Nerf Utgarde Keep XP farm in wrath

Mage’s aoe farm is getting bricked in Wrath.
Just FYI. Blizzard is really cracking down on boosting.

Another change that is coming that if you have a high level, no one will be getting exp.


This method involves killing things at the same level as you. So xp will not be affected.

And it’s hilarious.

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XP piece is to the topic of boosting and how mages are being affected.

As for UK & other aoe farms, Blizzard is changing mage snares to like 30 seconds. You can’t sit there and perma snare/slow them. Just won’t be a thing anymore. Mage solo farming is officially dead on day 1 of prepatch.

Bliz will be chasing their tail going after everything people thing shouldn’t be a thing.

So what? You’re upset about this because you’ll have one less person to compete against for open world questing? There’s approximately 5000000000000000000 mages per realm, this is good news.

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This method does not involve snares. People are doing it on beta.

oh…ooooo are they are like, standing on something not tto get attacked?

But also, like, I couldn’t even pretend to care that someone is going to hardcore grind it/
Oh wow, okay. You gonna ding 80 a few days before me. But I will enjoy & play the game, while they will just do 1 task over and over and over and hate their lives …

Unless you’re part of the world first team. none of that :poop: should matter to anyone…unless you’re a stingy karen IRL.


The big circle area at the beginning of the instance, you can just run everything in a circle and spam living bomb and kill everything as you out run them with blink.

Just pull things to that point, use nova to stack them before they become immune.

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Doesn’t matter if you do it in 5 minutes or 12 minutes, you’re still limited to 5/h

Nope. Seethe.

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oh well…who cares?


Certainly not me.

Is there a video of this?

People will always find a way.
Looks like boosting is back on the menu boys.

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That seems extremely exploitative. How are mages able to outrun those mobs, even with Blink, Cone of Cold and Frost Nova? Is there some slow effect on Living Bomb? Or do the mobs just run way slower in there? I feel pretty certain that it would be impossible even for a Frost Mage to kite mobs this long without exploiting pathing in some way today in TBC.

I’d love to see this patched.

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Bot raw gold farms to sell for real money.


It’s like they don’t know what they are doing

It does matter. If you do 5 resets in 25 min then you can quest the rest of the time and get massive XP. Then go back and start again in Utgarde when the lockout resets. Which is what they are doing.

There are two things I can always get behind: Nerfing mages and nerfing rogues. So with that said :+1: I support OP’s proposition.


And? Who cares about how fast someone else levels.