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We have discussed in length how I consider in-game lore as opposed to frequently contradictory book/comic/rpg lore.

It got majorly built up during the Hellscream era though.

That says pretty much nothing about SplinterTree post and the rest of the Horde settlements in Ashenvale. Zoram’gar Outpost might be described as not having had much use, but it was NOT described as having been abandoned in the interim.

The Horde presnce with in Ashenvale has become so secure and invasive that manning the Rampart isn’t neccessary. A significant part within the Rampart is pretty much Horde territory now.

Hence the second quote describing Zoram’gar Outpost as being in ruins.

For something that’s supposedly in ruins, it seems good enough for Saurfang to stage his entire Darkshore invasion force on .

By the way if we’re going by quotes, Malfurion supposedly destroyed the Astranaar Inn in his failed attempt to crush Saurfang.

He sure did.

But then last we heard the Night Elves were fighting and regaining areas in Ashenvale, including Astranaar, from the mission table missions. We just haven’t gotten confirmation of its state after the end of the Fourth War yet, though.

The mission tables are in no way confirmed to he canon and are in fact often times conflicting withn actual events in game. Your clinging to thin threads.

Why even give something to the Night Elves (13% of the playerbase) when you can just give it to the horde (55% of the playerbase).

Blizz logic. When even killing 1 Val’kyr is too much.

They are also not confirmed non-canon, and the only mention of Ashenvale we have at all.

I, too, would like confirmation from Blizzard on the state of Ashenvale after the War Campaign finale.

Good luck with that.

If it’s not material under active development, they have no interest in discussing it.

For practical game play reasons, they aren’t simply going to just give Ashenvale wholly to the Alliance. There’s a lot of low level Horde questing that goes on there.

Or it’s old name Eldre The’ Las, but given that most, almost all of the Highborne who lived there are dead, I don’t see it happening.

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No they don’t. the dishonored Vyrkul go to Hellheim, the honored ones go to the Halls of Valor. Thros may be another after life region.

That was decided and managed by a broken mentally ill robot who kills his children if he can’t enslave them. He gives daily world quests to the Horde to murder Alliance for his entertainment.

Are you sure you wanna use him as your ultimate moral compass?

That was a machination of Odyn not shadowlands

Wouldn’t be surprised if this is expanded upon in Shadowlands… Both Helheim and Halls of Valor serve as an afterlife for certain Vrykul. if Bwonsamdi is capable of creating his own pocket dimension in the Shadowlands, I can’t see any reason why Helya or Odyn couldn’t as well.

Both of those places could be part of the Shadowlands. Regardless, it’s not necessarily true that the people of Azeroth go to the same place after death. While it is always the Shadowlands, there are infinite layers of the shadowlands, all serving as their own afterlife. So, not really the same place.

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Who said anything about a moral compass? it’s just a statement of fact. Both the Halls of Valor and Hellheim are afterlife planes that are specific to Vrykrul.

There are references to non-canon missions like “Teldrassil Evacuation” (which would be long after Teldrassil was destroyed), is there an example of even one canon mission you run? The mission table missions seem like they were just written by interns in an afternoon for flavor text.

There is kind of to Ashenvale in the revamped Darkshore when you do to the bottom of the map it’s called the Ashenvale front or something, indicating that the night elves haven’t even really gone into Ashenvale as of the warfront, when you do the night warrior scenario the horde are all over the Ashenvale part of it.

Isn’t that what you thought about Darkshore, too?

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I don’t see why you think that’s non-canon. Just would means some people survived the fire.

“All over” it? The only part of that scenario in Ashenvale is at Zoram Strand, the very most northwestern tip of Ashevale with easy access to Darkshore for the Forsaken Rogues to have come down to.

So the evacuation can continue, but it would have been a long time since then that the survivors would have died in Teldrassil and there would be nothing to evacuate and the night elves had no presence in Darkshore before the night warrior scenario and anduin wasn’t sending any help either. Obviously the mission table doesn’t give any confirmed canon information and seem to be just throwaway lines.

Yes, all over the part you are in with zero night elf presence in Ashenvale. Not to mention the bottom of Darkshore is called “The Ashenvale Front”, so other than highly suspect mission table dialogue there is nothing to indicate night elves even have a presence in Ashenvale.