Naxx Isn't Unbelievably hard it's just extremely expensive, The game is dying Why can't we have pre patch right now?

Why not wait for an announcement that TBC Classic is even happening first?

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I honestly don’t know enough about how it works lol. To rephrase my opinion. If it doesn’t break the game, prepatch with belfs and draenei would be cool haha.

its like launch day of classic vanilla. the human starting area was layered but the lag was intense. and that was just one race in one zone. imagine all the races in one zone. haha
dungeon servers would be laggy too, from all the people trying to escape the zone lag.

tbc’s original launch was a lag fest and that was even in light of many players not going to outlands immediately as they were leveling new blood elf and draenei chars

Because some people can’t wait.

You keep claiming Blizzard wants Classic to fail without evidence. What else am I to say when you assert insanity?

why was blizzard so dismissive of the idea of classic servers originally? why did blizzard release cross realm bg instead of single server bg? why did blizz use layering? why didnt blizz do pre nerf cthun? why didnt blizz do pre nerf alterac valley? why didnt blizz do hakkari blood plague event? why doesnt blizzard do anything about the bots? oh thats right. because they want classic to succeed

Likely this is to reduce server costs. Also, cross-realm BGs were introduced in Patch 1.12 ( I don’t know if they actually listed the battlegroups for Classic or if they just made it a ‘mega battlegroup’.

As for the other’s it’s all because they stated this would be Patch 1.12.1 ‘world’ with key content being released at set points (Phases).

Regarding AV, I’m not sure if they have the Patch 1.6 data anymore. In fact even private servers that launch with early versions of AV still use the post-1.8 revamp that saw the removal of the Troll and Gnoll areas to the Left and Right (respectively) of the map.

((…though, I did manage to find a Patch 1.6 client and extract possibly the entire AV content basket before the install failed due to a corruption error.))

With the bots. Even Retail has it; check one of the recent Asmongold videos shouldn’t the train of “moonboys” just farming the same small area.

((…I don’t think Blizzard really cares about WoW these days. It doesn’t have the potential to generate as much profit as the other titles. Hearthstone? Literally a new drawing and an ability reuse with maybe a slight change; $0.30 and probably took a minute or less to make. Overwatch? New skin and people blow several cups of coffee worth of money on the RNG Boxes to get it; skin probably takes 10min to make (you’d be surprised how much of the leg work is done by design software these days).))

What else should they have done? Released 5x as many servers so each server would currently have 50 players online?

There’s usually less than 25 battlegrounds going on across all servers combined. Most servers would never get a battleground to pop if we didn’t have cross realm BGs. Especially if they released more servers instead of layering.

Two weeks ago bijous were under a gold on my server, they’re now over 3 gold each. Two weeks ago Major Mana potions were under a gold on my server, they’re currently over 4 gold each.

Why do you think this is? I can tell you why; Blizzard threatened legal action against one of the biggest bot providers, and they decided it was serious enough to completely shutdown and cease development of their tools immediately and said there would be no further updates or communication on the matter.

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Before I discuss the specifics of our outlook, I’ll provide some context. We are entering the holiday season with strong momentum across Call of Duty, World of Warcraft, and Candy Crush, our three largest franchises, which bodes well for the future.

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That’s why I said ‘profit’. Say WoW rakes in $100 mill a year. But costs (dev, server, marketing, etc) $90 mill. The profit is only $10 mill. That’s about 11% profit; margin of 10%.

However, if HS generates only $5 mill a year. But costs only $1 mill to run. That’s a 400% profit; margin of 80%.

With RNG Boxes, your standard subscription model just doesn’t generate the money anymore like it use to. I mean…it still does. But investors don’t want to see stagnating profit margins; every increasing, because bubbles never pop (:rofl:).

There’s also this: “But if we step back, we
think of Warcraft as a huge franchise, and WoW is only a part of it. We’re always exploring how to express
Warcraft with new experiences and we see a lot of opportunity for growth in 2021 and beyond.”

I also see a lot more questions about CoD than any other IP. That, to me, is very telling that investors no longer see WoW as the ‘big money maker’ it once was.

Which could indicate why things are as they are. If the WoW Team is being sidelined they wouldn’t get the resources they need to properly care for the game.

ok lv. 35 naxx might cost too much for you

if blizzard were to guesstimate the required data im sure the community would have been understanding. using the post nerf version of alterac valley when the community clearly expressed interest in the pre-nerf alterac valley, as well as nostalrius specifically advertising that it was going to have pre-nerf alterac valley as one of its key selling features blows my mind when blizzard chose to not include it

You didn’t read the investor report at all, did you?

Blizzard has the largest team ever working on ensuring Shadowlands meets all of our players’ highest expectations and to deliver more frequent major content launches across both the modern game and classic in the years ahead.

The investor report consistently and constantly mentions World of Warcraft as being Blizzard’s focus and primary money maker.

Hey man I get it, your guild can’t get past Noth. But maybe don’t screw over everybody else who is trying to progress through Naxx still and isn’t stuck on the easiest boss like you clearly are.

The people saying “Naxx is easy” are the people who aren’t doing it.

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Nost actually had post-1.8 nerf, but brought back most of the NPCs.

I did, and then read between the lines. Most of the Suit-talk was about CoD

No it doesn’t. It’s most about CoD; “Call of Duty” appears 36 times, “world of warcraft” appears 11 times, “candy crush” at 7, “hearthstone” at 3, “overwatch” at 4, “diablo” at 3, and…“starcraft”…0.

Of those, CoD’s mentioned 19 times by the Suits. The remainder is from the QA. WoW is only mentioned 4 times. The rest appear in the QA.

And remember, this is on the heels of a major content drop…an expansion. And it only gets mentioned 4 times by the Suits.

All I see is that WoW’s MAUs were stable, which is bad. No investor likes ‘stable’; we want growth. Stable is just one step from ‘decline’. Though, I wouldn’t be quick to dump shares. Because this is before Shadowlands, so you would expect growth on that release.

((Unfortunately there isn’t a quarterly transcript for the quarter preceding BFA’s release. Looks like they didn’t start doing transcripts until 2020…boo))
((But in the transcripts I did check, CoD gets mentioned way more than WoW.))

It would not surprise me to see a rebrand on Activision-Blizzard to just Activision, with a studio called Blizzard. Much like how EA and Bioware are showcased.

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Now check “wow” and “shadowlands” and I’m kinda done with this because it’s going no where and you’re not going to accept any facts I lob your way.

They anticipated high cost and low turnout, their anticipation was proven incorrect.

Because we got end of Vanilla tuning, which included cross-realm BGs.

Huge population numbers.

Because C’thun pre-nerf was a buggy mess with tentacles spawning in the stomach and other basics not functioning correctly.

End of Vanilla tuning, which saw the changes to AV because people weren’t engaging at the time with the PvE rewards and objectives, they were pushing for a dead general.

Because it was an unintended plague that absolutely destroyed servers and rewarded griefers.

They ban them regularly, my two favorite farm spots no longer have bots of any kind.

Most of these aren’t even relevant to success/fail so again I have to conclude that you’re actually certifiably insane.

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what can i say except stop being such a scared child and open your eyes

incorrect. they originally thought that we “think we do, but we dont” thinking that they knew what their players wanted better than the players themselves did

incorrect. because a blizzard employee chose that to be the case.

incorrect. blizzard chose layering so they could increase their profit margin instead of paying the required server fees to have a seamless launch

incorrect. blizzard didnt do pre nerf cthun because a blizzard employee chose not to do it that way.

incorrect. blizzard didnt do pre nerf alterac valley because a blizzard employee chose not to do it that way

your opinion shows your lack of understanding of factual evidence

do you have evidence?

oh ok. so your own personal account only.

your hoops are so easy to jump through

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…definitely something a sane person says, an unironic use of “wake up sheeple!” in the wild.

That isn’t what that means unless you’re a deranged person with no ability to understand what is being stated. “We” the players are a very diverse group of people, and there are a lot of us as well. The persistence on these forums to crap on the idea of legacy servers and a host of other changes informed Blizzard that despite there being a vocal group of players that wanted legacy servers there was a very real possibility that those disinterested would greatly outweigh them.

Only someone looking to be offended would take it as Blizzard looking down on you… in which case why do you even care in the first place? You’re just a consumer to them.

This doesn’t refute what I said… we got end of Vanilla tuning subject to Blizzard’s choice, as they have always done for their own game.

Again, this isn’t a refutation, and would actually CONTRADICT the notion of wanting the game to fail. Nowhere here do you state why layering would force a fail-state for Classic, only that it was efficient for them to do so.

LOL so you have no idea what you’re talking about. M’kay.

See above.

A raid debuff that normally would be removed from players should they exit the instance was nevertheless smuggled out using a dismissed pet. They fixed a bug, why recreate it?

You really don’t know anything do you?

Yup, the bots I’ve seen regularly in some areas are no longer there, and no replacements have shown up, plus Blizzard responded directly.

Well you are insane so…

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