Unsustainable Rated PvP System: Solutions

I tell the only possible solution to all problems, without your crutches. You apparently do not understand, whatever you come up with, it will not work because 400 people are playing the game.

So, are you ready to hear what needs to be done?

First, the simplest and most ingenious solution (and the most necessary).

This is somehow to get people back into the game, 100k people urgently need to be added to the ladder. To do this, you need to make a free weekend, reward people for playing pvp, figuratively, if you play more than 30 hours (in rated pvp) on a free weekend for a month, you will receive a mount and half a month of subscription.


Run a week of bonus rated arenas. Suppose that this week, the rating bonus for playing in a 3v3 ladder in a double or even triple size, you will receive not 20 mmr for a victory, but 40 or 60, or for win-streaks you will multiply your mmr and move very quickly from 2100 to 2400 on the win streak, and it is acceptable to do this from Friday to Monday. It motivates people to get in line. A week later, do a week of Solo Shuffle, then a week of RBG, etc.

Since we will limit this to three days, we will force people to prepare for these days, everyone will plan their business months in advance, and everyone will be happy, because everyone will know that if they get in line at any time of the day on any of these three days, they will get enemy team instantly with one and the same MMR.


The most difficult and necessary in my opinion.
Many take as an example the first season of SL as the largest participation in recent times. If someone doesn’t remember, or doesn’t understand what happened, now the ladder is 90% of the players who love pvp and are eager to get a gladiator, of which only 10% reach the goal. The rest are just wasting their time.

What is missing for all of us? That’s right, we don’t have enough members participation . Now you will not see a single PvE player on the arena, the layer of players is completely the same and not diverse, you mainly play against gladiators at any rating, whatever it is.

We need a layer of players, we need to motivate PvE players to queue in the arena, and so we return to the first season of the SL, PvE players needed top equipment from the arena, on the first day of the rating season, 2400+ pushed in 3s. I believe that everyone who has ever deserved a gladiator and plays every season only for this purpose should receive it. Therefore, you need to return and buffs pvp trinkets for pve. Thus, we will increase the number of participants in the 3v3 bracket, and increase the layer between pve players and pvp, and we will meet different types of opponents.


Do you know what is the main sadness? There is no feedback from the developers, apparently they don’t give a damn and no one is trying to do anything, on twitch there is nothing else at the AWC tournament other than spam in the chat about the mmr fix. And to my question to the moderator on Warcraft twitch channel, when the developers give an answer to the community? the moderator answered me that this is just spam in the chat and has nothing to do with the current situation in the game. So here’s the guys. Blizzard is happy with how things are in the game, and they are also no longer interested in the consul forum. They didn’t care about anything for a long time.

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