Right but you can’t divorce that reaction out of people because it’s a perfectly normal human response. Essentially it’s the judgment call that’s at issue here. Casual players already feel slighted from Blizz since Ion has been at the helm. Most of the biggest complaints from the gaming community about WoW center on how the middle of the player base basically gets left in the cold. This system while it may not harm them from a math perspective does reinforce the idea that the devs don’t care about them.
Again this isn’t are they right or are they wrong. This is perception. The complaints about PL came from the top end. They did not come from the bottom or middle of the pack. Now you have situations like this popping up, and the players honestly complaining about it are justified, just as many people people pointed out when GL was announced.
it makes sense to them, it’s just a pointless discussion because they are obviously on the side that wants group loot to stay
it is rather funny tho that these people that are fighting tooth and nail to keep the GL system’s main argument is that it’s the same as PL. if they are the same why do they care if we go back to PL lmao
Another way to stop all this fighting about gear, for the people that already have higher ilvl pieces and are there just for tmog, just add the pink tmog piece available to roll on for higher ilvl people.
I remember in dragon soul plate wearers would need on my cloth tier shoulders then try to sell them to me lol. Not being able to trade stuff to others because of item level sucks but personal loot was fine they just had to make it tradeable.
It’s nowhere near the same. The big argument is there are still rolls. Thing is, in group loot there needs to be a filter that disallows people from needing when they are far ahead of the iLvl drops. If that means they dont queue, so be it. Greedy disenchanters and transmog players can go scrape the cheese. They crap on LFR players who use LFR as their gearing mechanism. Not everyone can sit through a normal raid or dedicate time to that.
Yeah they were fine because everyone had a chance of getting at least 1 item per wing . Now there are people getting multiple items per and others getting nothing until their next vault .
So right now instead of everyone getting an 1 item per wing (even if they can’t use it) and a weekly vault item you have people getting multiple items in the wings and their weekly vault item and you have others just getting their vault item .
People here are arguing that certain qualities of a system should be desired, while simultaneously arguing for a system that has less of those qualities.
This is the part that just doesn’t pass the sniff test for me. If it’s the same, then it doesn’t hurt a thing to go back to personal loot.
Personal loot never had mail drop for an all plate group. Things that dropped, could at least theoretically be used by someone in the group.
I’d have rather they brought back master loot, at least then we would have the advantage of being able to make/join GDKP groups. Instead of this worst of both worlds group loot trash in LFR.
No I mean more correct. You can’t just write off human emotions as if it’s secondary to logic. That’s a silly and childish thing to do. If only we behaved more rationally! Well if we did that we wouldn’t be human.
OP, if it makes you feel better, just wait for 10.1/2 when they reverse course and finally do what the community has been asking them to do since beta.
It’s comical that my Enhance loot spec Shaman can roll need on int shield/trinkets, but hey… that’s going to be fixed soon, yeah? Never had that problem under PL.
Bro, GO AHEAD and keep up this attitude community, you guys GO RIGHT ahead.
And when the game’s population literally disappears, and you are all sitting around scratching your heads going “where did everyone go???” We won’t be there to say I told you so.