Nerf Utgarde Keep XP farm in wrath

What’re you even talking about? All of the Wrath EXP farming spots in the world are working right now.


Manuredps said Mages couldn’t do it!!!

I don’t know who to believe in!!!

Good lord this is ridiculous stop demanding changes to wrath. xD


That was before the utgarde keep fire pulls came out.

Give Sprint to Utgard Keep mobs.

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Well I mean Blizzard cares as evidenced by the fact that they are actively making changes to combat dungeon boosting.

If they are breaking dungeon boosting from 1-70 I’d assume they’d try and break it for 70-80 as well.

I agree.

At the same time tho its ok for blizzard to sell boosts but a player making gold to level some in no bueno.

Just seems odd.

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Or just let people level fast and stop trying to force people to play how you want to. Its clear “you think you do but you dont” was one of the smartest things blizz has ever said.


The amount of petty is unreal sometimes.

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Agree. Its stunning to watch people demand others play a game how they want to based off of nothing but some outdated concept of how MMO’s were played thats never even been true.


Just leave it, not everyone is gonna do it so I don’t see what the problem is.


Haha…You start a thread being cringe and complaining about how mages can’t solo UK…But someone figured out how to solo it as fire so everything is now all good and everyone needs stop being cringe…wow

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Now youre getting it.

I see someone has been watching Esquire’s videos.

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I get you…And I’m not impressed.

I dont need you to be impressed…

A new method came out that avoids the nerfs so im gucci now.

Saw it before Esquire did it.

I have been watching his vids tho.

your not getting it…you continue to unimpressive…do better, be better

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Ok Mr level 12 hunter, i sure hope i can live up to your expectations one day.

I always wanted to impress a nobody.

Ummmm… you can still Farm ZF as a Frost Mage and get 1400 XP per mob at level 46… What are you actually smoking?