Nerf Utgarde Keep XP farm in wrath

Mages are pulling the 1st two floors of Utgarde keep as fire and killing it all at once in like 5 min. They can do it from 70 all the way to 79. You also don’t need much gear for this. It gives crazy XP per run.

I hope this isn’t going to be a thing for Wrath launch cause it cheapens all the things Blizzard is doing to combat boosting.

Blizzard pls nerf… :anger:


No leave it because not just me just can do it holy cow in fact multiple classes can do this that’s a good thing by the way.

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No other class can kill all the mobs on the 1st two floors at once in 5 mins. Just mages. It is broken.


It’s fine I mean it’s still better than Ice mages being able to pull entire dungeons Besides that’ll get changed with gear.

Just like it always does the fact is the Warriors can do this palatins can do this as you said fire images can do this warlocks can do this I think the only classes that can’t do it at this point are a shadow priest and a rogue which is again fine.

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So are you forced to do this?


Why does that matter? It is a crazy XP farm that needs a nerf. Blizzard literally nerfed every XP farm like this in the open world. Seems weird they would allow an easy dungeon farm like this to exist after nerfing literally every other farm.

They are also going to nerf dungeons soon so just making sure they take care of this when they do those new nerfs.


I don’t know why it matters that some rando can farm trash in a dungeon to level. Are they gonna sell boosts or something?


If it doesn’t matter why did they nerf EVERY SINGLE open world spot where a mage could farm XP super fast???

Obviously it matters.

They are also nerfing boosting in dungeons anyway. So this is an obvious one to nerf. Just letting them know it is a thing.


They still have to add the SoM changes to dungeon CC still. All these mages will be in for a shock soon enough. This has already been posted


Except SoM nerfs won’t fix this since mages are using FIRE now instead of frost spells.

Right, the community has really kept this super quiet and tried hiding it from the devs.

Quit trying to make more changes. The devs have already demonstrated they have no idea how to make good changes; chances are if they “fix” this, they’re just going to remove dungeon mob exp altogether after making mobs completely immune to CC.


they fixed the dwarf zone boar farm in retail in like a week.

they will drag their feet on this tho

Farms perfectly fine, we aren’t using any pathing bugs or reset points.

Oh no people are leveling faster…the horror…


I have a feeling you will never find any pleasure out of a video game.

So that begs the question… why play?


Mobs should be running faster after few seconds. It doesn’t seem the case right now on the beta.

What are you suggesting? Nerf mages or nerf exp for everybody else as well? Either way I don’t think you will find many agreeing.

They’re changing enough stuff we don’t need.


If people want to sit farming an instance for 9 levels let them. It has 0 impact on anything. They clearly know how to play if they are soloing a dungeon. If they know how to solo dungeons they probably already have gold. People getting to 70 doesn’t affect you.

0 impact.


If Blizzard is doing “World First” achievements, it has some impact and I would agree it shouldn’t be allowed. If they aren’t doing that then I agree with you.

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Not nerfing the solo’ing of UK would be extremely counterintuitive of this whole push by Blizzard to create an environment where players should interact with one another when doing group content. Pretty much their whole reasoning behind not having the original LFD system that majority of the people want…

If they do not nerf UK xp farm then they truly do not care about promoting more “interactions b/w players” in group content and the LFD system that majority of people want needs to be implemented.