Why tf are you even in that lobby with that mmv. There’s no one even close to you lol
I was a big defender of shuffle but now I’m really seeing it is 100% a meme.
These stories are getting crazier and crazier. At first I defended it thinking “ yeah it’s just cuz your cr is lower than your mmr or placement games” but now we are half way through the season, why are you put in a lobby where you’re set up to lose mmr even if you win the games?
Had the same thing happen to me on my EU char: not doing placement game (already went 20-10), not in a humongous long queue either, just decided to queue up and after 4 min had a shuffle pop that put my 2.2 mmr char in a lobby with 1.5mmr healers and 1.8mmr DPS.
They really should implement a failsafe where if a lobby is 300 MMR or more LOWER than your MMR, you just shouldn’t lose anything. At that point you could have players just not know what they’re doing and kill themselves. You can’t out heal big stupid mistakes.
This has happened to me on my shaman I started gearing. All my lobbies are 120+ lower than my mmr. I went 5-1 in one and my mmr went up by 2
the game is frikken dead bruh… we can deny it all we want buyt if this aint proof idk what is
what ever happened to that community council garbage they formed?
wheres our representative? can he/she plz bring this to blizz attention? UWU XD
wishful thinking here!!!
Eh, I think it’s more that they’ve made undisclosed, under the hood tweaks to matchmaking this season, likely to expedite queues.
Kind of wishing they’d just find a way to buff healer mmr.
kennie… why would they have to expedite Qs
answer me that!!!
Healer shortage. Shuffle has been very popular, there’s just a tragic dps to healer imbalance.
too bad the game devs dont do anything about that kenni.
if they made it so healers got BOA conq tokens for winning rounds do u know how many people would Q up ?
instead what did they give healers? a garbage little sack of 30 honor or something? lol
Um, none, because you get these already.
uhh WTH
theres boa conquest tokens in the game? where?? where!!??!?!
You do get boa conquest from each match regardless of outcome. I still think the biggest negative contributor to healer participation is the deflation and lack of mmr/cr gains.
They’re in the Call to Arms, thank-you-for-healing blue box.
Just win at least 3 RSS rounds, on a healer, it’ll give you a bag with a 50 conquest token in it.
Still not going to make me heal. Aside from doing the quest.
50 conquest llol
bruh what the heck is any1 gonna do with 50 conquest
well forgive me for being wrong… but jeez… 50 conquest is like … 1/10th of a piece of gear… dont seem worh th tiem to me