Need help with suspension

I was suspended for 24 hours for “exploiting item and gold duplication” earlier yesterday.

I haven’t logged in to the game for like 3-4 weeks and have never done anything like this in the 16 years i’ve played the game.

I appealed the suspension asking them to specify and the response I got was clearly a bot that gave me absolutely zero information.

What should I do? How do I talk to an actual human about this

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and how is this related to pvp in any way?

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Meant to post in GD but old habits die hard

Someone likely has insight regardless


GD is just gonna get you banned right after you post it there LMAO

you just gotta spam tickets i assume lol ive never gotten banned to begin with so idk

plus its just 24h just sit it out and then email blizz about it

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Open a support ticket or you can try to post in support forums but they will probably tell you to open a support ticket if you haven’t done so already. The 24 hour ban will probably be over by the time that you get a response but I would follow up to get it removed from your account as a strike if you are innocent.

did you use the kick script macro even as a joke in like a /duel? if so i believe they handed out 24hrs for all of them

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hes a shaman we can come to the conclusion with that lmao

Take a breather and come back after the 24 hours is over? It’s a short suspension it doesn’t seem worth the time/effort to bother fighting it. You likely won’t get a resolution before it naturally ends anyway.

Greetings Smlz!

I took care of this for you.
Please allow 24 hours for the changes to take effect.


actually made me laugh out loud lol.

Must be nice.

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I just got done with a ticket and you’re actually just better off doing anything else for 24 hours. Took them more than that just to open my ticket let alone solve my problem

Hiya. Considering it’s just for 24 hours I’d recommend probably just waiting it out as appeals or tickets might take longer than the actual punishment. :dracthyr_comfy_sip: Sorry to hear you might’ve gotten bonked by mistake.

Looks like 24 hours and disqualification from titles.

Yea I also got 24 hrs for testing the macro on a friend while dueling “a whole 2 mins”, then said deleted the macro and never used it in any ranked mode. Still caught a 24hrs… lol

Its worth submitting an appeal even if you don’t get a response before the ban time is up, as they can likely strike it from your record so it doesn’t impact you on future suspensions. And so you don’t get DQd from titles.


That’s what I’m currently doing, also idk why you would get “DQd” from this, as they have since patched the macro and the season still has a month left.

why would you not get DQd if you are suspected to have actively exploited it


Cause the last 2 weeks the titles go up 200+ current rating, if you exploited it now you still will need to que at the end of the season, and the macro has since been fixed?

Because people going for titles are likely expected to know better.

Have you tried parking on a flat surface and doing a “bounce” test?