Players geared out in Mythic + gear joining LFR to stroke their e-peen, rolling need on everything and winning is demoralizing. I lost out on a 376 ilvl off-hand to a mage that had a 392 ilvl weapon. When people see that kind of crap happening it doesn’t make them say, “oh wow, maybe I’ll get it next week.” Or maybe I should make a group and run mythic + dungeons and deal with the cesspool of players out there. No, it makes them quit the game. When causals feel like upper-level players can come into content meant for causal and solo players and deny them gear and items, the high-level players don’t even need, it really drives home the point that Blizzard/WoW don’t care about the quality of life for the everyday player who doesn’t have 5 or 6 hours to burn playing this game daily.
If not getting an item right away makes them quit on the spot, this might not be the right game for them.
You’re missing the point.
this same thing happened with PL.
LFR isn’t solo content. It’s group play
They’re the people that make LFR run. It’d be dead without them abs when it would pop you’d need several det stacks to overcome the lack of attention to mechanics people would exhibit.
Also even through casual open world content the typical joe would already be higher than raid gear, LFR is just transmog for many.
Do mythic and heroic raiders really join LFR this much?
I’m usually the most geared person in an LFR run and I’m not even a normal raider.
Or do you mean mythic plus runners? Cause yeah they roll in a lot. I’m one of them I guess
That is exactly the point.
Would you think different if your mean, mythic-geared players were replaced with blue and green equippt players who roll need as well? Why does this matter to you? Why do you think you have a right to restrict other players access to loot?
Like I. said, you’re missing the point. I don’t mind losing out on gear that’s an actual upgrade for someone who won it. But what hell is a 396 ilvl mage with a 398 weapon going to do with a 376 ilvl off-hand?
Right there. You want to be the judge about what access other players have to loot. They might want to have it for transmog.
You go into a raid, you lose an item to someone who killed the boss with you, thats part of this game. If this makes you quit the game because you deem the winner unworthy of his won item for some reason, this is a “you”-problem
Imagine going to work and having to roll on your paycheck and losing out constantly to someone who doesn’t need the money. Would you still work that job?
It’s kinda dumb to force group loot. No one was complaining about PL and blizzard decided to break what was fine.
And now we are here. And blizzard has to put resource time into fixing this system people don’t even like.
At the end of the day, it’s about perception. And even if it’s the same as PL (it’s not) the perception leaves folks with a bad feeling.
It’s bad game design
Oh, please stop terrible analogies.
For your job, you have a contract. You do the work, you get your money. There is no such thing in rolling for items. Please dont try such low tactics.
No, that analogy is a perfect comparison. One employee needs the money to pay their bills and keep the lights on, the other employee WANTS the money to go buy a new PS5. One person actually needs the money, the other person just wants the money. The company says roll for it, and the person who doesn’t need the money wins. This is group loot and why it is bad, because there’s no priority system in place for it.
Real life comparisons are pathetic and you still trying to continue using this is kinda embarassing.
Again, you have a contract for your job. You know what youre going into. In the raid you KNOW people roll on loot. You know you can lose the roll to anyone.
You compare getting an item that you want to keeping the lights on in your house??? For real?? Please go outside, touch grass, you really need it.
There is nothing inherently important about you getting that item that is comparable to your real life income. Stop these bad analogies, its pathetic.
You roll to make your number go up, someone else can roll to look better. Both reasons are perfectly valid in a video game. Noone is going to starve or freeze due to this.
resorting to insults and assumptions about me, I’m done talking to you, you have nothing constructive to say, peace.
Great reaction when you realise you have no leg to stand on. Its good to be able to damit defeat.
Some of us also collect transmog, so no that’s not why we are there. No-one cares about dps in LFR.
Get over it, they need it. Maybe not for the same reason you do, but they still need it.
Bad luck happens>
Need some cheese for that wine and pity party?
Redundant double up there.
Losing a roll on gear is nothing new. Not even close to new. It’s been in the game for nearly 20 years at this point.
OK the have fun wiping on easy LFR bosses when is there to carry you.
You reason people won’t high ilvl do LFR and is willing to carry is for a chance for mog. Take that away and good luck. And why should they not get loot? They most likely carry people and contribute to the group more so is only right they get to roll need on gear they can use.
People complained about group loot from the moment it was made the only option in the game.