least mostly Again I get why they did it but still I think it could have been done better.

Yeah just a duck tape job to satisfy the crowd about the rampant bots who can be reported in open world and still be active a week later. Sigh wish they could just think more or do same testing on things before being monkeys

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Yeah there is an argument to be had that bots are filling the economy and destroying it with RMT but realistically if they really want to do something about that they would have to take much bigger actions for example.

They could increase the gold granted by quests to scale with the economy Or increase gold drops to scale with the economy so people can afford stuff easier but nope nope.

Or And yes I would be in least favor of this one but blizzard setting a maximum price of how much stuff can go for.

After doing a gold wipe Which again nobody would be in favor for at all Or haven’t forbid blizzard actually Ban the bot but then again They’ve had 17 years to do that they’re not going to do that now.


Affliction locks can pull an entire zone in Wrath.

And they can solo UK. Not as fast as mages, but it’s still EZ.

We’ll have our day.

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Hey hey, don’t knock it till you try it.

After 20 years of farming finally getting a single Ber rune to drop, WORTH IT!!!

Yea, locks open world are @#$%ing nuts. As long as you keep moving, you win. Get a T6 two piece bonus and it makes it even more ridiculous. They are going to be amazing levelers and open world farmers.

cope harder.

Takes my moonkin 4min30seconds to finish the entrance and first floor mobs. So in fact you are wrong.

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Mages do all the mobs 1st floor, drakes, and 2nd floor in less time.

No one cares what your boomy does because it is slow.

I’m personally tired of busybodies wanting to dictate how other people should be allowed to play a video game.

Who cares if they can do this? Instance lock outs is 5 per hours.

If they actually did this in five minutes , they’d be locked out for an hour in 25 minutes.

Why don’t you just focus on how you play the game and stop demanding other people play it the way you do?


Because they feel like the changes decrease the gap between them and good players. Its a false sense that they cling onto


You need a life outside of these forums dude. You’re the saltiest person I’ve ever seen on here and all because of how other people play the game. Just close your internet for a little bit and go touch some grass. Maybe ask your mommy for a little bit of extra good boy dollars and go get yourself a candy bar to balance out your blood sugar levels.


Am I the only one that doesnt care how fast people level? I dont love the gold made from boosting. But I honestly dont care how fast someone levels.

We all hate leveling, we all just tolerate the chore to get to the actual game. I have played since vanilla, i have leveled enough times


The easiest way is to make Dungeon XP dependent on both level range and number of party members. Simply reduce dungeon mob XP by the same fraction of players missing.
Solo = 1/5th XP. Do it with drop chances and raw gold too…why not?

This is all reminding me of Athene getting banned while attempting world’s first 80 because of mob tagging or something…good times.

You’re wrong, and clearly stupid. Boomkins can do this as well. Also, instance lockout prevents abuse.

And then swiftly unbanned.


Leave UK alone!

Trying to level my mage main like this while relaxing and listening to music.

Here’s me doing the 1st pull on beta at 70 with no eng boots or zanza, sorry they wouldn’t shut up about Tarkov.

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I know multiple people aiming to cheese 70-80 levelling by doing this as either a mage or a paladin. They’re doing it to rush max level to hike prices and bork the market. So I say nerf it.


The people doing this are min/max and dont even have gathering prof