Naxx Isn't Unbelievably hard it's just extremely expensive, The game is dying Why can't we have pre patch right now?

" Chinese sever will be having the on clock dropping buff event again. And this time, no expiration date, which means they probably will have ony and zug buff every hour until TBC."

Yeah, so they have been getting automatic ZG and DS buff since January 22nd. I wish I had looked at this data 10 days ago to see how much this affected recent progression. I’m going to see if I can find out how guilds progressed before this happened comparatively to US guilds.

Dont leave out the 12/15-12/22 week. If NA/EU were told they could get world buffs every hour, but for one week only, every guild with 12-14 bosses downed would make a big progression push that week.

In NA/EU, when world buffs and flasks expire, the raid is essentially over. Being able to reliably rebuff adds incentive to reflask, and suddenly you have double the time spent on progression.

1500 guilds in China had downed KT before the first round of automatic buffs started on December 15th compared to 223 guilds in the US.

I can’t look beyond 2500 kills in the Chinese region on warcraftlogs, the list just stops at that point.

Right now the clear rate is 1071 guilds in the US with a Naxx clear compared to 8104 in China. The rate of new guilds clearing Naxx does seem to have improved since December 15th in China which would suggest that the world buff change did have a positive effect on their clear rate. I just don’t think it’s as huge as it’s made out to be. Even when my guild knows there’s a buff going out soon, we haven’t decided to leave to go grab it.

At least we had a good discussion and we found out exactly what was going on with the world buffs in China. It’s rare that people have a back and forth on this forum (or anywhere on the internet) and learn something or make progress.

You also cant discount the fact that NA/EU celebrate late December holidays and China does not. A lot of western guilds essentially put progression on pause for a week.

US had 153 new guilds clear Naxx from December 15th-22nd … then only 63 new guilds clear Naxx 22nd-29th… followed by 107 the week after, and 154 the next week.

Basically US is playing catchup after the holidays.

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blizzard has never wanted classic wow to succeed. and thats a fact. blue post, screenshot this.


The guild I’m in went from barely fielding a B Team that could reliably kill Gothik due to undermanning it and using horrendously undergeared alts to running two splits with sub-2hr clears each week (except the last one because a bad call wiped us early on Grobbulus lololol but we still full cleared and did 4HM, Sapph, and KT without any wbuffs at all).

The holiday lull is very real. Just wait til Summer kicks in again and folks have vacations they can finally take and school is out and so forth…

So that’s a “yes” to the voices?

If these server economies are destroyed, then my suggestion is to have The Burning Crusade servers be a clean start either level 1 or level 60, but cap the Classic servers so the gold doesn’t “leak” over to the new TBC servers. Copy the toon and items minus consumables. My two pennies.

good luck trying to come up with something meaningful to respond with

Aside from the fact that it looks awesome, isn’t the Judgement set a decent set for Retribution Paladins walking into TBC?

LOL, sure chief, they are all excited about absurdly powerful resto druids, SL/SL locks and mace stun warriors.

PVP in this game has never been particularly good, and TBC was fun for its moment because it was new and shiny - but the masses are not gonna flock to it. Only perhaps the OP specs that think they can relive the glory days.

Not sure, since leveling as holy is faster and better, lol.

Agreed, its pretty different already.

When I look at stuff like that I just wonder, given the frequency by which they can apply World Buffs, they might as well why just build “World Buffs” into every player across the board and do away with the system entirely. In other words, every character, on creation, passively has the extra spell crit, melee and ranged crit, and attack power.

should do some fancy economy shenanigans:, form a guild network who buys up overpriced items and relists them for a lower price. cause blizzard has their own ah ui that automatically shows best price for your items, normal players who list, will list at new lower price. the overpriced guys will make more money, but eventually, the flux of normal sellers listing at cheaper normal prices and people buying more because they’re cheaper will drive down the price. might take some doing though

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to the op

i dont think we should have a belf/draenei prepatch. staggering the amount of players going to outlands immediately, is a really good idea.

Good arguement tbh, but they will use layers to mitigate that regardless. And in that case, might as well have the prepatch.

do you think layers will mitigate the stress on the zone itself? like the zone is layered but arent they all still in hfp ? layers only serve to solve texture/particle lag, locally, but zone-wide could be a real problem because its both factions all in the same zone, at the same time lol

From what I read a lot of people will be dungeon grinding to level. So less people in the zones questing.

Join the pvp discoords. Talk to people read up. TBC is going to have more Arena participation than SL and thats a fact. The streamers are already talking about it even the Multi R1 guys.

Is TBC better? Thats subjective I suppose but it looks like the majority of pvp’rs agree.