Need help with suspension

Sure, but their responses can vary entirely on what mod you get. Still worth pressing.

There’s something kind of interesting/ironic about the whole ban/appeal process, from the outside at least.

Bots catch you botting and ban you. You then have to convince some other bots that you yourself weren’t actually a bot. It’s like an inverse Turing Test or something.

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Wonder how many people got hit with this.

Same thing happened to me. All I got is a copy paste Terms and COnditions with ABSOLUTE ZERO Specificity. Literally did nothing but solo Q as a healer…

I wonder what you guy’s actually did.

Considering that rewards can be earned whenever if we aren’t talking about R1 yes.

To be clear you aren’t receiving bot/automated replies, our staff uses templates to maintain consistent messaging.


You wait 24 hours and there is nothing you can do.
The appeals process is automated and AI generated.

Blizz downsized the real people long ago.

A person selecting one of a few templated “sorry, can’t help” responses isn’t AI.

I’m not even sure what kind of difference you think it’d make in this scenario.

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Time to renew the ignore. That 4 months flew by.

And AI isnt infallible.

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As I recall all I did was say that Mage is viable in PvP.

Okay, but how is this relevant?

Am I the only one who thought the title was in reference to his car suspension?

As for your WoW suspension, the best advice I can give you is to bribe someone at Blizzard to reverse it.

With what I found on this subject on the web. Basically a macro that will interrupt at no risk for bad timing to stop a spell cast. Ie it will not not cast the interrupt unless the target casts a spell.

So if this is what the macro does that you tried. Well that is a exploit to the extreme. Everyone should know this kind of thing would not be normal mechanics by any means.

If the macro you used did this then I would not expect your appeal to do much of anything.

Keep the suspension and use it as a badge of honor.

Women love bad boys.

Show those women how much of a bad a$$ you really are with the WoW suspension!

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I am just going by the information from the original post but what is everyone discussing the kick macro when the OP says the reason from the suspension is “exploiting item and gold duplication”. I think that the only person that caught that was Dabdaddy.

Once they knew what the exploit being exploited was they could look for it. Hence how they found everyone and anyone who ever tried it.

Might not be a exploiting item or gold dup but a lot of times they use a general reason to try to keep people from finding how to avoid detection in the future.

you don’t even know what a perma ban did to em el oh el

Yea haha im a bad boy

I only cried for 24 hours of my 24 hour ban

Im bad to the bone
Hmu l8tr?

24hr? super nub for doing that stuff. 2 week ezpz said a no no words chained over 3 times chatting?

artistically, it’s hard to call it human intelligence