Need help with suspension

Going for titles without a end of season notice yet? While the macro has since been fixed?

Should people who cheated not be DQd because it wasn’t an end of season push?

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If this is true and you really aren’t at fault; that means that your account was hacked and the perp used it to do RMT things on one of your toons.

You now need to do a few things:

1.) Change your passwords and/or contact method immediately.

2.) Submit a ticket/follow up with more information regarding this.

3.) If your password was compromised because of a keylogger/scraper in one of your addons; get rid of it.

Sucks but there really are not many other options.

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I mean, we know titles go out eventually. This is basically them telling people not to cheat with a little slap on the wrist punishment for everybody then a big disqualification for people who should’ve known better.

At least that’s my take on how they handled it.


I can’t even que arena for the rest of the season, it says “Failure has been disqualified from ranked play in this bracket”. Lovely

Ah, so people were reporting that and I wasn’t sure. Tragic. :dracthyr_cry_animated:

wait so actually im only banned from qing the character I used the macro on, so my 4th alt pally is not allowed to que arena but my others are?

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Potentially. I’m hearing that some people didn’t get dq’d on the char they used the macro on, but another one, so maybe some chars are still eligible? Interesting. :dracthyr_a1:

I wonder if this affects key titles.

Should I try and do a mythic plus LOL

My appeal was denied this morning and was given an automated response. no chance you get overturned before the 24 hours, but it’s worth it to try get the mark off your record so to speak.

Blizz support is like fully automated at this point. company has realllllly gone down hill. v disappointing


Erm. What I’m reading here is pretty standard, no? “Punishment is final, can’t provide details”.

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in reference to my appeal email. automated and from game master “team”. nobody read my appeal.

are you new to how rules work? blizzard is the enforcement agency of their own tos, they’re not your buddy who wants to let you buy stuff with their employee discount as long as their boss isn’t looking

dq’ing is savage


I always have trouble believing this.

Good luck in getting name cleared though if innocent. Zero chance you get to speak with a human before the 24 hours is up lol.

Apparently they even banned and dqed the guy who did the video to shed light. Hilarious

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We don’t want to disqualify players who cheated earlier in the season?

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24 hours?

Those are rookie numbers… gotta pump those up.

Also, gl talking to a real person. lol… they don’t exist. AND IF YOU DO get a real person to respond, they’ll just be angry at you and tell you to stop messaging them or they’ll ban you. Super great company.


A real person always responds to the tickets, albeit using a templated response. In the case of exploiting, they aren’t going to tell you exactly what you did.