Nerf Utgarde Keep XP farm in wrath

Who cares if someone wants to no life UK for 40 hours let them. That doesn’t sound fun at all. And they will be 80 like what? 15 hours ahead of people questing ? Whoopdie doo

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This is typically my thoughts, but the problem some people have with this is the raw gold farm and boosting potential.

I say let them have it, since tanks can also solo this.

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Unsurprising, Blizzard loves mages and will leave in the game any gold farm to enrich them.

Meanwhile warlocks constantly get the chaff.

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I actually don’t care if these types of things are in the game as individual farms. Where it kind of starts to bum me out is that they quickly become sold farms, and the player base seems to tend to tunnel on those kinds of things instead of just playing the game. This starts to have an impact on people who actually do want to play the game but can’t find groups because everybody who could join their party is paying for a boost.

This is the weirdest crap I’ve ever seen. Players demand Classic and demand that it has no changes, but then steadfastly find ways to pay to skip the game. The thought of paying Blizzard to skip the game causes outrage, but paying botters/hackers for gold to then pay to other players to skip the game is totally cool.

You make no sense, Classic WoW players!


Still can’t boost others because XP difference will leave the lower levels getting no XP.

You can boost others. He is doing this at level 70 and the mobs are level 70. These mobs will remain in xp range until level 80. I believe if a level 80 is in group the xp will be nerfed, but if you stop your xp using the xp stop npc this will never be the case.

Nobody knows the extent of the nerfs they plan to add.

When all is said and done they could make it a 90% xp nerf if someone in the group is 5 levels higher than you on the top end.

So they can just adjust.

Stop your xp at level 75.

LFM Utgard keep xp boost, level 70 to 75!

Or. Level 75 to 79.

That’s true.

There’s still ways around it. They could make it so if you dont deal a certain percentage of damage or heal a certain percentage of health you get 0 xp.

if humans can argue EMFH is good for the game, as a feral druid i can argue that this utgarde keep xp feature is immersive and #nochangesunlesstheysuitmyneeds

Cattleclysm will fix it


Who cares? If your idea of fun is Diablo 2 and killing the same thing over and over for 20 years to reach end game more power to you. I’ll be questing as a mage. We will both be at the same exact spot a day later, and I’ll have had a lot more fun than the dude who no lifed the same 60 NPCs for several days

If it turns into a leveling boost though, blizzard isn’t keeping true to what they have said.



Simple fix for this is to reduce the amount of EXP given to solo/duo or increase the movement speed of the mobs by a x amount.

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There doesnt need to be a fix…

How is finding ways to play like this bad?

This is a mmo…

Yall are cringe.


More people soloing uk means easier open world questing and more gathering nodes to get. Have at it guys.


I agree …

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This is why I want it to be changed.

But I specifically want it to be broken as far as boosting goes.

I don’t think someone solo leveling in dungeons hurts the game but I believe 4 people sitting afk in dungeons does.


Good thing no one cares what you think then eh?

The best fix for this would to be stop trying to control how others play the game.