Nerf Utgarde Keep XP farm in wrath

Fair enough and that’s why they’re killing it Because I would agree with that too I think it’s completely fine if you’re good enough you can solo farm a dungeon by yourself that’s fine.

Or you and a friend can do that if those experience rates are increased that’s completely fine however what I don’t want Its frostmages be of the Pole dungeons All day and The fastest way to level be that I get there are people that don’t like to level I’m one of them however.

I would almost say just make the paid boost to 70 And just take away the restriction at this point It’s not the best alternative I’ll admit but I would rather Pay for the boost upright instead of buying fate gold from the 3rd party website.

Or what they could do is just increase mob experience all around to make the level of experience faster from quests so people are less than synthetized to do that but oh no leveling’s faster and I like to level like the 50% experience buff for example.

Let people be able to turn that on and off and let it increase and it’s stack with BOA gear for every single character you level so it’s faster every single time And let your reputation gains be increased by 20% each time as well And the same thing with gold while you’re still leveling that would make a better leveling paradigm.

But blizzard doesn’t like to do those type of solutions because parently making it harder is always the best way to do things because of reason

If their goal was to stop this, a charge would be better than a sprint.

Honeslty i think the best way to prevent this from becoming a boost is to give the dragons a fixate ability that can target anyone in the instance. Damaging the dragon as its fixated target removes the fixation. You cannot become the fixated target if you have recently healed the dragons aggro target.

This lets mages solo, but makes afk boosting MUCH harder because they can fixate the afk player and if they dont fight back in some form it will kill them. Then possibly return to the mage in a way that ruined the boost as it is not stacked with the other mobs. This can result in the mage being killed as well.

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Snitches get stiches.

What is yalls obession with attempting to force everyone to play with you, we still wont play with you, we don’t like people that whine as much as some of yall do, you will still be alone, so just knock it off, you can’t demand blizzard try to force people to play with you, this isn’t kindergarten.


“Someone else is playing wrong and it makes my brain hurt.”


What they’re doing with boasting already is completely fine Fire mages may be able to do it but not nearly as well as frost Could in tbc On top of that there’s not the only class that can do it in fact at this point I think the only class that can’t do this solo farm at this point is a shadow priest And a rogue.

Considering what they’re doing to the xp values That’s more than enough in my opinion if some people can solo dungeons to an extent that’s fine It’s not like they can kill bosses on their own.

This farm is easier than slave pens in TBC.

And this is why Fire Mages are the most superior of all mages!

Why slow and snare them when you can BURN THEM TO A CRISP! (Maniacal Pyromaniac Laughter)

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It’s not a good thing at all. It shouldn’t be possible to solo any dungeons in the game. It cheapens the game experience.


If it’s faster than leveling normally, just remove world first achieves since those were attained years ago and this is obviously broken.

If it’s slower than leveling through questing/5 man dungeon runs and they just like being in solid control of their leveling experience, who cares?

That’s your perspective I would very much disagree with that if your spec has the capability it’s so low dungeons and it’s not even solving the whole dungeon it’s not like you’re killing Level 71 and 72 bosses you’re killing trash so you’re not getting the drops.

So in a sense you are soloeing a dungeon but you’re not actually solo in it you’re so annoying you’re Solowing Parts of it not the whole thing.

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Give them Mana burn

Give them more XP so I can do it for less time.

Im like 74 on beta now and i have been doing these pulls the whole time and its a blast.

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i did dungeon spam in tbc as healing shaman. it was boring. can’t imagine how much more mind-numbing it is with no other players. ill be levelling in open world this time and pvping

if people want to do this, they should be allowed to. stop meddling with the game


Hey Blizzard someone is having fun in a way I donr like can you remove it from the game.


Please don’t tempt them they just might do that just on that principle alone

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You can solo it as Balance, Feral Druid, Prot Warrior and Paladin also. Ohnoes.

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They will probably nerf it.