Just came back, new character… ROAD BLOCK
Wow 3 lobbies with 4 wins and 0 points ? that is a disgrace. What is blizzard thinking ? You wasted like 2 hours just to get 0 points lol
came back and 2 hours later ez unsub, idiot devs lmao
Gj actually showing reflex. I don’t blame you for unsubbing
Wouldn’t fly in another game, we jus stick around cus we fiends
That is insane.
Idiot fkn company this is.
Was your cr still way under your mmr? I’d assume so if it’s a new char which makes this even weirder that you would get 0cr since the system tries to put mmr and cr together.
The way rating is gained or lost is certainly frustrating, but I’m not sure what system Blizzard could implement that would be better.
The same will happen in Overwatch, you can win 5 games in a row and not rank up (or even rank down), but in Overwatch it makes a little more sense I suppose because I believe they use performance based scoring up to Diamond (I think).
Only advice I could give is to just keep grinding lobbies. I had a lot of 4-2 for zero points along the way, even a 5-1 for just a few points once, and while it is frustrating, if you queue enough lobbies, the rating eventually irons itself out.
If you don’t intend to queue at least a few hundred games per season, I don’t recommend shuffle, since it takes at least that many games to make all the bad rng, bad lobbies, scuffed matchmaking, etc. become relatively insignificant in terms of getting to the appropriate rating.
On the other hand though, one does not simply quit World of Warcraft (and for the sake of argument that one does, you will be back:P).
Dragonflight is quite honestly one of the best expansions we’ve had in a long time, but if you truly are quitting and never coming back, good luck to you, and I hope you find the right game(s) to scratch your gamer itch
This defies my understanding of the system. Looks really weird
You think thats bad. Go queue a healer, get to like 2.2 cr/mmr then realize that 99 percent of your games from there on out are gonna be with a enemy healer at minimum -100 mmr/cr from you meaning to get any points you have to bare minimum 5-1 (usually for 0) or 6-0 for any actual points, then enjoy the -60 when you get 2-4d randomly cause your dps didnt press cds. Its a fun lyfe out there.
in b4 that one shammy calls u a crybaby and says the game is working perfectly fine and nothing is wrong with the system ur just bad
I mean this game is a joke atm, Blizzard could fix it but they clearly dont care enough. They went through all the trouble of getting class balance to a decent spot to just have a dying game mode.
that’s what I have in mind, about a “decent” pvp system.
There have been matches where I, with 720k+ HP, played in a team with a shaman (for example) who had 490k HP.
I had to keep pressure on the 2 DPSs, take them off the shaman, control well who was doing more damage, force their healer to move more… there should have been a way to interpret a personal “effort”.
As well as they should analyze equipment, talents, to see if it makes sense and matches the type of gameplay played, and if within the arena we made good use of these combinations between equipment + talents.
Check number of CCs, stuns, death grips or anything that the player uses like slows or fear.
In the end, having a personal score for the player, because there are games where we do everything possible, we do MAGIC things, to help a player with lower gear or lower rank, to stay alive or win a round.
In the end, they should improve this way although I agree that it’s hard as hell.
I imagine that there should be, for each match of the 6 matches, a personal score .
A warlock for example, should be considered the number of stuns, CCs that had an effect, teleports that took him away from enemies, a check on talents VS items (because I’ve seen DK with wounds build without any Haste and that doesn’t even make sense or build ROT (disease) that the DK had no mastery in the equipment) - every round, in order to check if the player is within the “expected”.
Of course there is movement, personal moves, creativity, etc…but there was this type of checking in torghast, I believe it can be done in pvp, although more laborious in my view.
what character did this occur on? i feel like this has to be a visual glitch on reflex’s end and your just posting it here for clicks.
going from gaining 400 points a game to gaining 0 for 5 lobbies in a row would be a statistical anomaly or a glitch on blizzards end
Yep… MMR system is trash. Imagine going 4:2 and 5:1 and getting 0 rating for it. FIX YOUR GAME BLIZZARD
This is actually insane. Most people who make this claim have no proof, but there it is.
Noticed this I just came back recently to the game after quitting season 1 when Arms warriors became unbearable OP wrecking balls in SS. Freshly geared lock in honor gear hadn’t played a game in months… First match I was at my 1800 mmr with 0 cr… Against people fully conquest geared and typically at a much higher rating than 1800 because of the deflation this season… Needless to say was not very fun at all.
I did 2 lobbies as Survival, 1st shuffle was a 4 min queue and i got put in a 1.8 lobby. Went 5-1 and lost 50 MMR
2nd shuffle was a 20 SECOND queue and put me in an even worse lobby with 1.5 mmr healers and 1.8 mmr DPS. Went 4-2 and lost 60 MMR.
Both shuffles i still gained rating since my personal MMR was 300 above my CR, but i got scammed out of going from 2223 MMR to 2.3 or 2350 to dropping to 2120 MMR.
Not sure if my character is bugged somehow as Survival (when i queue shuffle as MM or BM i have never EVER had this happen) or if this is Blizzard’s new way to keep the MMR inflation in check.
Where they your first games as survival? Placement games have acted very weird this season for me.
Starter at 2100 mmr and won 3times with 5:1 - my mmr now is 1820….
Rounds played: 27
Rounds won : 20
Cant help but laugh at this, no wonder people are just giving up.
SS created way more problems than it solved