Need before Greed: Why causals and solo players quit

I play very casually and gearing in DF as a causal player has been super easier. There are vendors that sell weapons that can be upgraded to 385. It is more time efficient to target vendor items and upgrades than to do LFR as a causal player in this xpac. LFR is only if you want tier sets. Causal players are not leaving because of need before greed but because of a lack of things they are interested in doing.

Now I do plan on doing LFR but not for gear.


Some here thinks it’s not.

If you lose a roll to someone cause they need the piece for upgrade or they need the piece for their t-mog the end result is still the same. You lost the roll.

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I get where you’re going with this, but you don’t need a piece of in game loot to basically survive


How is that functionally any different than everyone rolling need on everything in GL?

Everyone participates in the system, and it’s all random chance who gets the item.


It’s the optics of the situation. It appears to be more fair because no one has a choice. If I roll a die and 6 people have a number assigned the die doesn’t care as to who wins everyone is participating. The second you allow players to opt in and out by their own choice is when people start looking at what you already have. It’s no longer a game of chance but now becomes a judgement call from the player. As I said earlier it’s bad optics.

OP is not the only one to make this complaint .

In fact Blizz has already said changes are coming in 10.0.5 that it will check to see if players have items like tier tokens and actual tier pieces at equal or greater levels then the item being rolled for and if they do they are ineligible to roll on said item .

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When your complaint is all about “people will opt in for reasons I may not agree with”, but your proposed solution is to just completely remove the ability to opt out, that honestly makes you look like you are either trolling, or don’t actually know anything about what you’re talking about.

That I don’t think of as a design change, because it was already doing that for non-tier items. Those changes are mostly just bugfixes where it was incorrectly applying the intended rules in certain situations.

:point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up:

and literally no other reason.
They clearly aint there to get gear they need. Theyre there to show us how great they are. and they nearly always make a miserable run.
Yet another reason I have pretty much quit group content in the current expansion.

A situation here that would make sense would be the lottery. You will see thousands of people become upset if Warren Buffet played the lottery today. If he won the Mega Jackpot people would be upset, and it’s understandable because he already has a ton of wealth, he doesn’t “need” that wealth.

If the lottery was setup that everyone participates regardless of how they feel then you would logically have less complaints because Warren Buffet didn’t choose to participate in that system, he was automatically entered in.

How is this not making sense to you?

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Yeah, it shows that we played the game for the good of the rest of the server, so we had a bigger pool of geared raiders.

Now, its just me, me, me, for lousy fashion cotumes!

In LFR just change it to not show who did or didn’t roll and turn off announce to raid when you pick something up, fixed!?

That does seem to be their thoughts, but it’s a bigger issue that rather than step back and see that they got a better system, they’re raging because they can see a roll now l, even though they were perfectly fine with the higher ilevel person getting that loot under PL.

Design Change or bug fix doesn’t matter . Blizz sees that it is aa problem either way and is fixing it .

To be honest I don’t care if someone is running LfR that runs higher versions or pushes keys if they say are trying to work on their tier set bonus . I for one am but outside of that if it is non tier and there is an item slotted that is better then the one up for roll I’m not gonna need roll just so I can get a mog look . I’ll go back in a later tier for that or wait an expansion or 2 and solo run it.

Can this be verified before this turns into a 200+ thread? Oh wait


There is no reason a closet appearance should take precedent over an iLvl upgrade. ZERO REASON.

To make this possible Blizzard needs to implement getting a full appearance set unlocked at a higher level unlocks the lower equivalents. Unlock full mythic, here are the heroic/normal/lfr equivalents. Congrats on your hard work.


I keep saying this
 it is need always.

People need to forget the greed button exists. If you can need the item, always do so. Otherwise you never stand a chance of winning anything.

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: You should do a standup tour.

Plus most of these complaints are from LFR, where you’ll probably never see the same person again.

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Your analogy but flipped to the other point of view.

Imagine going to work and be the best employee there to later be told that you won’t get paid because a random person said you didnt deserve it.


If anything, as a person who would actually need, I’d prefer people to be able to opt out. But I’m thinking rationally, and recognizing that someone opting out would increase my chance to win, which might be why others don’t think this way.

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