The whole raid or just one encounter? I can see this being abused by healers just not liking someone. Possibly too much guild drama could arise from this. So if guild drama does arise then the guild is forced to put a full video on youtube or they will receive NO LOOT as a guild from the next raid lockout they participate in.
I miss good guild drama videos…
These were envisioned as per encounter LFR only rules.
Keep telling yourself that.
Is that suppose to be considered logic?
I think you missed.
Top end guilds and top end content players were always complaining about PL.
Why keep it to LFR… I want to see it enforced in Mythic+ Raid Level 2 and up
Don’t argue with emotionally stunted level 10 posters who literally feed on your normal feelings. The current LFR situation is unfair, and Blizzard agrees that it’s unfair, and it’s getting fixed in a future patch.
Don’t engage with people who are dead set on misunderstanding you so that they can enjoy watching your frustration.
Careful, I said this the other day and they started claiming that this wasn’t true because some subreddit claimed it wasn’t true.
No, actually you keep telling yourself others are gatekeeping you when the only person doing so is you. Many resources to get into raids and M+. You choosing not to use them is not gatekeeping.
Your lack of morality is showing. I could care less if I lose a roll, I’m past raid finder gear on most alts. But I don’t simply roll need for other reasons. Call me old fashioned, but I have a conscience. If I don’t need it for an upgrade, I simply don’t roll need on it.
It’s not so much does it solve X. It’s more about the optics of the situation. PL kept the rolls hidden and players did not have a choice on rolling or not. It appeared to be more fair from an optics perspective. Now you have a system where players have the option to roll on everything when they don’t need it, and it looks like a pure greed system. There’s already inequality of loot in the endgame because of how Blizzard designs the game, this just reinforces it.
That’s great but others view need differently and you trying to cast then as immoral because they disagree with you says a lot about that old-fashioned character.
Thats definetely true. To me it is obvious that the actually better system should prevail and maybe im not yet ready to accept that people are fighting tooth and nail so they can go back to looting in blissfull ignorance.
Just make it so they cant see the roll with their eyes anymore and they will be happy, thats so weird to me…
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You can tell there are a lot of people in this thread that would see you broke down on the side of the road in the winter and be like “sorry for your bad luck but I wouldn’t have time to grab my iced chai triple shot before work if I stopped to help.”
Another one that has to try and paint everyone who disagrees as a bad person.
People are literally saying we all did the exact same activity, everyone who participated should have an equal chance at the rewards.
It doesn’t get more fair than that.
Strangely, the people who are the arguing the most vehemently for PL to come back are making GL suggestions that make it less like PL…
Fundamentally this is the problem that the OP is talking about. The casual community liked PL. They felt it was fair, because you didn’t have choice, it’s all chance, and everyone is participating. The problem was and still is top end players and their community have a significant influence on the Devs because they come from that same circle. Blizz had a major problem with the middle of the road players as it often feels like the game isn’t designed around them but designed around the top end players first then everything trickles down. List of examples:
Before the community council Blizzard in it’s infinite knowledge decided to make secret forums for player feedback that they’d directly would respond to. The forum was made up exclusively of top theorycrafters, and high-end raiders/M+ players.
The constant barrage of attacks against PL was an almost exclusive top-end player complaint. Preach, Bellular, and CE players on the forums literally devoted constant threads to how it hinders their progress. Meanwhile the pushback on GD against moving back to a system closer to ML was from casuals who felt they would be excluded because they’re not in that skill range. We got GL as a compromise, but as you can see it’s optically a loss for casual players.
The AOE cap put into place during SL was a direct response to top-end players using AOE abilities in M+. There was no forethought given to the rest of the community. Blizzard again shows they are far more concerned with top-end players, and how they play the game, versus the rest of the population
The covenant swapping is another example of the same effect that happened in bullet Blizzard spends a lot of time trying to sometimes hinder the top-end community so much that they negatively impact the rest of the game.
Blizzard’s nerf and patch cadence ties directly into RWF and again this optically appears to be that Blizzard as game devs only really listens and communicates with certain communities in WoW. Most notably the top-end players community.
This is all bad optics from Blizz and reinforces the idea that if you’re not a member of the top-end community then your complaints and issues you’re seeing are handled very much in a similar vein to how governments treat second-class citizens.
This right here. Anyone who participated in the kill should also have a right to loot.
On another note, I take my Jeep out in snow storms because it’s fun but I also help pull stuck vehicles out of whatever they’re stuck in. I ask for no money or anything just lending a hand. And yes of course if they insist on giving me money I will take it. Most people know the money they gave me is nowhere near what it would have cost them for a tow service to get them out.
And the people who argued that PL was necessary and no other options should exist, because they wanted their loot and nobody should be able to force them to trade are the same people who are saying that people in GL should be giving up their loot to less geared players.
What if they wanted the item for transmog purposes?
Transmog is a valid reason to need on an item.
I think you’re just upset because you lost the roll. Very childish. You didn’t get what your wanted so you come to the forums to complain about it.
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